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Ease into 10k - Sept starters?

Anyone else doing it? I finished C25K in July, had to take on month off due to an injury and just started Ease Into 10k today. Was wondering if anyone else was doing it. I know it isn't as popular as Bridge to 10k but was hoping for a friend or 2 to keep motivated over the next 10 weeks!


  • SDMHudson
    SDMHudson Posts: 84 Member
    Hi! I started doing it last month, but I guess I'm spreading myself too thin because I was only able to complete one day last month, lol.

    But I'm willing to start again. I would really like to run a 10k but my major goal is to run a 1/2 marathon. You can friend me if you like. Good luck.

  • I'd like to be part of this. Do I just add you as a friend and then get started? Let me know.
  • SDMHudson
    SDMHudson Posts: 84 Member
    I'd like to be part of this. Do I just add you as a friend and then get started? Let me know.

    Hi Poky,
    Do you have a program already? What kind of running history do you have? And what goals do you have? Feel free to friend me if you like.

  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 605 Member
    Great! poky - Like Selena said, do you have the plan? I'm using the bluefin version app -http://blog.c25kapp.com/about-ease-into-10k/

    I'm actually not as interested in running a 10k (unless it becomes super easy that is!) but in improving my 5k time and general endurance. I really want to get my 5k to be "easy" and under 30mins. And I also want to improve my half-marathon inline skating time. Kudos to you wanting to run a 1/2 marathon...as I skated by the runners during my first inline race, I felt their pain!

    I'm going to running on Tues, Thurs, and Sat/Sun (based on family activities). I generally train on a treadmill because I have little ones who don't let me run except when I book them into my gym's childcare. I did my Wk1D1 yesterday and was glad I chose EI10k rather than B25k...I was sucking wind after the last interval. I'm amazed that I lost that much endurance during my break. But it felt great. I had so much more energy the rest of the day. And it felt great to do something for myself again!

    Looking forward to hearing about your runs! Let's make this an awesome 10 weeks!
  • So...I started to run last November for the first time in many years. I was able to complete 3 5k's this summer all over 30 minutes. Now I haven't run since mid-July and want to get back to it. I want to be able to run more easily as a regular form of exercise. I pulled the schedule off the internet and ran the 3/1 for five rotations last night and felt great. I am going to do another tomorrow and then Saturday and then move to week 2.
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 605 Member
    Sounds like we are in the same place poky! Great job on the 5k's this summer! I only did one and it was a pretty casual fun run through my gym. There is 5k just a few blocks from me on Oct1 so I think I will try to do that as a midway goal. My quads were sore yesterday from Tuesdays run but I feel fine today. Have a great run today!
  • Thanks
    Today went well. I ran it in my neighborhood in the dark at 5:30am. It is all hills, so I was worried I wouldn't make it. I think the 5 minute warm-up walk saved me. I was able to complete it just fine. I love how emotionally positive I remain on run days. It's hard for me to not run, wanting that euphoria. I know that if I give into daily running, I give up pretty quickly. Such a conundrum. How are you doing? My 8 year old son and I are going to try for a 5k in a week and a half. That will on day three of week 2. I'll just have a bit longer workout. He enjoys monthly "fun runs" in our community and this one will earn us a sweatshirt for completing so many this summer. He's a great inspiration, only he doesn't run formally in between. I can't get him to practice with me.
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 605 Member
    5:30am! You rock! I love the feeling of run days too...I have so much more energy. And that's great that your son runs with you! I have an 8-year old son as well and would love it if he did it with me. Maybe I should ask if wants to do the run on Oct1. Thanks for the inspiration!

    Today's run was hard. Not sure what was up. I had a rough night with the kids (I have 4 and husband is out of town) but that doesn't really explain the cramping I was having. Never really had that before. Hoping that it is just my body re-adjusting to running again. Plus kind of discouraged with my calorie burn...was only 175 for today. But I was definitely straining and sweat was dripping off me (and I'm not a big sweat-er). Must remember that I run to improve my fitness and not get trapped into the weight-loss-is-everything-mind-set.

    Just one more day in Week1! Yay!
  • Nikkiham520
    Nikkiham520 Posts: 117 Member
    Hi! I finished C25K in july, also. I have been working on my own 10k program. Just trying to go little farther each time. I am going to google this program. I am really trying to work on my 5k time as well. I'm still not under 30. :( My ultimate goal is to run a half marathon, too. Feel free to friend me. I need runner friends!
  • Usually increasing bananas in your diet will help with muscular cramping. When my kids were little my husband travelled a lot and it was really difficult to find time to run. You do well to get it done with 4! Are some in school anyway?
  • SDMHudson
    SDMHudson Posts: 84 Member
    Hi ladies,

    I'm glad to see that we have another E210K'er on board.

    two2getready- not sure what kind of phone you have, but Guy Hoffman has a pretty good app called B210K. Hal Higdon or Runner's World has good programs as well.

