Sisterhood HCP Week 7



  • Kristihgp
    Kristihgp Posts: 49
    Pep- What type of fish do you cook. I got some grilled talapia the other day but I havent tried it yet. I am not the biggest fan of the fishy flavor so I have a hard time eating fish.

    Talapia is wonderful!! You can google talapia for a recipe...but I have blackened it, baked it...even grilled it (laying a couple of thick sliced onions down first)...YUMMY!! It has a really mild flavor. It's good with a mango salsa on top!! ;o) Enjoy experimenting!!
  • iwant2stayhealthy
    Deep breath..I know I"ve been bad about posting so I promised Ariella I would post at least once a week. First of all..I'm so proud of her..she's really motivated and is doing something that I think she can stick to for the rest of her life. :smooched:

    OK..I weighed myself..last week I lost 1/2 a pound..this week another 1/2 pound.....for a total of 9 lbs lost...ta...da...:smile:

    I am not upset because I know my pattern is to lose bits at a metabolism is corpselike..I went through a whole barrage of tests a few years ago at Jacobi Hospital which is affiliated with Albert Einstein Medical school. I was sent there by an endocrinologist because she also couldn't figure out why I couldn't lose as long as I am not GAINING weight I'm happy. My clothes are fitting better though.:bigsmile:

    I still can't believe we walked in this weather..I still like outdoors walking better than the treadmill but was about 15 degrees today..and yesterday...well..since I am a bit older than DD I had to cover my face while I walked. But we did it. We had so much fun walking yesterday...even though my drippy nose was freezing...and we almost broke our necks a few times...and had to high step through snow was exhilirating...and my Goretex "ducks" weigh more than 1 lbs was like walking with legweights through the it helped tone too..not to mention how accomplished it made us feel.

    Ariella will verify this..and don't throw things at me..I have to force myself to eat three meals a day...but this morning right before the end of our walk I began to get lightheaded. I had eaten 3/4 cup of multigrain cheerios with 20 raisins and a total of 1 cup of 1% milk for breakfast, which was about 3 hours before we walked. So when I came home, I ate an orange..and felt better. I usually don't have a problem like this when I I wonder why this happened..why did my blood sugar drop so fast?

    BTW...I think that when a woman gets to a certain age (like mois)....she has to chose between her butt and her face...if I lose too much weight I look like cruella deville...from the neck up I decided that my butt will be a little bit more substantial..(but well toned..doing squats and lunges and leg presses..etc).....but my face will be easier to look at..

    Thanks for supporting me.:happy: .but even more so...thanks for supported my wondeful, beautiful daughter. I've never seen her so encouraged and so motivated..:love:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Yay!!!! You and Ari are doing so great!!! I am so glad to see you posting, too!!! We find the two of you so inspiring, especially when you're making your trips out in the snow just to go for walks together-you two are so dedicated!!! When I look outside and see a snowstorm, the only thing that will make me get out there is if my sister's crazy dog is acting like a lunatic because she has too much energy...:sick:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Oooo Ill have to try it. How do you prepare it?>

    There are so many ways to do it... You can bake it, grill it, cook it in a skillet with some olive oil... It really is versatile, because it tastes so mild that you can cook it with anything. I really like to make it on a grill with some rosemary; I would drizzle chunks with olive oil, sprinkle with garlic pepper seasoning, and then use rosemary to skewer it like shish-kababs(sp?). Then I'd grill it for a couple of minutes on each side. The only problem with that is that I can't find rosemary long enough to do it in Alaska. When we lived in Hawaii I grew my own, and the plants looked like hedges, they were so tall...:sad:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    By the way... I weighed myself at home, but it was after having breakfast & lunch... MY SCALE said that I weigh about 1 lb more than last week... I'm going to re-weigh myself on my scale tomorrow morning, and hopefully it will give me better news than that. It would really bum me out if I do weigh more than last week, and I'm trying not to get discouraged since I did eat and drink before making it back home...:ohwell:
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    Pep- What type of fish do you cook. I got some grilled talapia the other day but I havent tried it yet. I am not the biggest fan of the fishy flavor so I have a hard time eating fish.

    omg fish i live on it. you can do it with just salt pepper and garlic oh do it this way my fav

    teriaki style

    soy sauce and ginger

    first add a little salt and pepper to the fish and put it in the pan to grill
    when its done i do some fresh ginger in a pan (you can add some garlic as well) and when that is done i put in soy sauce and some water to make the soy sauce more than i need and then when its a little hot (youll see steam) i add the fish back in

    oh my god i have so many but i havent made fresh fish in forever cosco has these fish packets salmon with spices and another one with paprika omg so good.

    let me think and i will get you some great fish recipes (which you can also use on chicken)
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    I am down 2.6 pounds thats more than 2 and a half pounds this week im soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited im on cloud nine :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: i think it was cutting the cheese out completly this week (i will slowly let myself have maybe twice a week cheese but i am gonna try at least one more week with out cheese my goal was one month but i love it too much)

    there are no words ive lost 2.6 pounds in a week and i am officially at 10 pounds lost (i could cry im so happy) ten pounds in less then two months i couldnt have imagines anything better im so happy but remember everyone slow and steady wins the race so no matter how we do dont give up just pick yourself up dust yourself off and start a new week with fresh eyes.

    this week - 2.6 pounds :love:
    in 6 weeks - 10 pounds :love:

    Yay Congrats! I know how much it means to see the scale move. So did you weigh before your cardio or earlier? Just curious if that is the difference. Also looks like you and your Mom had fun walking in the snow!

