Cardio Advice & Motivation

Anyone able to help advise on cardio workouts? I really struggle to motivate myself to do them, I used to do classes like body combat so I was combining cardio and strength training. Unfortunately my gym hasn't restarted classes post lockdown yet and there's no official start date. I've tried the stair climber, treadmill and elliptical at the gym but really hate them 😩 Im not a running outdoors fan either.
Part of my issue is the motivation to do it, but the other problem I have is that I have issues with body temp regulation, overheat very easily and don't sweat very much which limits my exercise duration.
I really enjoy strength training exercises and workouts it's just the cardio that's killing me! And a lack of exercise over lockdown has really killed my fitness level 🥵
Any advice very welcome!


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I'm the opposite - I love cardio and I hate resistance training. I've tried so many different things, I don't think I'm ever going to love it.

    So I stopped waiting to be motivated. I figured out how I can target my training to the stuff that will support what I really love (leg exercises that help keep my legs stronger for running, for example) and what I need to stay active as I age. It's like medicine or brushing my teeth. Nobody looks forward to brushing their teeth, but they do it because the consequences of not brushing aren't pleasant.

    So what's your purpose for wanting to do cardio? Figure it out and tailor your plan to that.

    Is there a way that you can use cardio to support your strength training goals? This will help support your purpose too.

    What's your ideal fitness level and how much cardio do you need to support that? If you don't like machines and you don't like outdoors and you like classes better, are online classes or videos an option?
  • Dogmom1978
    Dogmom1978 Posts: 1,580 Member
    Who says you have to run outdoors? Do you have a friend or SO you could go on walks with? Or a dog you could take out for a walk?

    You don’t NEED to do cardio for weight loss, but it certainly has health benefits.
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,733 Member
    There are a lot of videos online that you can do until your gym has group classes again. If you enjoy weights, buy some of your own.

    Motivation isn't what you need. It comes and goes. Discipline will get you much farther. Set aside a time to work out, then do it, whether you're in the mood or not. I find that some of my best workouts are on days when I think I'm too tired to do much. After 20 minutes or so, as my body warms up, it gets easier. After the workout I feel so much better I am always happy I did it, whether it was a good workout or not.
  • dremilymaya
    dremilymaya Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for the advice guys!
    The main reason is to improve my cardiovascular fitness and general health.
    I used to be fairly active but covid has killed that off a fair bit! I can really tell the difference just from getting out of breath on short runs nothing like I could do before.
    I do enjoy walking and me my other half do quite a lot of walking, unfortunately I just find it doesn't get my heart rate up unless I'm literally hiking up mountains. Where we live is very flat and I don't think my fitness or endurance is improving with our casual walks in the area.
    And spiriteagle I think you've got a good point! I have a habit of faffing and avoiding going when it's gym time but I need to suck it up and just get on with it!
    I'm going to look into some videos for classes, maybe switch some gym sessions for those, anyone got any recommendations?
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Thanks for the advice guys!
    The main reason is to improve my cardiovascular fitness and general health.
    I used to be fairly active but covid has killed that off a fair bit! I can really tell the difference just from getting out of breath on short runs nothing like I could do before.
    I do enjoy walking and me my other half do quite a lot of walking, unfortunately I just find it doesn't get my heart rate up unless I'm literally hiking up mountains. Where we live is very flat and I don't think my fitness or endurance is improving with our casual walks in the area.
    And spiriteagle I think you've got a good point! I have a habit of faffing and avoiding going when it's gym time but I need to suck it up and just get on with it!
    I'm going to look into some videos for classes, maybe switch some gym sessions for those, anyone got any recommendations?

    I do not - I hate classes! :D I am sure people will have some good recommendations for you though.

  • nanastaci2020
    nanastaci2020 Posts: 1,072 Member
    If you have a cardio machine at home, get a fan for it. Not a 'treadmill fan' but a REAL fan, with a remote control. I have one for my treadmill that is a few feet tall and can't believe I did not think of it sooner. Mine has 3-4 settings, to make it blow 'more'. It can oscillate but I have it aimed at where I will be, and leave it. The remote comes in handy in case you want to change settings while ON the machine.

