Suddenly confused - is it just me?



  • GrizzledSquirrel
    GrizzledSquirrel Posts: 120 Member
    @IronIsMyTherapy Ah-ha! That has “translated” something else for me - i.e. when some people post their astronomically high TDEEs on MFP, it might include an element of surplus (presumably when building muscle?) as well as super-activity/muscle-mass. That’s also reassuring to hear.

    Still - despite being in surplus I’m still in awe that you can push your TDEE to 1800 cals above your BMR. Makes me tired just reading about it. Bravo! I hope you achieve your goals!
  • GrizzledSquirrel
    GrizzledSquirrel Posts: 120 Member
    (Above), I should have said “astronomically high daily calorie consumption” as opposed to TDEEs.
  • AlexiaC47
    AlexiaC47 Posts: 65 Member
    Remember portion control.
    I do eat healthy foods like avocados, olive oil, nuts- which are high in calories. But small portions, and I stay under 12-1300 calories a day.

    I have less to lose, so my focus is on health. but the benefit is when I eat healthy, I do lose more weight.

    I know this is debated to death, but ex., a low calorie fake snack food does not help me lose. An apple dipped in peanut butter does.
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    I understand your frustration and confusion in this. It makes me SMH when I see a picture of something really yummy, advertised as healthy, then search all over creation for the recipe, only to find out the calorie count is outrageous. It happens all the time.
    Someone suggested the basics; veggies, fruits, fish, whole grains, good fats. Build from there within the calorie limits for you.
    Had to chuckle at the vision of you in the supermarket wondering if you should buy chia seeds, maple syrup and almond milk. I did exactly that and made overnight oatmeal. Dang, if that stuff didn't have about 500 cal. and little eating satisfaction. For that amount of calories I could've made an extra large omelet, filled with veggies, sides of fruits, and maybe even breakfast meat. A whole lot of satisfaction and more protein/vitamins to boot.
    Yep, it's pick and choose.