You people do realize



  • Sunshine_Girlie
    Sunshine_Girlie Posts: 618 Member
    I am in agreeance with you. I think I shall give you kudos.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I think I love you. a totally hetero way.

    Not that there is anything wrong with that.

    Not at all!

    Just to clarify, I meant it in a totally 'homo' kind of way. I don't want there to be any confusion about this. :wink:
  • jessicahelene
    jessicahelene Posts: 77 Member
    If you see something you don't like, MOVE ON. Wow, that was a hard one,even on the periphery I've seen people b1tch about this comment and that thread. It's simply not that big a deal, move along and be happy.

    Wait, aren't you making a post to complain about what people post... complaining about... what other people post?

    Seriously though, it's the internet. People are going to be jerks because they can.

    That's too many levels. You lost me at the first pause "...". Which brings me to this: why can't people use punctuation correctly. (totally kidding)

    Yeah I got confused too. You got the message though, right? Pot? Kettle? ;)
  • beach_bum_gurl
    I knew there was a reason that I accepted your friend request <smirk> !
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    well said sir
  • morgaj8
    I agree & on top of it the people who complain about *misspeleled* words... really? Are we in English class or weight loss class??
  • Banks01
    Banks01 Posts: 985 Member
    If you see something you don't like, MOVE ON. Wow, that was a hard one,even on the periphery I've seen people b1tch about this comment and that thread. It's simply not that big a deal, move along and be happy.

    Wait, aren't you making a post to complain about what people post... complaining about... what other people post?

    Seriously though, it's the internet. People are going to be jerks because they can.

    That's too many levels. You lost me at the first pause "...". Which brings me to this: why can't people use punctuation correctly. (totally kidding)

    Yeah I got confused too. You got the message though, right? Pot? Kettle? ;)

    Oh now you're bringing race into It! Racist!!!!!! Wait, I'm neither a kettle or a pot. Never mind.

    Wasn't really a complaint per se, but I can see how it could be perceived as such. It was more like an observation of my short two weeks here. IN WHICH I'VE LOST WEIGHT largely due to the motivation received from them good MFPLayers.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I agree & on top of it the people who complain about *misspeleled* words... really? Are we in English class or weight loss class??

    Life is an extended English class.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    YOU PEOPLE???? What do you mean "you people"?!!
  • Banks01
    Banks01 Posts: 985 Member
    YOU PEOPLE???? What do you mean "you people"?!!

    What do you mean YOU PEOPLE
  • Banks01
    Banks01 Posts: 985 Member
    The Internet scoffs at your feeble attempt to offer reasonable advice.


    I ignore the scoff and I pose my will
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    Love this! Im glad youre my friend. :flowerforyou:
  • brianward81
    brianward81 Posts: 217 Member
    I tried to post this in a thread a few minute ago. When I clicked POST REPLY, it said the thread was closed. What a waste of time, but it seems to mimmick what the OP was saying. Cheers to you!

    Wow. It seems like everyone in this community is different and get affected by things differently. Who knew?!

    You aren't going to change the people who upset you when you complain about the way they do things on here, the internet of all places. All it does is create greater divisions in the community;

    "That guy is such a prude!"
    "She's just a religious nut!" (I've been guilty of coming to that conclusion recently)
    "She gets attention because she has her ta-tas out in her profile pic"

    We all make judgements on people based on these tiny tidbits of info we dish out to each other. Instead of every thread turning into a Us vs Them thing, just post what you want in threads that really interest you and align with your morals. And realise that you will be judged as harshly as you judge others. OP, you can't make a big rant like that and not expect people to bite back, especially when you have made comments the same as those you are ranting about. Not often, that's fair, but what makes a decent amount of flirty/dirty/pun comments to you is completely different to the next person.

    Maybe some of these people are lonely and find the people who respond to them makes them feel better that they are getting attention when they can't garner it in the real world. Some of the others, I'd think, are just out to have a laugh and say things they might not be able to in a normal situation.

    Is it so hard to scroll the mouse wheel down a few more clicks to get past HornyGuy69's repeated sexual innuendo? Just ignore the users that you don't like and move on. If there is a HornyGuy69 user on here and he's see your post, he isn't going to change. That's HornyGuy69s' thing. Your thing is different as is mine. Also, if sexual inuendo and flirting ain't your thing then don't click on MFP After Dark or Who Wants To Talk Dirty or FMP Crush topics. What do you expect to find in there?

    To be clear, I have no issue with you, Darkrider. This rant within a rant thread has just found a home here. I've just noticed that in the few weeks I've been on here I've noticed a really big gap (don't be gross) between users here that is just causing this stupid back and forth (which I can't enough of) of people trying to be the person with better morals. We all have the choice to not click on what we know won't interest us, or read posts by users who have repeatedly resorted to sexual inuendo... I don't even know if this post makes sense so if you don't like what I write, next time you see my profile pic scroll down a little further and be spared the torment!

    This is the internet and you have to accept that you are not going to like everything you see.
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    I have observed that the backlash from people responding to someone making a complaint or stating an opinion that opposes the trend of the thread seems to be much more harsh than the complaint itself much of the time. I'm still trying to figure out why that is so much more noble than just reading past the complaint (as the ad nauseam responses themselves suggest). It seems like the backlash itself has become its own floating thread topic.
  • ignatiusreilly
    ignatiusreilly Posts: 411 Member
    I moderate several large email groups and I know how unruly things can get, especially when people have the cloak of anonymity. Given that MFP is pretty much anonymous, I'm always in awe at how civilized, helpful and supportive (with the occasional exception) the MFP community consistently is. It's really a beautiful thing.
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    Wait, aren't you making a post to complain about what people post... complaining about... what other people post?

    Seriously though, it's the internet. People are going to be jerks because they can.
    LOL Good point. In all seriousness though, I see his point, no matter how ironic it is. I tend to skip over the (rare) drama and oversensitivity (unless I'm in the mood to be distracted from life), because I'm on here for motivation, ideas, and logging.
  • NightSox
    NightSox Posts: 20 Member
    ...this site is mostly anonymous...

    Let's examine a few facts.
    The VAST majority of you don't use real names, that's a way for you to remain anonymous as you'd like...

    What? That's just despicable!
  • 99Tinkerbell
    Agreed way to go!
  • Banks01
    Banks01 Posts: 985 Member
    I moderate several large email groups and I know how unruly things can get, especially when people have the cloak of anonymity. Given that MFP is pretty much anonymous, I'm always in awe at how civilized, helpful and supportive (with the occasional exception) the MFP community consistently is. It's really a beautiful thing.

    I see that everyday in my small group of friends too :)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    remember this is a self help website, not high school.

    Darn it. I think I took a wrong turn somewhere ...

    Seriously, though, I saw far less drama in high school (and even middle school) than I see on most Internet message boards. I think there are a lot of bored, easily-offended people out there who need hobbies.