    :blushing: after my cardio and same time as last week (morning not night) i think it was the cheese i mean im sure it was other factors but i cant figure it out im doing the cheese thing again this week we will see how long i can keep it up i do love my cheese.

    ive just been walking (maybe walking on the snow???) dont know but its my biggest weight loss to date 2.6 pounds and i have finally reached 10 pounds :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • hopetobeinshape
    Pep- What type of fish do you cook. I got some grilled talapia the other day but I havent tried it yet. I am not the biggest fan of the fishy flavor so I have a hard time eating fish.

    Talapia is wonderful!! You can google talapia for a recipe...but I have blackened it, baked it...even grilled it (laying a couple of thick sliced onions down first)...YUMMY!! It has a really mild flavor. It's good with a mango salsa on top!! ;o) Enjoy experimenting!!

    Ooooo thanks for all the suggestions! I am not the greatest cook so every little bit helps :blushing:
    I have mango salsa in the fridge so i will def have to try that soon :happy:
  • tidwelljw
    tidwelljw Posts: 146
    Well I'm excited because last night was my first workout in almost a week and 1/2. I have still been pretty good for the most part of my diet the whole time I couldn't workout. I am down about 2.5 so far this week, I'm hoping that once I can get back on P90X I can start dropping some more weight. I did Back and Bi's last night, and all you other X'ers out there know how good that workout is and I haven't done anything for at least a week...I AM SO SORE this morning, but it's a great feeling. Congrats to everyone! It looks like everyone is have successes this week! Lets stay strong!
  • 4EverFit
    4EverFit Posts: 6
    I'm happy to see everyone is doing so well!

    I'm not much of a fish eater--I hate the fishy taste and smell, but I love talapia! I like it Vera Cruz style. I'll have to try halibut. I've also heard swordfish is not too fishy.

    Anyways, I was sick yesterday, so when I weighed in this morning I had lost 2 lbs! I'm still feeling a bit under the weather, but the good news is that my appetite is noticeably down.

    Anybody ever take belly dance before? I took a class yesterday and man o man I am sore today! It's fun!!
  • dsangel
    dsangel Posts: 27
    Also don't know how many of you saw this what I posted Saturday. If you are not doing measurments you really should. Here are my before and 8 week meanurments. OK so I started January 5th. Here were my starting Stats and the goal I had set for April 5th. Well needless to say I met my goals a whole month early. So I will be setting some new goals later today. Also I updated my pictures on my profile. You should look at the difference in just 8 weeks. I am amazed!

    January 5, 2009 April 5, 2009 February 28, 2009
    Weight Before 221 Desired 195 After 194
    BMI Before35.7 Desired 31.5 After 31.3
    Chest Before40.5 Desired 38 After 38.5
    Waist(low) Before46 Desired 42 After 42.5
    Waist(actual)Before 48 Desired 44 After 42.5
    Hips Before 45 Desired 44 After 42.5
    Thigh Before 26 Desired 25 After 23
    Bicep Before 13.5 Desired 13 After 13

    So the grand total weight loss is 27 lbs and the total inches lost is 17!

    WOW!! You and me are sooo much alike! I thought I was reading my measurements! Seriously, they are almost identical. Excpet for losing 27lbs total. I'm not quite there.

    But as you can see, I have lost a total of 10lbs! I'm so excited! I redid my goal for April 15 which was to be at my pre-preggors weight of 180. Don't think it's quite going to happen so I made it 190. Well, at this rate I think I might be able to be at 185. What do y'all think?? I'm still not exercising as my kiddos are still sick, hubby works nights and sleeps some of the day so it makes it hard. But I'm starting back soon, once I start maybe I'll lose faster.

    Anwho, congrats to EVERYONE on their accomplishments!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • PunkinHeadsMOMMA
    Hi everyone!
    I know I'm late with checking in. Yesterday was a whirlwind trip to well-baby check-up (2 hours away), ran some errands got some groceries and came home to yes, check cows. The grand total is 8 now, at this rate it's gonna take forever. I have a feeling this weekend is going to baby popping central. The good news is I'm down 1 pound. AND today my hubby said, " you must be getting stronger and in shape because you're getting on your horse better". That was one of my mini goals. :bigsmile:
    I'm so glad everyone is doing so well!!
    PS Yesterday was Kristi's Birthday, I forgot to mention it in all the hurry scurry of the morning.

