The Consequences of a Very Low Calorie Diet (aka Starvation



  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    Its kind of hard for me to reply to you since you have cited no objective evidence or logic in support of your point

    Self proclaimed as 'french and obnoxious'. Not replying is the best use of your time.

  • Bingo...
  • kfriedm1
    kfriedm1 Posts: 6 Member
    That's EXACTLY what I was going to say! THANK YOU!
  • quixoticmantis
    quixoticmantis Posts: 297 Member
    I've got a friend who went down that path and never made it back. She died from the consequences of her anorexia at 28. Seeing someone promoting a 500 calories diet makes me want to cry.

    I'm so sorry. My heart goes out to you and your friend.

    I've suffered from an eating disorder, and I'm one of the lucky ones - I got away with some hospital stays, some feeding tubes, and slightly messed up kidneys.

    I'm on this site to become HEALTHIER. For the first time in my life, i'm eating recommended calories, I'm exercising a normal amount, and I'm HEALTHY. I'm so proud.

    When I hear about people losing their life to an eating disorder, it breaks my heart. It's's a problem. And to see people promoting it....just.....

  • minuu
    minuu Posts: 11

    However this diet isn't sustainable, hence why it's only a diet, and why I will only do it for a short period of time, and I will start introducing carbs soon. At the end of the day if you can eat 3500 calories a day for all your life, you can afford to go 700 calories a day for a few weeks! However every person is totally different! Each body is different and has a different environment, if this diet works for her then let her be, however if you have health problems, it should be avoided.

    Sorry but she states in her profile explicitely that she has an eating disorder. That plus all the "ana" references like "thinspo", "thigh gap",etc! In my opinion (and in the opinion of my former therapist), you shouldn't be on a weight loss website if you have an eating disorder. You should be working on a healthy diet and cognitive therapy with a doc!

    Yeah I just checked out her profile, she is probably trolling... or a 15 year old girl going through a phase, hence the thigh gap and hip bone remarks... I do hope she only wrote those 'inspirations' as jokes. I have friends who have gone through eating disorders, and it's such a dark place!

    I don't think this girl is joking!! She is 18, 113lbs, 5'2". She says she hates herself for being so fat, wants to see her ribs, Goal weight is 87lbs. She states she has body dismorphia disorder. She seriously needs help. Sad. :(

    My, my alot of assumptions about me have been made about me while i was gone. well to start off, I am 18 years old and i do have and eating disorder, not that i'm proud of it. What i posted previously was me sharing MY experience of losing fat on a very resrictive diet due to my eating disorder. How do i know majority of it was fat? Because my legs feels toner and firmer and looks more define( plus the number on scale was going down). Is this method healthy? Hell no, it's not, but i can not help myself. I feel as if something is chaining me down, preventing me from running free like everyone else. I need to control. if i don't have control, I feel this overwhelming feeling of guilt and impending doom. I am fat and look fat in the mirror, and wish one day i can look in the mirror and like what i see. I have to say that some here are quite rude and are very quick to judge. It saddens me.

  • However this diet isn't sustainable, hence why it's only a diet, and why I will only do it for a short period of time, and I will start introducing carbs soon. At the end of the day if you can eat 3500 calories a day for all your life, you can afford to go 700 calories a day for a few weeks! However every person is totally different! Each body is different and has a different environment, if this diet works for her then let her be, however if you have health problems, it should be avoided.

    Sorry but she states in her profile explicitely that she has an eating disorder. That plus all the "ana" references like "thinspo", "thigh gap",etc! In my opinion (and in the opinion of my former therapist), you shouldn't be on a weight loss website if you have an eating disorder. You should be working on a healthy diet and cognitive therapy with a doc!

    Yeah I just checked out her profile, she is probably trolling... or a 15 year old girl going through a phase, hence the thigh gap and hip bone remarks... I do hope she only wrote those 'inspirations' as jokes. I have friends who have gone through eating disorders, and it's such a dark place!

    I don't think this girl is joking!! She is 18, 113lbs, 5'2". She says she hates herself for being so fat, wants to see her ribs, Goal weight is 87lbs. She states she has body dismorphia disorder. She seriously needs help. Sad. :(

    My, my alot of assumptions about me have been made about me while i was gone. well to start off, I am 18 years old and i do have and eating disorder, not that i'm proud of it. What i posted previously was me sharing MY experience of losing fat on a very resrictive diet due to my eating disorder. How do i know majority of it was fat? Because my legs feels toner and firmer and looks more define( plus the number on scale was going down). Is this method healthy? Hell no, it's not, but i can not help myself. I feel as if something is chaining me down, preventing me from running free like everyone else. I need to control. if i don't have control, I feel this overwhelming feeling of guilt and impending doom. I am fat and look fat in the mirror, and wish one day i can look in the mirror and like what i see. I have to say that some here are quite rude and are very quick to judge. It saddens me.

