Goals b4 bday

Hey guys ! So I’ve lost 10lbs in 7 weeks .. feel stuck so now Im on day one of the whole30 challenge . I want to loose another 10lbs b4 my day. Dec 2nd. Def need the motivation!!! TIA


  • loo7ver
    loo7ver Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there, welcome to the motivating guy.. add me
  • Matthewgiam
    Matthewgiam Posts: 3 Member
    Hey! I’ve been in that position before. Have you tried upping your calories by 300?

    Sometimes what the body does is it holds on when we try eating less because it believes we’re in a famine. Sometimes for about 2 days if you eat a little more calories, it could kick start you back on track
  • yourstrulyc
    yourstrulyc Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you
  • craigster1990
    craigster1990 Posts: 12 Member
    Go you!