    :flowerforyou: Happy Burfday TeeTee:drinker:
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Also don't know how many of you saw this what I posted Saturday. If you are not doing measurments you really should. Here are my before and 8 week meanurments. OK so I started January 5th. Here were my starting Stats and the goal I had set for April 5th. Well needless to say I met my goals a whole month early. So I will be setting some new goals later today. Also I updated my pictures on my profile. You should look at the difference in just 8 weeks. I am amazed!

    January 5, 2009 April 5, 2009 February 28, 2009
    Weight Before 221 Desired 195 After 194
    BMI Before35.7 Desired 31.5 After 31.3
    Chest Before40.5 Desired 38 After 38.5
    Waist(low) Before46 Desired 42 After 42.5
    Waist(actual)Before 48 Desired 44 After 42.5
    Hips Before 45 Desired 44 After 42.5
    Thigh Before 26 Desired 25 After 23
    Bicep Before 13.5 Desired 13 After 13

    So the grand total weight loss is 27 lbs and the total inches lost is 17!

    WOW!! You and me are sooo much alike! I thought I was reading my measurements! Seriously, they are almost identical. Excpet for losing 27lbs total. I'm not quite there.

    But as you can see, I have lost a total of 10lbs! I'm so excited! I redid my goal for April 15 which was to be at my pre-preggors weight of 180. Don't think it's quite going to happen so I made it 190. Well, at this rate I think I might be able to be at 185. What do y'all think?? I'm still not exercising as my kiddos are still sick, hubby works nights and sleeps some of the day so it makes it hard. But I'm starting back soon, once I start maybe I'll lose faster.

    Anwho, congrats to EVERYONE on their accomplishments!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    That is so funny! Sorry your lo's are still sick. How many lbs would that mean you had to lose? I think you can do it! You are doing great. Don't you love seeing measurments change. I think they change way faster than the scale sometimes. I had to change my goals a little and then I actually lowered my goal. I was 190 pre prego and I am only 2 lbs away. I am so happy. I first thought I would aim for 175. Since I have never been that low. Well I must have been at some point but I can't remember when. Well with the way I was losing I set my long term goal at 165.
  • Kristihgp
    Kristihgp Posts: 49
    Hi everyone!
    I know I'm late with checking in. Yesterday was a whirlwind trip to well-baby check-up (2 hours away), ran some errands got some groceries and came home to yes, check cows. The grand total is 8 now, at this rate it's gonna take forever. I have a feeling this weekend is going to baby popping central. The good news is I'm down 1 pound. AND today my hubby said, " you must be getting stronger and in shape because you're getting on your horse better". That was one of my mini goals. :bigsmile:
    I'm so glad everyone is doing so well!!
    PS Yesterday was Kristi's Birthday, I forgot to mention it in all the hurry scurry of the morning.

    :flowerforyou: Happy Burfday TeeTee:drinker:

    Thanks Kacee...appreciate the birthday wishes...:wink:
    How's YOUR baby...
    Congrats on the baby cows so far AND for getting on Tango...that's really cool to be hitting your goals
    (mini or still hit a goal!!) Keep up the good work!!
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    hi everyone congrats and hope everyone is good me i am still riding high from yesterday i forgot to say that i went on couldnt believe the results and then went back on twice more to make sure but there it was 2.6 pounds my mother got me these rings i wanted as a congrats on your 10 pound loss. i thin im finally believing that i can do this and may reach my june 1st goal.

    belated happy bady:flowerforyou:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Soooo, this morning I weighed myself on MY SCALE, and my numbers are 2 pounds down... Whooppeeeeeee!!! I made myself feel so much better, knowing that I didn't gain one pound... I have volleyball tonight, then chest, back, and biceps... Let everyone know whoat I burned later...
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Soooo, this morning I weighed myself on MY SCALE, and my numbers are 2 pounds down... Whooppeeeeeee!!! I made myself feel so much better, knowing that I didn't gain one pound... I have volleyball tonight, then chest, back, and biceps... Let everyone know whoat I burned later...
    Yay! I am glad you weighed on your scale. It is always best to weigh consistantly on the same one. I am in need of a new scale but scared it will tell me I weigh more than the one I have. I dont want that. Anyway congrats!
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    still no change. sigh. better than gaining, right? I need to up my exercise.
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    still no change. sigh. better than gaining, right? I need to up my exercise.

    Hey girl, it's good to see ya!!! You're doing awesome, and I have been following your other threads, too. I hope that you and your hubby can work something out with the whole prom situation... And best of luck with his new job, too!!! With the stress you're dealing with, maintaining is awesome!!!
  • tidwelljw
    tidwelljw Posts: 146
    I did Plyo X last night, It was the first time I had ever done one of the cardio workouts on P90X with a heart rate monitor. I also got me a good pair of cross trainers, which makes a world of difference. The other shoes I had would hurt my feet for two days after I worked out in them. I was just too cheap to go buy a new pair. Anyways, I was really surprised. I checked the calories I burned after the workout....1078 Calories burned in one hour! I was pumped!