Longtime member recent user

Hey everyone. I have used this app for quite a while but never realized there was a community. This might inspire me to use this app more frequently if I take advantage of it and maybe find like-minded people. A little about me.
I am 46, 6'1" and as I type this I am 288lb. I used to weigh 382lb and am looking to get near 220lb. I try not to focus too much on the scale number but rather focus on other fitness numbers like how often I go to the gym or how many miles I have run. To be honest that has slacked until recently and I am looking for others to help keep me in check. In the past two years I have ran quite a bit even at 280+ pounds. By quite a bit, I mean I have run 5 ultra-marathons including one up to 50 miles. My last one was August of 2019 though and I need to get back. I haven't gained weight since then but I do feel I have lost fitness. It has been hard for me to diet and exercise. I can usually do one or the other really well but this might be my first attempt at doing both.
Also a little more about me.
several years ago when I was 382lbs I had a heart attack and was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. I was told I would never reverse it. Guess what? I DID!! That is why I want to continue with running, going to the gym, and dieting or eating right.


  • 1poundatax
    1poundatax Posts: 230 Member
    Wow- good for you for reversing your congestive heart failure! It is amazing the changes we can make for our health through diet and exercise! I am here to try and prevent type 2 diaetes (I am pre diabetic) and to make sure I work out regularly due to some heart issues. My cardiologist always reminds me the exercise is what keeps my heart going. Why do some of wait until it is almost to late????