one last post about this.. **ELLIPTICAL USERS!!!!**

EthanJeremiahsMama Posts: 534 Member
edited October 2 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi MFP! This will definitely be my last post about the elliptical lol. First off, i'd like to say thankyou to anyone on MFP who takes the time to read any of my posts & responds and... well, isn't rude. :smile:

For those who use the elliptical alot.. or as a main source of cardio, what has the elliptical helped you with? What is your experience with using the elliptical? Do you do interval courses or high resistance?

I've had several people tell me that it has helped them lose inches and it was noticeable on their thigh area... and I've had some people tell me that it will not do much for me but make my legs bigger with muscle.. which I don't want..

I just get so bored with the treadmill at times, I am not a runner.. more of a jogger and brisk walker on incline lol.

So if anyone out there would like to give their personal experience or review using the elliptical, i'd appreciate it.. THANKS!!


  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    I just recently began using the Elliptical regularly so I don't know what to tell you yet. But I have never heard of anyone getting bigger legs with them. Maybe more definition in the thighs and calves?:smile:
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    I use an elliptical 5 days a week. I do a manual interval session for about 30 minutes most days (sometimes 20 if I have a soccer game or two later that day). I do it at a very high intensity keeping my heart rate between 145 on the rests and 165 on the intervals. In a half hour I can burn anywhere from 400 to 550 calories. I've lost 26 pounds since July 1 doing this and 2 days of bicycling on the weekends. My quads and calves are both smaller, not beefed up muscles so I'd expect you'd be fine too.
  • Aprilsdanes
    Aprilsdanes Posts: 17 Member
    I loved my elliptical but it broke =(. A cheapie one I guess. Wish I still had one as I get bored on the treadmill too.

    I don't see how it would make your legs bigger, I think that's a myth for sure. Definitely more refined, though.
  • i like ellipticals at the gym (when i can afford a membership) and am looking for a used one for at home. i haven't heard of anyone getting larger on the bottom half from them either, though i HAVE heard that about stair masters (they really pump your outer thigh/glute muscles). i would say, if it makes you more interested/excited about working out, then that's what you should do!
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    I love the elliptical because I find it easier than running. I feel like I can fly on it and go faster and longer than I ever could with running. (That's what she said.) I don't think I have bigger legs from it, but I haven't done it consistently enough to tell you. I like doing the interval courses.
  • I love the elliptical. I set it on intervals and work out for 45-60 min 3-4x a week and have lost inches in my thighs and calves.
  • PixelTreason
    PixelTreason Posts: 226 Member
    Love my elliptical!

    Been using it like a madwoman for almost 5 months now and my legs (thighs, specifically) have only gotten smaller and more defined/toned.

    You won't get big - women normally don't unless you are doing serious, serious weightlifting and such. It's hard to become like the bodybuilder women!
  • I've started trying to use the elliptical on the days I don't run as a low impact running "substitute". I like the burn it gives and what it does for my legs. Unlike the guy in yellow above me I only referee recreational soccer so I can't speak for days I have games for a couple more months. :bigsmile:
  • kcgslp
    kcgslp Posts: 203 Member
    On cardio days I do a 30 min. run and then 30min on the elliptical. My Heart Rate is not as high on the elliptical as running but after running 30 min. I'm ok with that. I do it strictly to burn extra calories. I don not notice muscle growth from the elliptical but every body is different.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I'm an elliptical user only because I have PF and a bum-knee. I'll do upper level resistance, hill, interval and my Elliptical has a X-mode where you reverse, squat and use resistance to bump up your workouts intensity.

    as for growing big legs...uhhh... I squat and use heavy weights, my legs aren't big, my *kitten* is tight. just saying.
  • LisaMarieee
    LisaMarieee Posts: 176 Member
    The elliptical helped me lose a lot of body fat all over. It slimmed down my legs A LOT. Muscle makes you look leaner, not bigger. If you have no muscle, you're going to be skinny-fat.

    I just do whatever I feel like on the days I use the elliptical. Usually it's a high-intensity workout where I keep my heart rate around 145-168. I've been doing this since January.
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    elliptical = my best friend
    elliptical = my best friend
    elliptical = my best friend
    elliptical = my best friend


    I've had lots of surgeries on my knee, leg, and ankle because I was hit by an SUV when I was 14 years old. I actually have cadaver ligaments in my knee. so i NEEDED something to be easy on my joints and just entire body. the elliptical did that for me! I always alternate the interval levels on the elliptical machine because it just makes it more interesting i guess! but i definitely do very high intensity intervals. (so i can incorporate at least SOME strength training while using the elliptical) example. if i'm doing a resistance level of 16 on the elliptical and going super slow but moving my arms and legs, pushing through, for a solid minute, that's great! then i'll go down to a two minute fast paced, regular cardio 8 resistance or something! and of course i dont follow this exactly, i just make up whatever as i go but i love the ellpitical

    and as for legs.. i have been doing the elliptical for years.. (since i recovered from my accident when i was 17 i was able to walk again) which was about 4 years ago.. and i have slim legs. but i do have a big booty. but that could just be my body type.. i dont know!

    I would definitely 100% recommend the elliptical over treadmill any day in my opinion! but it's all personal preference!
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    I love the elliptical because I find it easier than running. I feel like I can fly on it and go faster and longer than I ever could with running. (That's what she said.) I don't think I have bigger legs from it, but I haven't done it consistently enough to tell you. I like doing the interval courses.

    HAHAHA i love the (thats what she said) joke ^^^^^^^ lol
  • I just started using an elliptical crosstrainer a few weeks ago, and I use it 6 days a week, along with a recumbent bike and weight circuits. I love that I can get a good burn with it, yet it's easy on my really bad knees. My husband has been doing the elliptical 3-4 days a week for years. He does high intensity -- target heart rate -- for about an hour per session. He has great, nicely defined legs, but not hugely muscular. His resting heart rate is upper 50s, so it's definitely great for that. He also does the recumbent bike & some nautilus.

    Hope this was helpful to you. Good luck!
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