Replacing Charge 3

My fitbit charge 3 has died. I've never thought steps were very accurate plus it only lasted 2 yrs so I'm considering a change. Anyone have a Polar unite? Or what do you love for under $200? Any suggestions?


  • tlpina82
    tlpina82 Posts: 229 Member
    No Polars here, but we all have Garmin. I have a Fenix 5x (Prohibitively expensive, but worth it to me because of what I do with it), My wife has a VivoActive 3 which is great (Paid 180) and my son has a VivoSport ($70) which is more than enough for 99% of the people who just needs fitness tracking.

    Now, if you really want an accurate step count, I would recommend a Bluetooth shoe. My wife an I both wear UnderArmour Hovr. THey sync to the Under Armour app which in turn, syncs to the Garmin App to accurately count the steps.

    Hope this helps.
  • Rhumax67
    Rhumax67 Posts: 162 Member
    Thanks! I'm considering Garmin!