Struggling with confidance

I am a 45 year old guy that reciently ended my long term marrige, spent acouple month being really down and decided I needed to make some changes. Losing some of the extra pounds was one thing. I would love to meet some exciting ladies to communicate with that can help me get my confidance back and give me something to motivate me through this time. Hopfully i can motivate you as well :)

Hope to here from you all soon.


  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    Confidence comes from inside - if it comes from some fawning woman telling you how wonderful you are it's not really confidence at all - it's flattery
    You're 45 - time to grow up - take a class, work on improving YOURSELF and confidence will follow
  • hikerchick9
    hikerchick9 Posts: 28 Member
    I know the daily struggles you must be going through right now. I have been separated from my husband of 22 years for almost 2 years now. I immediate lost 25 lbs, only to gain it back. This time I've set some healthy goals for myself to include dropping the weight again and getting in better shape for me. This website has helped me tremendously. There is so much support here.
    Good for you to start making changes. Doing it will build your confidence and that will help in other parts of your life. Welcome and welcome to the rest of YOUR life!
    Add me as a friend and we will help each other :)
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    I am a 45 year old guy that reciently ended my long term marrige, spent acouple month being really down and decided I needed to make some changes. Losing some of the extra pounds was one thing. I would love to meet some exciting ladies to communicate with that can help me get my confidance back and give me something to motivate me through this time. Hopfully i can motivate you as well :)

    Hope to here from you all soon.

    The place you're in right now is tough, but your destiny is yours to write. You need to decide who the person that you want to be is, (within reason of course) and mark a path to become that person. People re-invent themselves all the time.

    You get one chance to change your MFP User Name. I suggest you start with changing from something that essentially screams "I'm a nobody" to something that has a positive message about you - even if you have to 'grow' into it.

    MFP is a great place to make friends with others who are also working to better themselves. It's a great place for encouragement, advice and support, but it isn't a therapy site or a dating site. If you try to use it that way, you're going to get shut down - the people on here for the most part are serious about diet and exercise.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Yeah, you kinda need to build yourself up on your own, homie. Sorry. Try doing things you've never done before. Take chances. Join different groups on and make some stuff happen. Really get into things you're already good at. The problem with relying on others to boost your confidence is a) it's a burden on people who want to know you for other reasons and b) once they're all gone - you're in the hole again. Get out there, dude.
  • OK maybe I missspoke, What I need is motivation. I am confidant I can do this, I am a sucsessful indivedual that has been able to due the things I set out to do. Ove rthe last 2 months I have been able to lose 20 pounds - Quit smoking cut out french fries and McDonalds totally (Which when you travel as much as I do micky ds is pretty convinent - Part of how I ended up 50 pounds overweight)
    I set my mind to work out 6 days a week and am feeling pretty good. So looking for some cool down to earth people to have fun and joke around with to boost my sprirts alittle.

    Thanks to those that felt like tough love was in order, I dont need lectures, just friends so if you have something negative to say - Im not interested.

    If you are upbeat and spirited lets entertain each other with some humor (dark humor is my specialty) and have some fun