Sisterhood HCP Week 7



  • tidwelljw
    tidwelljw Posts: 146
    I meant to mention this too....I had to go get a physical yesterday for some life insurance I'm getting. They weighed me in the middle of the day with all my clothes and shoes on and I was actually down about 2 lbs from where I digital scale says I am. I was glad to see it, but I'm still not going to count it because my scale here says about 2 lbs more! Oh well, I still know what that other one says!
  • hopetobeinshape
    Morning all, im not doing so well this week with fitting in the workouts. With all the studying, working, and going to class, I am not getting much sleep and am exhausted by the time I get home. Saturday will be the end of my busy busy week, so I am just going to try and stay under my calories and hope for the best :grumble:

    Then next week I will get right back on the horse (figuratively that is....I dont think Im as strong as Kacee to be getting up on horses :laugh: )
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    I meant to mention this too....I had to go get a physical yesterday for some life insurance I'm getting. They weighed me in the middle of the day with all my clothes and shoes on and I was actually down about 2 lbs from where I digital scale says I am. I was glad to see it, but I'm still not going to count it because my scale here says about 2 lbs more! Oh well, I still know what that other one says!
    I know it can be different for many reasons, scale, time of day, clothes ect. When I met with my trainer the other day I said oh I weighed less this morning but I was naked and had not eaten yet. She said well let me check and she just put a 5 lbs weight on the scale and I thought that was genius. I should do that on my own scale but I dont want it to change cause I have lost the same number of lbs either way but maybe it was off from the begining and I weight more, aahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Hey everyone... I am sooooooo sore today-I had an upper-body workout with my P90X program, and I am feeling it today!!! I burned 418 calories with that, and then I also burned 847 calories with volleyball last night. I brought my girls with me to volleyball, and they got their exercise in playing with a little boy in one of the raquettball courts. Boy did they fall asleep quickly!!!

    I have YogaX tonight, and am not really looking forward to it. I have a new Walk Away the Pounds video from Netflix, and am thinking about doing that, too, just to up my calorie burn. Has anyone else tried these? I don't know if I'm going to feel comfortable doing it in front of my husband. I might have to banish him to the garage until I'm finished...

    Mister Sister-Do you have everything you need for the baby? I was thinking about you and your wife the other day as I was going through stuff at my house. I have a collapsable baby swing that is completely portable, has fishies and lights, plays music... And it was only used when my youngest was a baby. I even have a high chair, to. Also, if you have a girl(tee-hee) I have so many baby clothes and blankets, I have them coming out my ears... Just a thought, because I'd rather have someone get use out of them than have everything just siting in storage. They grow so fast, you never really get your money's worth out of them.:happy:
  • PunkinHeadsMOMMA
    Hi all!
    Today was another busy busy day. Started at 3am with 4 new babies. One of which is a bum calf, her momma had twins and pushed her away. She's doing good though, like I need another baby around to bottle feed every few hours. :noway: Throughout the evening 3 more popped. All are good so far. I haven't had time to work-out, but I think I'm at least maintaining since I don't have time to eat anything bad or snack much at all. Plus sleep is in high demand right now.:laugh: Anyway, might not get to check in tomorrow, cuz I'll be sitting on a horse most of the day tagging calves (actually I'm the one in between hubby and momma cow so she doesn't run him over:laugh: I still can't move THAT fast:noway: ). So good night and glad everyone is still doing good.:bigsmile:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    It sounds like you HAVE BEEN exercising... I don't know how you have all the energy and time to do it... Kids and dealing with livestock?!! You make me feel like a weenie!!!
  • hopetobeinshape
    I second that notion, you are a brave chickie to get in between a momma and her babies! Good job :laugh:
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Hey everyone... I am sooooooo sore today-I had an upper-body workout with my P90X program, and I am feeling it today!!! I burned 418 calories with that, and then I also burned 847 calories with volleyball last night. I brought my girls with me to volleyball, and they got their exercise in playing with a little boy in one of the raquettball courts. Boy did they fall asleep quickly!!!

    I have YogaX tonight, and am not really looking forward to it. I have a new Walk Away the Pounds video from Netflix, and am thinking about doing that, too, just to up my calorie burn. Has anyone else tried these? I don't know if I'm going to feel comfortable doing it in front of my husband. I might have to banish him to the garage until I'm finished...

    Mister Sister-Do you have everything you need for the baby? I was thinking about you and your wife the other day as I was going through stuff at my house. I have a collapsable baby swing that is completely portable, has fishies and lights, plays music... And it was only used when my youngest was a baby. I even have a high chair, to. Also, if you have a girl(tee-hee) I have so many baby clothes and blankets, I have them coming out my ears... Just a thought, because I'd rather have someone get use out of them than have everything just siting in storage. They grow so fast, you never really get your money's worth out of them.:happy:

    I have like 7 of the Walk Away the Pounds and Walk Slim dvd's. I like them cause they are easier than some videos and fast so I can pop them in when ever I want a quick workout. Which one or how many miles did you get? I have two 1 mile, two 2 mile, a 3 mile, a 4 mile, a 5 mile and a 1 mile jog. Let me know how you like it. The lady is kinda cheesey. It reminds me of a aerobics class. You don't burn nearly as many calories as you are used to, or at least I didn't when I used my polar watch.
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    I hate when we get to the second page! Where is everyone! TGIF!
  • hopetobeinshape
    Im here! I still have one more test tomorrow morning (the first part of the bar). So I have been studying my little :heart: out.

