Exercising at the Office

I've just started a new job where a significant amount of my time is now spent behind a desk. How do other office workers cope with this? How do you stay active throughout your shift? I'd really like to find ways to exercise while I'm here. I'm a restless person and all of this sitting is already driving me crazy.


  • chocolate_owl
    chocolate_owl Posts: 1,695 Member
    1) If your company allows it, get a standing desk. Standing is better for you than sitting, and maybe you can fidget a little easier.
    2) Take 2-5 minute breaks every hour and walk around. Take the longest route possible to refill your water or coffee.
    3) Get a desk treadmill or under-desk bike.
    4) Bathroom squat challenge - every time you go to the bathroom, do 20 squats in the stall.
    5) I am really bad at all of the above, so I walk 2 miles on my lunch break.
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,217 Member
    The stand reminders are the only fitness-related function I use on my apple watch and it helps me hit those periodic breaks throughout the day. My work involves a good deal of phone and conference calls, COVID notwithstanding and it's not uncommon for me to walk or pace using my bluetooth headset.
  • Dogmom1978
    Dogmom1978 Posts: 1,580 Member
    I also take a 2 mile walk on lunch when weather permits.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,613 Member
    One of my coworkers got a standing desk and one got a foot pedal. It looks pretty funny if you can't see the pedals and you go in to talk to her! I just walk around when I can and go to a farther restroom. Before and after work workouts work best for me.
  • nanastaci2020
    nanastaci2020 Posts: 1,072 Member
    You can get a riser - to go on top of your desk - for under $200 on Amazon. Depending on the size you need. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0762K7JJT/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Can convert any desk to a standing desk.

    I have worked a desk job for years. Thinking about getting an under desk treadmill but it will require much research as company won't buy it for me!

    I walk or run in the morning before going to work. I'm very fortunate to have a small fitness center in my building, and I honestly may be the only one using it these days. I get in some strength training at lunch.
  • crisping16
    crisping16 Posts: 35 Member
    Thank you guys so much for your suggestions! This is really helpful
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    I work behind a desk in a small office (1 copier, 1 bathroom, no stairs, etc). I get up at least 3 times a day and go outside and walk around the parking lot for at least 5 minutes. I bring my phone, set my timer and try and walk fast. My home is very close to my office so I'm also able to go home over lunch and take my dog on a short walk.
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    Tread lightly when working out in the office. The boss and other coworkers might find it a distraction. It's the downside of working in an office. Use your breaks to do everything on your own terms. Take the stairs if you can but watch those tenured coworkers before you start working out in the office. When in Rome.
  • jiujitsudad15118
    jiujitsudad15118 Posts: 462 Member
    Michael Scott would be into it. Dwight definitely would too! I say go for it!!
  • MaltedTea
    MaltedTea Posts: 6,286 Member
    When I briefly worked in an office, I would...
    * take the stairs always
    * rented a car park about a km away
    * offered to deliver heavy packages from the multiple mail carriers who came throughout the day to whomever it was addressed to (also, I don't think the receptionist looked forward to having to do it 😂).

    This last one also gave me regular access to everyone in the office from C-suite on down. A lot of opportunities can open up that way...just saying 🤷🏿‍♀️
  • thatsmejb
    thatsmejb Posts: 83 Member
    I do pushups and squats in my office and take walks when I can