    And if you like reading, listening to music, binging something on Netflix: those can be combined to get you thru a treadmill session. But ideally, finding a cardio activity that you ENJOY is better than finding a way to tolerate it.

  • Dogmom1978
    Dogmom1978 Posts: 1,580 Member
    If you have a cardio machine at home, get a fan for it. Not a 'treadmill fan' but a REAL fan, with a remote control. I have one for my treadmill that is a few feet tall and can't believe I did not think of it sooner. Mine has 3-4 settings, to make it blow 'more'. It can oscillate but I have it aimed at where I will be, and leave it. The remote comes in handy in case you want to change settings while ON the machine.

    And if you like reading, listening to music, binging something on Netflix: those can be combined to get you thru a treadmill session. But ideally, finding a cardio activity that you ENJOY is better than finding a way to tolerate it.

    I enjoy my treadmill and arc trainer, BUT I also enjoy reading and I never have enough time in the day, so I combined the two.

    I can’t read on my rower or summit trainer though, so I just listen to music on those.
  • nanastaci2020
    nanastaci2020 Posts: 1,072 Member
    I have a Kindle Unlimited subscription - works well with reading on the treadmill. :)
    Dogmom1978 wrote: »

    I enjoy my treadmill and arc trainer, BUT I also enjoy reading and I never have enough time in the day, so I combined the two.

    I can’t read on my rower or summit trainer though, so I just listen to music on those.

  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    What kind of classes do you like? Step, kickboxing, aerobics...???
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    I did six hours of cardio yesterday. Hiking. At first my motivation was to see the fall color and scenery. After a while my motivation was to get back to my car and then home.

    You don't have to do cardiovascular exercise in the gym or on a machine. If you're struggling to find motivation to do that, find a different way to exercise instead. If it's something you enjoy, motivation will never been a problem again.
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    I try and do 60 minutes on the elliptical by watching old shows on youtube

    I am now watching all the series of Highlander - yes to some it's a silly show - but it gets me 60 minutes of cardio whilst otherwise exercising.

    I am moving on to Judging Amy next.
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,069 Member
    I second finding something you enjoy. If overheating is an issue, try swimming. I never thought I would say it, but I LOVE swimming. I like riding my bike outdoors. My favorite cardio is playing a game on the VR, because it's fun and you keep going even though you feel like you are dying with sweat dripping everywhere because it's enjoyable. Most other cardio I can't stand. I don't mind steady state cardio if I can watch TV at the same time. So most mornings I'll row while watching something.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,997 Member
    I only do 30 or 60 mins of rowing a day at home. I have a fan set up to cool me off and a TV to watch/listen to as I row. Pretty much all of the cardio I need and/or care to do.

  • KarenSmith2018
    KarenSmith2018 Posts: 302 Member
    How about HIIT to get the blood pumping? It doesn't have to be long cardio to get the CV benefits.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    edited October 2020
    Thanks for the advice guys!
    The main reason is to improve my cardiovascular fitness and general health.
    I used to be fairly active but covid has killed that off a fair bit! I can really tell the difference just from getting out of breath on short runs nothing like I could do before.
    I do enjoy walking and me my other half do quite a lot of walking, unfortunately I just find it doesn't get my heart rate up unless I'm literally hiking up mountains. Where we live is very flat and I don't think my fitness or endurance is improving with our casual walks in the area.
    And spiriteagle I think you've got a good point! I have a habit of faffing and avoiding going when it's gym time but I need to suck it up and just get on with it!
    I'm going to look into some videos for classes, maybe switch some gym sessions for those, anyone got any recommendations?

    There is (or was) a pretty extensive thread of people posting what YouTube/other workout videos they are doing. You may find some ideas in there. Not quite a class-but if you like that kind of environment/workout, then there’s probably something in there.

    Also I think that Les Mills has an on demand program? Is that body combat?

  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Quest club on YouTube has Les mills type classes.