    Christine and Resa awesome jobs with the workouts! You guys are so consistent :smile:

    Me on the other hand :frown: Not a single workout in yet this wk...ahhhhhh! Today after work and before study time I am starting the couch to 5k, the first run is only 25 min and its 50 degrees outside so I have to take advantage :noway:

    Hope everyone is having a good morning/friday!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Weeeelllllll... I didn't get to do any workouts at home, because a friend of the family, who just found out they have cancer, asked me to help out at their restaurant yesterday evening while they are out of town to see their specialist. Last night was just crazy, and I didn't even get to eat dinner I was so busy. Kinda ironic when you're working at a restaurant. I didn't get done until after 8:30, and didn't get home until 9:45. I was so worn out I just hung out with my hubby and watched a movie.

    I hope that everyone is having a great Friday, and I'll check in later...
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Im here! I still have one more test tomorrow morning (the first part of the bar). So I have been studying my little :heart: out.

    Christine and Resa awesome jobs with the workouts! You guys are so consistent :smile:

    Me on the other hand :frown: Not a single workout in yet this wk...ahhhhhh! Today after work and before study time I am starting the couch to 5k, the first run is only 25 min and its 50 degrees outside so I have to take advantage :noway:

    Hope everyone is having a good morning/friday!
    Hey I give you props for doing the couch to 5 k outside. I am not that motivated yet. I keep thinking I am going to try it outside and then always change my mind. Good luck!
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Weeeelllllll... I didn't get to do any workouts at home, because a friend of the family, who just found out they have cancer, asked me to help out at their restaurant yesterday evening while they are out of town to see their specialist. Last night was just crazy, and I didn't even get to eat dinner I was so busy. Kinda ironic when you're working at a restaurant. I didn't get done until after 8:30, and didn't get home until 9:45. I was so worn out I just hung out with my hubby and watched a movie.

    I hope that everyone is having a great Friday, and I'll check in later...
    Hey I bet that was more calories burned than you think! Let me know what you think of the Walk away the pounds dvd when you try it.
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Where is our Mr Sister I want to know how much he lost at work today. I just think that whole things about the work competion it great! I want him to win so bad!
  • hopetobeinshape
    Im here! I still have one more test tomorrow morning (the first part of the bar). So I have been studying my little :heart: out.

    Christine and Resa awesome jobs with the workouts! You guys are so consistent :smile:

    Me on the other hand :frown: Not a single workout in yet this wk...ahhhhhh! Today after work and before study time I am starting the couch to 5k, the first run is only 25 min and its 50 degrees outside so I have to take advantage :noway:

    Hope everyone is having a good morning/friday!
    Hey I give you props for doing the couch to 5 k outside. I am not that motivated yet. I keep thinking I am going to try it outside and then always change my mind. Good luck!

    I know how you feel, for some odd reason I get lazy when I run outside and dont run far enough, but with the couch to 5k intervals I have no choice :laugh:
    Plus the weather is gorgeous! What week are you in? Do you use a HRM when you are doing the couch to 5k, if so how many calories do you burn?
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    I was thinking about doing the couch to 5K, too, but I have NO IDEA when to work it into my schedule!!! I know it's only 3 days a week, but I'm already doubling up on some workouts. Maybe you can give me some suggestions? Here's my schedule...

    Monday: Volleyball
    Tuesday: P90X Plyometrics
    Wednesday: Volleyball, P90X Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps, ARX
    Thursday: Yoga X
    Friday: Back & Biceps, ARX
    Saturday: Kenpo X
    Sunday: Rest or X Stretch

    I usually do P90X in the evening after my kids go to bed. I don't want to add more cardio to my cardio days, but I don't know what else to do... Help!!!
  • tidwelljw
    tidwelljw Posts: 146
    Hey Gals....I'm still here! Work has been insane this week that's why I'm not posting near as much as before. I had my weigh in today and I only lost about 1.5 lbs. Which is still good considering I still haven'''t gotten back on track with my workout. Between the house building and packing in the afternoon for moving and I ate like 3 bad fast food meals!
  • PunkinHeadsMOMMA
    Hi all!
    Today was supposed to be a little more relaxed, guess not:noway: . 4 more babies this morning, one of which was half froze, so had to work on him for a while (yes he's ok now). Then tractor blew a tire while going to feed, so I had to make a flying trip to town to get it fixed. Then had to tag babies again.:happy: Maybe we'll get some sleep tonight!?! Well, need to round something up for dinner, then check cows:ohwell: . Just think, we still have over 200 still to pop! Oh and our other twin that was abandonded got a mommy today cuz a cow lost her calf last night at the other station of the ranch. So at least I don't have to bottle feed every couple of hours any more, for now at least.:bigsmile:
  • hopetobeinshape
    It sounds like every one is busy busy busy! Well here comes the wkend :smile:

    Hope it goes well :flowerforyou: