How to lose 4 pounds per week for 6 weeks?



  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    MHarper522 wrote: »
    lgfrie wrote: »
    lgfrie wrote: »
    This isn't a healthy way to lose weight.

    Can you please explain how this $500 challenge works? You get a refund if you make it, but lose it if you don't? Is this a commercial "service?" A bet between friends? So best case scenario is you win $0, worst case scenario is you lose $500. I don't understand what your motivation is for doing this. It seems like a scam. Somebody explain this to me.

    It sounds like one of the weight loss betting sites like or . Unfortunately, while one is not required to enter into a "if I succeed I get nothing, and if I fail, I lose $$$" to use those sites, many people do approach it that way.

    Seems rather predatory. Especially this particular case of it.

    I edited my post b/c my wife pointed out that there is a handful of people who do get a payoff greater than their initial investment. However, there's not many of them, the payouts are stingy given the risk, and I do agree the whole thing is predatory.

    It's good if you do it responsibly. DietBet is 4% weight loss in 4 weeks, or 1% per week (ex: 2 lbs/week). I have won every Diet Bet I did but never more than like $10 profit per bet.

    I made $630 with Healthy Wage, of which $350 of which pure profit, by losing 75 lbs in 18 months and betting $10 month (so I paid $10 a month for 18 months). My bet was initially $10 a month for a year, but I ended up not wasting time, not getting started until 6 months in, and "bought" more time (your payout stays the same, but your profit percentages go down cause I paid $180 in the end instead of $120).

    The problem with Healthy Wage is people either bet too much per month, go too aggressive, or both.

    How nice--were you able to keep the weight off?
  • Jacq_qui
    Jacq_qui Posts: 443 Member
    I read this entire thread, I've nothing more to add that would be useful so just though I'd ask - How are you doing OP?
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    So how many calories are you eating these past few days.
  • ximenavictoriaxo
    ximenavictoriaxo Posts: 113 Member
    Diatonic12 wrote: »
    So how many calories are you eating these past few days.
    It depends on how busy I am that day. I found just this week I’ve been struggling with fitting in the 1,200 calories. It fluctuates with my workload and study. I always meet my protein goals for the day, or usually exceed them even if I’m below 1k a few days. I am not getting enough iron so I am taking supplements with vitamin c for better absorption.

  • B_Plus_Effort
    B_Plus_Effort Posts: 311 Member
    I haven't read all the replies but just wanted to sprinkle some quick observations

    1. challenges seem to be temporary and usually not a good idea, they can set up most people for a disappointment, a gradual life style change is preferred, the way I think of this is, hey if you are 35 for example it took you 35 years to get to where you're at, so 6 weeks or whatever ain't gonna undo it

    2. from what I have seen anything over .5 pounds of loss per week is too much has adverse effects, stretched skin, or the pounds tend to come back cause of #1 above

    3. you can loose weight quickly but, there's a but, if you only put on the extra weight temporarily, this is where a fit person or an athlete suffers an injury or some other set back and gains say 20 pounds in a short period of time, usually a few months, and then says enough is enough and I need to get back to my "regular" weight, so once the cast is off or the surgery has healed they go back right into it

    lately my favorite saying is: the easiest calories to burn are the ones you don't put in your mouth in the first place!
  • ximenavictoriaxo
    ximenavictoriaxo Posts: 113 Member
    edited October 2020
    I accepted this challenge solely based on impulse, now I’m using this as a kickstart. I am determined to keep it going, what I do miss is Peruvian food. I have stopped eating Peruvian food because it because it usually incorporates rice and other starches. I do believe it is healthier, but eventually I will incorporate this into my cooking after the challenge.

    I’m not too worried about lose skin, I’ve been around or above 150lbs for the past 10 years so I’m sure there will be lose skin anyways. There’s surgery for that, if I work hard on myself and at work I can reward myself once I meet my fitness goal.
  • ximenavictoriaxo
    ximenavictoriaxo Posts: 113 Member
  • ximenavictoriaxo
    ximenavictoriaxo Posts: 113 Member
    edited October 2020
    Pictures that keep me going 😭
    This was prob 3 years ago?? I was at my lowest (155-160??), but definitely more confident.

    Then just this year, I’ve gained a lot of weight and just saw a pattern of how I tend to cover up.

    (Club, Pre-quarantine)

    (May 2020, new job as a systems engineer)

    No alcohol for me right now either, I attended a brunch and the Truly drinks are not bad. My friends are understanding of my weight goals and I’m also not comfortable going to the club yet because usually they don’t follow the capacity rules, so it kind of works out for me.

    I want to be down to size 8 or 10 at least by this year. I’m a size 12 right now so I should be able to do it. 💪
  • lgfrie
    lgfrie Posts: 1,449 Member
    I accepted this challenge solely based on impulse, now I’m using this as a kickstart. I am determined to keep it going, what I do miss is Peruvian food. I have stopped eating Peruvian food because it because it usually incorporates rice and other starches. I do believe it is healthier, but eventually I will incorporate this into my cooking after the challenge.

    I’m not too worried about lose skin, I’ve been around or above 150lbs for the past 10 years so I’m sure there will be lose skin anyways. There’s surgery for that, if I work hard on myself and at work I can reward myself once I meet my fitness goal.

    I'm a non-Peruvian who LOVES Peruvian food. I've found it relatively easy to incorporate into my calorie plan.

    Got a trio of Peruvian split chicken breasts sitting on my grill right now :)
  • ximenavictoriaxo
    ximenavictoriaxo Posts: 113 Member
    lgfrie wrote: »
    I'm a non-Peruvian who LOVES Peruvian food. I've found it relatively easy to incorporate into my calorie plan.

    Got a trio of Peruvian split chicken breasts sitting on my grill right now :)

    Yess, the only peruvian thing I’ve incorporated is the rotisserie chicken marinade. Low in sugar, except it has like 755mg of sodium. 😂 Idc though, I use it for my baked chicken breast tenderloins so I get my fix.

    And ofc paired with one serving of yellow chili hot sauce/cream. 🥴
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    Hey @ximenavictoriaxo - How's the challenge going?!
  • ChristopherLimoges
    ChristopherLimoges Posts: 298 Member
    Maybe you could focus on a real tailored diet than a commercial one? 🤷🏼‍♂️
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Hey @ximenavictoriaxo - How's the challenge going?!

    Yep. Need an update. How’s it going?

    The last time she was on was October 20th. I'd love to know too.