Wow! Where were you all my life!

Hi, all. This is my first day on MFP. What a great site! My dietician recommended it and I'm really impressed with the positive energy, friendly support and the just plain fun that exudes from this website. (Who'd of thought that a weight loss site would be "fun"...go figure!) I can't wait to start losing and joining in with the challenges. Way to go fellow MFPs! MFPer's Rule!

P.S. Are there any challenges for exercise challenged people? I own my own business and I work up to 16 hour days without breaks...I'm having a hard time fitting in any time for myself. Thank you for the great advice and support.


  • jaramae
    jaramae Posts: 100 Member
    Today is my second day on my serious start to health and weight loss! I totally agree with your title post. I feel like i'll finally have better control and planning now that I can use a site like this. Good luck to you on your weight loss adventure. :)
  • RocketsGirl75
    damn I thought you were talking about me....
    **saunters off**
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    Uh huh.... yeah....!!! Welcome BmiChallenged. You are gonna love this site. Friend me if you'd like.
  • vikiwhite
    vikiwhite Posts: 14 Member
    I too agree with your title. My neice and sister in law introduced me to MFP about three weeks ago and tracking my daily food intake was a real eye-opener. Good Luck to both of you!
  • 99Tinkerbell
    Welcome it is a great site have been on since end of july Love it!
  • spicypepper
    spicypepper Posts: 1,016 Member
    Awesome site for sure. I'm self employed and it wasn't until I made the time to work out that I started seeing the results. That was the end of May. I've lost 34 lbs since roughly June 1st. Give or take a few days.

    (laughing at Rocket) :laugh:
  • BmiChallenged
    BmiChallenged Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks, Spicypepper. I agree that I need to find time to work out and yes, I know that it will make a difference in weight loss. I have been stuck at the same weight, give or take 2lbs, seems. Time to roll up my sleeves and get to work. Luv your username, too.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    Hi! and welcome. I too am extremely busy working tons, but you HAVE to find a little time for it and, you can accomplish alot just tracking food / calories! Good luck!
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    Hey, Bmi!

    Welcome - I've been here a few weeks, and LOVE it!

    I, too, am exercise challenged. I just dont' LIKE doing it.............and have to force myself. I work at a desk job, and it's stressful, and when I get home I'm bone tired to get off my butt is difficult, but I've been doing more of it! (and forget mornings - uggggh. NOT a morning person!)

    So, just eating less has helped me to drop some pounds, and that's, ENJOY this site, let it give you what you need as far as motivation goes, and MUCH luck to you!
  • tych0
    tych0 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey Woggy,

    You just need to find an exercise you like doing ;)
    Have you considered something like Ballroom dancing? It doesn't feel like exercise, it's a lot of fun, and you get to meet all sorts of people who will motivate you to continue dancing!
    Try it for a few lessons, and you'll start looking forward to your next lesson all day at work!!

    Just my 2 cents :)
  • BmiChallenged
    BmiChallenged Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks, tych0. Ballroom dancing....sounds like my dream come true. I would do it in a second...its just that I am out in the "booneys" and I, seriously, do work from waking to sleep. I am trying to sell my business so that I can have time to do something as wonderful as Ballroom dancing. And trust me, its on my list of activities I'd love to do when I escape "booneyville". My only question is: does it come with a blow-up partner (in case I can't find a real one)??? :laugh: And your advice is worth way more than 2 cents....(now if I had common cents...I would not be in the predicament that I am in currently). Thanks for your input, tych0. I love it!
  • alicebud
    alicebud Posts: 72 Member
    I have started working stretches into my work day, 15 minutes at a time. There are lots of these workouts online that don't require equipment and don't really make me sweat. Here is one I found today Scroll down to the bottom And you'll see a guide to ten basic stretches that are things you can do during a work break.

    Let me know if you want other links.

    Ps I guess that is two, instead of one link.
  • cuca17
    BMI, Welcome to MFP.

    I only have been in this site for approximately one month and it have helped me a lot (I love this website... is like and addiction).

    Once you start tracking what you eat and drink you would start changing things that are not healthy for you. Do not skip meals and if possible snacks. You are going to love this website.

    No matter how busy you life is... you deserve to dedicate time for yourself. You are going to reach what you intent.

    Good luck in this new journey.
  • cuca17

    Thanks for your recommendations. I took notes...I need to do something about working out at least 15 minutes to start.

    Congratulations, I see that you have done great.

    Hope to see you around.

  • cuca17

    I'm in the same situation, sitting all day... but at least I like walking but do to rainy days haven't been able to do nothing. Someone recommended that while doing things at home to move my body like if I was dancing. So, if you can try it...see what happe (I haven't been able to do it).

    Good luck in this journey... you are going to make your goal... GOOOOO all the way, little by little.

    Hope to see you around.
  • alicebud
    alicebud Posts: 72 Member
    One tip for desk jockeys...

    Stand up while on the phone or while doing some other repetitive task. I daily spend 15-20 minutes going through the company spam filter looking for legitimate messages. So, i have started lifting up my computer monitor and standing while i click and scroll. Boring task made somewhat more fun just by standing. I guess standing gets me out of the same old same old. i got a curious look from my boss the other day. I just said, i'm stretching my legs and smiled.I don't log it as exercise, but it is *something* that takes me out of sedentary mode.
  • BmiChallenged
    BmiChallenged Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, Alicebud. Re: stuck at a desk job....whatever happened to the idea of sitting on an exercise ball at your desk? Supposedly, it burns more calories than a chair and it tones, you, too. Did anyone ever try it and/or do they still do it? (I always wanted to try sounds like alot of fun, too.) :smile:
  • StarGeezer
    Welcome BMI! I've only been here a day myself, and already feel right at home. This is, hands down, the best online community of its kind I've encountered. Everyone has been very supportive, informative, and friendly. Best regards to you, and stay positive!
  • gianna42
    gianna42 Posts: 5,991 Member
    Hi BMI! Totally with you on the exercise-challenge thing. I just joined yesterday as well and could use an exercise challenge. Friend me, and let me know if you find one (I'll do likewise). Good luck!
  • tbudge
    tbudge Posts: 114
    Welcome! I am fairly new myself. I know it's really hard to find time to work out. One thing that we did is, we bought a spinner (bike) and put it in our front room, so that way when we plop down to watch tv, we can spin rather than just sit. That way, even if you only have 1/2 hour, you can still get some exercise in. Also, I got Zumba for the playstation, it's pretty short and lots of fun! I refuse to join a class as I am not graceful and my hips don't move as cute as those gals. I also got the Michael Jackson game...that is soooo much fun and you don't realize just how much you are working out!
    I get up early for work, so when I get off work, I just immediately change into my workout clothes and go for it. We started Insanity 3 weeks ago. I find that if I just do it right when I get home, I can't use the excuse that I didn't have time.
    Not sure if any of that works for you...but I hope it helped a little... Good Luck!!! you are surrounded with support!!! :smile: