Career change help



  • chocolate_owl
    chocolate_owl Posts: 1,695 Member
    You definitely seem like you need a change ASAP. In your shoes, I'd look for another job similar to the one you currently have just to be in a healthier environment. If you're crying under your desk, you need to NOT be working for that company!!

    If you can't find any accounting jobs, you might look at more logistical things like planning/buying inventory. Resource management in general requires someone who knows their way around spreadsheets and might use software programs you're already familiar with. Project management might also be something you could easily transition to.

    If I'm honest, personal training really does seem like a knee-jerk reaction to me. Big gyms probably aren't hiring right now because of Covid, and it is WORK to build up your brand as an independent trainer. You'll probably spend way more on marketing yourself than you'd bring in for a long time, and it sounds like your husband won't be about that at all. There's plenty of online retraining programs that could get you into a new career - for example, Microsoft/LinkedIn are offering free learning paths and $15 training courses through March 2021:

    If office life and being behind a desk all day are part of what's making you miserable, that may not be quite as easy to transition out of, but if you can at least get away from your horrible boss and get a shorter commute for the time being, that might give you breathing room to figure out what comes next.
  • MidlifeCrisisFitness
    MidlifeCrisisFitness Posts: 1,106 Member
    As an accountant can you investigate tax auditing or maybe tax or grant specialist for an advisor firm?

    Also what about sales?
  • Slacker16
    Slacker16 Posts: 1,184 Member
    emmies_123 wrote: »
    (...) My immediate circle of friends are all in IT industry or teachers, so I don't have a lot of people in my life to ask about their experiences.
    Well, I teach as a main gig and occasionally do some freelance programming on the side. Lol.

    Anyway, I'm in my mid 30's now and went through a career change a few years back when I must have been roughly your age. Much less drastic than what you're considering, research => current setup, but still.

    One thing that helped me land on my feet was figuring out which skills I already had that could be repurposed. For instance, I have no formal education in computer science but had done a fair amount of programming as part of research and had been exposed to a lot of algorithmics and cryptography, so IT was a natural segue...

    Also, I don't know if it needs to be said but a work environment that has you crying under your desk isn't normal.
  • emmies_123
    emmies_123 Posts: 513 Member
    Thanks to everyone that responded. I'm in the office again today and I tell you it was like feeling a weight grow on my chest as I got closer and closer. And for the first time I had to brace myself to get out of the car and walk in. I feel like something is wrong with me that I can't just handle the situation and move on and accept the paycheck with grace.

    I'll try to address all the responses I saw between update and here:

    -Being in the office is part of the problem I think. Everything I have considered as a potential shift is more active and has visible results (aka not just moving numbers around spreadsheets)
    -I hear all of you that said find something else similar just to get away from this particular office. As this isn't an industry I want to continue in I feel like I'm being dishonest to new employer to interview for a place in my current field, knowing I'm trying to leave it and that the work doesn't make me happy. I'm not sure how deep the mental damage goes to know if I would be able to bounce back doing the same thing somewhere else.
    -on that note, I have looked for something closer to home in my field, just because I'm so miserable here. Sadly my region of the state is pretty devoid of opportunities outside of retail (which my husband will NOT let me "Backslide" to). Everything in my career path is a 45-90 min drive one way, going from suburbs to downtown.
    -Personal training: I understand it would be difficult. I have seen over 5 different postings on the generic job sites in the last few weeks though, so places down here are still hiring for it. I would also have an in with the local crossfit gym i used to go to pre-Covid, as I'm friendly with the trainers at two different locations.
    -My husband is not excited that I'm naturally drawn towards possibilities that require social interaction during a pandemic. But I feel like I should follow my heart and start re-educating anyway

    -Slacker16: What is it like teaching? I thought about it as an option but I know that would require a LOT of schooling to even try.

    Husband and I had a talk last night that...I'm not sure how it went?
    -I tried to bring up temping as an option so I could get away from here. He isn't sold on the instability of it
    -I asked if I could go PT at current job if I needed more energy for school, whatever i choose to pursue. He said maybe, if I needed it.
    -When I described the situation that led to the crying he went all beastmode and told me (forcefully, not helping my anxiety) that I should file a hostile work complaint or HE would reach out to owner of my company. That is NOT helpful, and would make my work situation way worse at this company. He is also still not willing to let me run away from it entirely sooo....thanks babe
    -He really isn't keen on the idea that I might take multiple attempts to find what I want in life. He is supportive of me going and doing something, but he wants me to know it's what I want. I'm just...not sure. I'm more sure on the type of work I want, but not enough to say "I want to be x." To be that sure I need to put a lot more time into researching what it is like and other factors about everything I am interested in, and that delays my escape.
  • emmies_123
    emmies_123 Posts: 513 Member
    KHMcG wrote: »
    As an accountant can you investigate tax auditing or maybe tax or grant specialist for an advisor firm?

    Also what about sales?

    Sorry missed yours in the main update. I get that that is the next logical step for a career shift but honestly I hate taxes. I've known since schooling for accounting that I hate taxes. The closest I've come to considering something else in financial field is "financial advisor" that specialized in helping people make budgets and live within their means. And that isn't super high on my list of potentials
  • MidlifeCrisisFitness
    MidlifeCrisisFitness Posts: 1,106 Member
    Change of direction... Not sure career is the issue. What is the main goal for your marriage? I am not a therapist nor do I know you. I know if this was how I reacted to my wife "beastmode" we would have issues on any topic.

    I would look into couples counciling first. My wife and I have been for months now. It has been a Godsend for us. Perhaps it's because it is written but it sounds like you don't agree with your husband and that he is perhaps not taking your feelings into account. The job is secondary to this is the bigger issue. I'm not certain a new career will remove the heavy feeling you have.
  • emmies_123
    emmies_123 Posts: 513 Member
    KHMcG wrote: »
    Change of direction... Not sure career is the issue. What is the main goal for your marriage? I am not a therapist nor do I know you. I know if this was how I reacted to my wife "beastmode" we would have issues on any topic.

    I would look into couples counciling first. My wife and I have been for months now. It has been a Godsend for us. Perhaps it's because it is written but it sounds like you don't agree with your husband and that he is perhaps not taking your feelings into account. The job is secondary to this is the bigger issue. I'm not certain a new career will remove the heavy feeling you have.

    Well I very rarely see my husband's beastmode. I think I have seen it maybe 3 times in the 10-11 years we have been together. Honestly I just react very poorly to visible anger from anyone, even when not directed at me. In fight/flight, I am "panicked bunny/deer" mode

    My husband is taking my feelings into account, I think he is just scared that I am running away from conflict instead of trying to strengthen from it. I have job searched on /off since Spring of 2019 for something in my current field and so he is very aware that if I quit now I am unlikely to find anything else quickly.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,506 Member
    take charge of your life.

    join now.
  • Slacker16
    Slacker16 Posts: 1,184 Member
    emmies_123 wrote: »
    -Slacker16: What is it like teaching? I thought about it as an option but I know that would require a LOT of schooling to even try.
    There's no one answer to this question, it depends enormously on what level you teach at and where you live.

    Currently, I teach... let's say community college would be the equivalent in the US - I'm guessing that's where you live based on this site's demographic - and enjoy it, but wouldn't be willing to teach at the elementary or high school level because having to do discipline isn't fun.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,506 Member
    This thread has motivated me; it damn sure has.

    Ima going to make a career change too.

    I kinda like the sound of: "Spiritual Advisor"

    I reckon that I'll just get some business cards printed up & I'll be on my way !
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,506 Member
    Diatonic12 wrote: »

    I like your hat.
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    @Motorsheen You and me.

  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    This thread has motivated me; it damn sure has.

    Ima going to make a career change too.

    I kinda like the sound of: "Spiritual Advisor"

    I reckon that I'll just get some business cards printed up & I'll be on my way !

    In all seriousness, this thread really has made me start serious looking into my own career change. I even spoke with an admission advisor today.
  • emmies_123
    emmies_123 Posts: 513 Member
    Well I sent an email to my boss (after having husband review it to make sure I wasn't being too confrontational) and boss's response to it was that he doesn't see what he did as wrong, took all the facts way too literally, and we are set to have an in person discussion tomorrow. I applied to a good number of jobs related to my current field yesterday, hopefully someone will consider hiring me because I'm currently having another mini-panic just after reading his email response and I really don't want this to be my life every time I have to interact with my boss. But if he won't even hear what I am saying I'm not sure how we move forward.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    emmies_123 wrote: »
    Well I sent an email to my boss (after having husband review it to make sure I wasn't being too confrontational) and boss's response to it was that he doesn't see what he did as wrong, took all the facts way too literally, and we are set to have an in person discussion tomorrow. I applied to a good number of jobs related to my current field yesterday, hopefully someone will consider hiring me because I'm currently having another mini-panic just after reading his email response and I really don't want this to be my life every time I have to interact with my boss. But if he won't even hear what I am saying I'm not sure how we move forward.

    You should definitely have an HR person in this meeting with you.
  • emmies_123
    emmies_123 Posts: 513 Member
    VeryKatie wrote: »

    You should definitely have an HR person in this meeting with you.

    We don't currently have one, she escaped at the start of October =P Currently I'm filling in until they hire a replacement =/

  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    emmies_123 wrote: »
    VeryKatie wrote: »

    You should definitely have an HR person in this meeting with you.

    We don't currently have one, she escaped at the start of October =P Currently I'm filling in until they hire a replacement =/

    Ah then remind him that YOU are HR at least! But you may still be able to request a 3rd party.
  • emmies_123
    emmies_123 Posts: 513 Member
    VeryKatie wrote: »
    emmies_123 wrote: »
    VeryKatie wrote: »

    You should definitely have an HR person in this meeting with you.

    We don't currently have one, she escaped at the start of October =P Currently I'm filling in until they hire a replacement =/

    Ah then remind him that YOU are HR at least! But you may still be able to request a 3rd party.

    Thanks for the advice =)
    I'm trying to stay positive today. Listened to my morning mindset podcasts, got my core workout in despite really wanting to sleep in, and trying to pluck up the courage to invest in personal training cert. Even if I don't go for that as a job, it can't hurt for me to widen my own knowledge base.