I had a huge binge today.



  • Losing_It
    Losing_It Posts: 3,271 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thank you all for your kindness and support. I really needed it yesterday. Today, I am right back on track and am putting it behind me. I talked it over with my husband as well, kind of a confession, and he's been terrificly supoortive and helpful.

    p.s. I am in Amsterdam, so quite a few hours ahead of most of you which is why I didn't respond last night (for me, day for you). I didn't want you all to think I posted and then just left.

    I'm glad you are right back on track today!:flowerforyou:
  • knlamb10
    knlamb10 Posts: 33
    I feel for you girl... I did the same thing yesterday. I was on a great streek and then I at half a batch of brownies and a bottle of champagne... BOY! I kept asking myself why was I doing this... and all I could think of is I am so angry, frustrated I need to make myself feel better.. BAD idea... because once I did that I ate a half bag of shelled peanuts! So needless to say I went WAY over my food for the day. I do normally eat everything in moderation because I know I am sucha junkie... if I deny myself... I will go out of control! haha.. well sometimes I dont think it has anything to do with moderation but something internally- emotionally! I did work out though for 2 hours earlier in the day.... and all i can think is that my blood sugar took a dump which caused me to be extremely crabby and self loathing. It happens.. but don't worry you and I will be up on our horse today riding like champions! I can feel it! ;)
  • 1Corinthians13
    1Corinthians13 Posts: 5,296 Member
    What happened at work/home/on the way to work/anywhere that made you feel wrong?

    You didn't eat that pie because it tasted good, although it probably did at first. If you were shoveling it in, you weren't tasting it.

    In my experience, when I binge (or even feel the urge to) something is going on. It's very valuable that you discover what that "something" is. It doesn't even have to be emotional, you could be tired, you could have gone too long without eating before the pie break, anything. . .but something's wrong.


    I agree with this.

    I have binging (and yes, sometimes purging) issues. I'll get a craving for a bag of chips...and if I give in I eat the whole thing. I have a lot going on in my life right now and know that I use it as an excuse to binge. So I don't even go down the chip aisle at the grocery store, even for a box of the 100 calorie Sunchips I love. I know that if I buy anything munchy like that, anything at all, the minute something goes wrong or I get upset, I'll throw back everything I have in my pantry. Then I'll hate myself, and possibly try to throw it back up which will make me hate myself even more. I also try to turn to the Bible when I feel this way. Usually, God puts me at peace.

    When you feel like binging like that, sit down with a pen and paper and try to write out what you're feeling. Hopefully, you'll see that it's not the food you want at all and you'll be able to get whatever it is you really need.
  • msujdak
    msujdak Posts: 141
    Hey, you had a bad day. Make today a good day. Just remember what ever you eat, eat it VERRRY SLOWLY!!!:smile: and tell yourself, "Hey this isn't the last cherry pie I'm ever going to have. I'll have some tomorrow, or later " and then walk away. If you really want more pie repeat the above mantra.