If it's after midnight, do you count food toward the next da



  • Michelle_M2002
    Michelle_M2002 Posts: 301 Member
    I have a Bodybugg, since the calorie expenditure is measured from Midnight to 11:59 pm.. I personally choose to log food as the "next day" if it's eaten after midnight. That is what is easiest for me to keep track of my food to make sure that it's going toward the correct day's calories so that my deficit (I am for burning 1,000 more a day than I eat) is as accurate as possible.

    If I did NOT use a Bodybugg, then I would log my food from wake-up to bed-time, because that's what would be easiest for me in THAT circumstance. Make sense?

    God bless!
  • Michelle_M2002
    Michelle_M2002 Posts: 301 Member
    In the end, there is no definitive answer other than this: decide how you want to count it and count it that way every time it happens. As long as you are consistent it really doesn't matter. The only real problem is if you start gaming how you count these calories by recording it differently each time to make a day look better than it was. Pick what makes the most sense to you, stick with it, and don't worry!

    I completely agree with everything he said here!

    God bless!
  • i do it by MY day, not by 12am-12pm. i woek up at 4pm today, so i input my first meal at 6 pm as breakfast, and my dinner will probly be sometime around 2 am :P
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    It depends on how my day before went. If I was undercalories by a lot, I count it for the day before. If I was right on or over, I count it for the next day. It's really all about the weekly defecit so I don't think it matters much.
  • ParagonXI
    ParagonXI Posts: 6 Member
    I definitely believe days count as how long you're awake, not by if it's past 12AM or not.
  • I use sleep as the dividing point.
  • cherrieruns
    cherrieruns Posts: 342 Member
    personally I count it for my awake time but in truth it is more important to count it, regardless of when. Someone suggested not 'playijng' with the calories for the day - I think that is right on. If you start moving calories to make the nmbers look better, eventually it will catch up with you. Good luck to you in this journey.