Soon to be 40

Quite honestly I need help with motivation. I do amazing for about 1 week and then I quit. I lost about 80 3-6 years ago, but I’ve gained most of it back. This quarantine time and the gym shut down stopped me going back to the gym which I did start up.
It would be nice to surround myself with people who are working out and eating better.
3 years ago my children’s father died, then my 3 kids moved to Canada with me, I had a breast reduction and I changed jobs, all in 6 months. I quit my self care because it felt selfish taking all that time working out and stuff. I’ve decided I need it and my children want it for me.
Add me as a friend, I turn 40 in 6 months and I want to be serious


  • jpforbesii
    jpforbesii Posts: 15 Member
    37 here. I gained 40 pounds during the lock down and am on track to get back into shape. I'm here everyday. I work out everyday, and my diary is open. Feel free to add me if you want motivation or support.