    Sweet girl, you need to get help then. Coming to a site like this is certain to make it worse unless you are already in the process of healing. Your legs will feel more toned because there is only so much fat on the human body to begin with. When you reduce all of the stores of fat what you are left with is muscle and bone. No worries though, as you continue to lose, now that you have depleted the fat stores that your body draws from for energy, you will begin to see that muscle disappear as well. This is not me being judgmental or rude, these are the facts. It will also be drawing from your bones for what sustenance it can get, leaving you with brittle bones, and painful joints. Losing control is a scary feeling for anyone but think of all the other aspects of your life you could control if you had the energy to do so. Like to someday have kids, which starving your body will ruin the chances of. I wish there was something more I could do or say to help you, but I am far from a counselor.... Please please do take control of your life, and go talk to a counselor who deals in eating disorders. This is like watching someone standing on a bridge and being unable to reach out to help them off the edge.
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member

    However this diet isn't sustainable, hence why it's only a diet, and why I will only do it for a short period of time, and I will start introducing carbs soon. At the end of the day if you can eat 3500 calories a day for all your life, you can afford to go 700 calories a day for a few weeks! However every person is totally different! Each body is different and has a different environment, if this diet works for her then let her be, however if you have health problems, it should be avoided.

    Sorry but she states in her profile explicitely that she has an eating disorder. That plus all the "ana" references like "thinspo", "thigh gap",etc! In my opinion (and in the opinion of my former therapist), you shouldn't be on a weight loss website if you have an eating disorder. You should be working on a healthy diet and cognitive therapy with a doc!

    Yeah I just checked out her profile, she is probably trolling... or a 15 year old girl going through a phase, hence the thigh gap and hip bone remarks... I do hope she only wrote those 'inspirations' as jokes. I have friends who have gone through eating disorders, and it's such a dark place!

    I don't think this girl is joking!! She is 18, 113lbs, 5'2". She says she hates herself for being so fat, wants to see her ribs, Goal weight is 87lbs. She states she has body dismorphia disorder. She seriously needs help. Sad. :(

    My, my alot of assumptions about me have been made about me while i was gone. well to start off, I am 18 years old and i do have and eating disorder, not that i'm proud of it. What i posted previously was me sharing MY experience of losing fat on a very resrictive diet due to my eating disorder. How do i know majority of it was fat? Because my legs feels toner and firmer and looks more define( plus the number on scale was going down). Is this method healthy? Hell no, it's not, but i can not help myself. I feel as if something is chaining me down, preventing me from running free like everyone else. I need to control. if i don't have control, I feel this overwhelming feeling of guilt and impending doom. I am fat and look fat in the mirror, and wish one day i can look in the mirror and like what i see. I have to say that some here are quite rude and are very quick to judge. It saddens me.

    Sweet girl, you need to get help then. Coming to a site like this is certain to make it worse unless you are already in the process of healing. Your legs will feel more toned because there is only so much fat on the human body to begin with. When you reduce all of the stores of fat what you are left with is muscle and bone. No worries though, as you continue to lose, now that you have depleted the fat stores that your body draws from for energy, you will begin to see that muscle disappear as well. This is not me being judgmental or rude, these are the facts. It will also be drawing from your bones for what sustenance it can get, leaving you with brittle bones, and painful joints. Losing control is a scary feeling for anyone but think of all the other aspects of your life you could control if you had the energy to do so. Like to someday have kids, which starving your body will ruin the chances of. I wish there was something more I could do or say to help you, but I am far from a counselor.... Please please do take control of your life, and go talk to a counselor who deals in eating disorders. This is like watching someone standing on a bridge and being unable to reach out to help them off the edge.

    This. You have an eating disorder which means you can't trust your eyes to judge your body. And because you have the disorder you HAVE to resist your compulsions to disordered behavior. You have to resist promoting the symptoms of your illness as a legit diet choice.

    You need to come to terms with what you can and cannot control. Assert control where you can and try to get zen about what you can't. Please see a counselor to help you and friend me if you want.