Everyday I got a little over in calories and way over in sugar.

At first I thought I would get better in time but I keep making the same choices.

I am still loosing my pound a week but I want so advice.

What are some low sugar foods that are still sweet?

Can anyone relate?

(Main issues for me is sugar in my coffee, oatmel, teryaki sauce, pudding and ice tea)


  • I put stevia (or generic form of) in my coffee lately and I think it tastes great. Have you tried substituting with Splenda or Stevia/Truvia? I have a severe sweet tooth as well so it is tough!
  • modernfemme
    modernfemme Posts: 454 Member
    I used to drink my coffee with sugar and half n half, and I slowly, each week, kept putting less and less sugar in my coffee until I could do completely without. I also moved to fat free half n half.

    Hope this is helpful!
  • Hi,

    You can start by decreasing the amount of sugar you put into your meals. For example, if you do 2 tb to your oatmeal, start by adding just one and so on with the rest of your food. One huge suggestion I can make is to definitely start reading your labels and try to stick to items with less than 20 gm of sugar while keeping in mind that carbs also turn into sugar.

    I had gastric bypass surgery late 2009 and was 20 lbs away from my goal when I became pregnant late last year. My baby was born mid June and I am now finally back in track with my diet program (although I only gained and automatically lost nothing but 27 lbs throughout my pregnancy). In order to make my weight loss a sucess from my surgery, I had to fully concentrate on my sugar intake. Trust me, you get used to not having so much after a while. Try to buy things sugar free, like your ice cream if you like ice cream. After a while, even the "sugar free" foods might taste a bit sweet. Additionally, instead of sugar, you might want to try using "Agave." It's natural sugar. I buy it a Costco for about $7.00 for 2 btls.

    Good Luck!!!!

  • As far as low sugar foods goes, I don't think that I can help. But for your coffee check out what splenda has to offer... because I use the splenda/sugar blend sold in stores... which doesn't taste terrible like normal straight up splenda or other sweeteners. The sugar blend actually tastes the same as sugar but only contains half the calories as the equivalent of real sugar. Also, if you like flavor in your coffee.... there are splenda "flavors for coffee" and they are small sticks of powder. They have like mocha and vanilla etc. but they are not too overpowering and also sweeten your coffee pretty well w/no calories.
  • M1ssBehave
    M1ssBehave Posts: 33 Member
    Work your way to stevia or coworker started out with 10 packets of surgar in her coffee and replaced 2 packets a week with one packet of splenda, she is now down to 1 packet of sugar (a mental thing I think) and 4 packets of splenda.

    I am usually over on my sugar because of fruit, but I just ignore that.
  • Try sweet n low instead of sugar.....also if you are flavoring someing you're baking, use sugarfree Torani......lots of good flavors with no sugar. That's the stuff that Starbucks uses to flavor their drinks. You can find it at Smart & Final....less than $5 a bottle...good stuff.
  • I had this problem for a little while. I just had to be REALLY strict and say NO to ALL sweets for about 2 months. Then after that I did not crave them anymore. Now I am a little more open on the sweets but you have to be careful and not give in too much and get your self back to where you started.
    I cut out all coffee because I usually have lots of sugar in that too. But I found when I was eating healthy that I really did not need the coffee anymore.
  • I have been that way since puberty. Childhood really. I only just stopped having those cravings when I found out I'm Insulin Resistant and started taking a supplement for it. I am actually Type 2 Diabetic now, and I am fine not eating sweets. Prior to starting the DCI supplement, I thought I could not live like this (not eating sweets), the cravings were so intense. I still eat a weight watchers ice cream bar every once in a while, along with a DCI pill and Carb Blocker pills. Doesn't affect my BG.
    Maybe you should have your insulin levels checked.
  • Teksavvy
    Teksavvy Posts: 133 Member
    I also crave sugar. I increased the amount of fruit that I ate. It fulfills the cravings and fills my stomach.
  • Q9S7
    Q9S7 Posts: 74 Member
    That's great news you're still losing weight! I would certainly cut the sugar out of your coffee. Maybe try using a sweetener, or training yourself to enjoy your foods natural taste. The same applies to sodium. Once you make the switch, you'll never return to adding sugar/salt to your foods. Also, try not to eat processed foods and don't be afraid of fruit in its natural form. Sugars found in fruits (while still sugars) are structurally different from refined sugars. Mind over body.
    Best of luck!
  • Coltsman4ever
    Coltsman4ever Posts: 602 Member
    Chew sugar free gum. It really satisfies cravings and it tastes pretty good.
  • curryinahurry
    curryinahurry Posts: 83 Member
    Thanks for all the great advice.

    Looks like I need to try splenda in my coffee or something besides sugar..

  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    Coffee - can you switch to sugar substitute? More creamer or milk?
    Oatmeal - sweaten with fresh or dried fruits. Sometimes, I just drop in trail mix. Apple butter or apple sauce?
    Teryaki sauce - there are other sauces to cook with. Mustard based? Can you use hotter/spicier sauces for flavor instead?
    Pudding - Try blueberries with fat free cool whip or canned whip cream.
    ice tea - yikes... I don't know of any way to make this taste good without sugar... unless you use sugar subs.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    LOL, I used to do this, and then I stopped looking because I don't care (most of my sugar came from fruit). Sugar substitutions are great. When you're eating something like oatmeal try topping it with berries instead of sugar. A little sugar free pudding never scared me, I like to make it and then freeze it in molds with berries for pudding pops.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    get off the sugar drinks, just stop, I know it's not that easy but that's your biggest culprit.
  • MrsLaurenAsh
    MrsLaurenAsh Posts: 25 Member
    Truvia is great! And it's natural and calorie free. I drink either skim milk or light vanilla soy milk and a packet of truvia with my coffee or tea. It's helped keep my sugar intake down and I don't get the "shakes" like I used to.
  • modernfemme
    modernfemme Posts: 454 Member
    I personally can't do fake sugar - the aftertaste is just something I can't get used to. I'd rather go without.