I am new and looking to lose 80 lbs

I am new to this site and also just starting my journey again. I was at my heaviest weight in 2008 at 215, I realized I had to do something once I started having trouble walking around the mall…..my lower back would start to throb. Well needless to say I started the journey and lost 41 lbs and felt great, but then it slowly started to come back. A year ago I started having health issues which caused me to put on weight quick (30lbs in 2-3 months), then it was like one health issue after another. I then told myself that if the pain went away I would start focusing on getting healthy again since it seemed as though my weight had a lot to do with all of the issues I had going on. I have now topped my previous heaviest weight at 228, I feel good now (health wise) and now it’s time for me to keep my word to myself and get healthy. I want to get this weight off and keep it off! I am open to all tips/advice.


  • fatgirlslove
    fatgirlslove Posts: 614 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to friend me!
  • CMGemstone
    CMGemstone Posts: 64 Member
    welcome and i wish you the very best!! You CAN do this!
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    You can do this! I had just over 80ish pounds to lose when I started here Aug 2010 too. It has taken me just over a year but I'm down 74lbs now and so much happier and better off now.

    Start slowly, know that it takes a long time, and set backs happen but in the long run it's SOOOO worth it! You can do it!!!
  • sangelic
    welcome! MFP is such an amazing tool and the people on here are really great at keeping you motivated. Feel free to friend me if you like. :smile:
  • charkendrick
    charkendrick Posts: 74 Member
    You can friend me! We are the same height and have the same goal weight. It will be fun to journey together.
  • clcole522
    clcole522 Posts: 68 Member
    welcome to MFP...Can't say enough about this site!! Best place to be while your on this weight loss journey.... I wish you the very best!! Feel free to add me as a friend.....
  • ginique
    ginique Posts: 49 Member
    Welcome to the club and congratulations of taking steps toward healthy living! I am a bit new myself - signed up for an account ages ago, but never really used it until the beginning of last month. Feel free to friend me if you'd like!
  • Nelly_J
    Welcome!!! Best to luck to you on your weight loss journey!!!
  • gazz777
    gazz777 Posts: 722
    Welcome about. Cheering you on all the way.

    Feel free to friend me if you wish.

  • CatharinaC
    Hello meosha30

    I also have lower back and since I have lost 15 lbs , I feel much better .. It is not a fast process, but even the little steps are worth it.
    You can do this and remember we all have our good and bad days, but it is a matter of being able to get support and you will here.

    Feel free to friend me :)
  • cfranch21
    My name is Carissa. I started out at 203lbs but I'm only 5'2. I have a family history of heart issues and Thyroid problems so I decided to do something about it. This isn't a sales pitch I'm just telling you what has been working for me. I've been using Herbalife products and so far I've lost 19lbs since May and 8 in the last month. I started a weight loss challenge at a local health club. They are meal replacement shakes and are much more filling than Slim Fast and taste much better too especially if you get the recipes. They have supplements too. I just started taking them cause I was biased about it at first. SO I started the Herbalife and opened an account on here to track my BMR and daily calorie intake. If you consume at least 1200 calories a day that is what EVERY BODY needs to be healthy, but that doesn't mean you will be full. If your BMR is 1800 eat 1300 calories a day you will lose a pound a week. Mine is around 1500 so I eat 1200 and I walk off the other 200 calories. It's a lot of information but that is what has worked best for me. If you want to know more about the product you can talk to me about that as well. Either way I hope I helped a little and good luck!! :)

  • tracysue11
    tracysue11 Posts: 10 Member
    HI! Welcome! Ive lost 86 lbs and am going for another 24 so i know you can do this! my tips.......Eat all your calories, exercise, and eat all your exercise calories!!!!! Switch up yer exercise so your body doesnt get bored, always keep yer favorite fruits and veggies in the house, and if you want to be really good, yer gonna want to eat...
    5 fruits and veggies a day
    2 servings of dairy a day
    1 serving of whole grains a day
    2 servings of lean protein a day
    8 glasses of water a day(8oz each)
    and a little oil (evoo) is always good for digestion
    also i have found that a reward for reaching a weight goal like the first 5 lbs etc. helps me to really push forward! :) Hope this helps!
  • bwinslow42
    this is a great place to start. it really is helping me learn more about and how many calories I was consuming. I had no idea. So I have gradually changed what I eat and am losing weight slowly but surely. You will also have lots of support the people on this ite are wonderful. Good Luck and welcome to mfp Please feel free to add me as a friend!