    I was going to try and do my run tomorrow after work, but I'm going to try and squeeze it in right before my personal training session tonight. That means I'm going to sleep REALLY good tonight, lol.
  • Your loss is going really well. I hope to do as well. I guess I need to set some goals for 30pounds. I don't even have a date as to when I want it off. Yikes
  • Nikkiham520
    Nikkiham520 Posts: 117 Member
    I have a dinasaur phone. *sigh* One of the prices I pay for staying home with my kiddos. I will just go by the website like I did c25k. Funny thing is, hubby had c25k on his phone. How is this fair? Lol!

    I am going to start tommorrow. I have been fighting a cold, so I haven't ran in 3 days.....looking forward to it!
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 605 Member
    Welcome two2getready! Dinosaur phone - teehee! Time to upgrade? I fought my husband about getting an iphone forever. I thought it was excessive and a waste of money. Of course, now I LOVE it!

    Poky - Thanks for the reminder about bananas. I knew that but forgot. And I have no doubt it is due to potassium and/or other missing nutrients. I have not been eating very balanced lately.:embarassed: When daddy is away, we tend to eat "kid food" rather than full meals. Lazy mommy. My 8 year old is the oldest but #2 son just started all day kindergarten which is great. Leaves me at home with just my 2 girls (3 & 1.5) who love going to gym's childcare. So I really have no excuse to avoid workouts!

    SDMHudson - Busy night! Way to go! Hope you got that good sleep!
  • Now that I'm at the point where my kids can stay home alone while I run (they're 9 and 13) I really don't have an excuse. I remember the days where I would bundle them in the winter (we didn't have a gym membership all the time due to at-home mom status) and put them in the little red wagon with dry breakfast cereal, muffins and juice in the sippy cups. I would haul them around the neighborhood for 1 hour at a 4.0mph clip. Boy would I get irritated if they fought or fussed. Now I just get irritated if they don't want to come with me for a run or a walk. When my youngest was 2, he would beg to go for runs in the baby jogger and so that is how I ever used to run. It's is such a journey.
  • fit4life_73
    fit4life_73 Posts: 433 Member
    Hi All,

    I would like to join your group. I need all the support I can get. I finished c25k in May and also ran my first 5k in May. I did not run the entire time. So now my goal is to actually run a 5k. My motivation was a little spotty during c25k training. My attention span is a little short :laugh: so running long distances (or more than 5 minutes) is a real challenge for me. Physically, I know I can do it. So I took a couple of months off and now I'm ready to dig in again. I've registered for my next 5k mid October.

    Program: I like the E210K program because of the shorter intervals. I have no desire to run a 10k, but the program will give me structure an improve my 5k time.

    Goal: To run a 5k in 30 mins or less. (no walking)

    I'm also doing the Firm Express. I just completed week 1. I also plan to incorporate a few classes at the Y during the week.

    Good luck to everyone!
  • Nikkiham520
    Nikkiham520 Posts: 117 Member
    Thanks for the welcome! I did wk 1 day1 today. I also did 30 ds. My program days will be M/W/F. I run outside on Tues/Th, so I will do my fun, long runs that day and work on my time. My youngest is in preschool those days. I may try to get through wk 1 quickly.

    I think I am really going to like this thread!
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 605 Member
    Hi fit4life! I'm the same way as you...I get bored during runs. That's really why I can't imagine running a 10k or half-marathon! All I can think about is all the other stuff I could be getting done during that time! It's hard to turn that mom-brain off. But I do really want to improve my 5k time (no walking) and overall fitness. And thanks for reminding me that I really need to plan my non-run days. I skate for 2 hours on Sundays but still trying to decide M/W/F activity. Going to have to look up what is Firm Express...

    two2getready - You are hardcore! I had tried doing runs + Shred during July and got totally burnt out. And I like how you call your long runs "fun"...yeah...I'm not there yet. Ha!

    So, the forecast here is rain all weekend and I was really looking forward to running with my oldest (thanks Poky for that idea!) outside for Day 3. Hoping it will ease off for a little bit to squeeze it in. Have a great weekend everyone!
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 605 Member
    Day 3 yesterday was way better! No cramping and was even able to increase my speed up to 6mph (had to do it inside). Onto Week 2!

    How did your run go this weekend?
  • Nikkiham520
    Nikkiham520 Posts: 117 Member
    Did my run today, but didn't really follow the program. Is everyone moving on to Wk 2 tomorrow? If so, I may move on so we will all be on the same level. Happy Sunday!!