In NEED of MFP'S support!!!! :(

When I first started this site, I loved the way it worked. However recently I have not felt the "support" that I felt when I first started. I am starting to get that old feeling back...(the i dont give a s*** feeling that you have when you've started a diet, and its not showing fast enough results, or you slack off for a day, and don't get back on track the next day, and the cycle continues..until your right back at where you started)! So please, if any of you are feeling the same thing as I do.. add me as a friend or message me! Support is so important in weight loss, and I really feel like I need support right now.... I still have 147.5 lbs to go!! ughhhhhhhhh!


  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    When I first started this site, I loved the way it worked. However recently I have not felt the "support" that I felt when I first started. I am starting to get that old feeling back...(the i dont give a s*** feeling that you have when you've started a diet, and its not showing fast enough results, or you slack off for a day, and don't get back on track the next day, and the cycle continues..until your right back at where you started)! So please, if any of you are feeling the same thing as I do.. add me as a friend or message me! Support is so important in weight loss, and I really feel like I need support right now.... I still have 147.5 lbs to go!! ughhhhhhhhh!

    I understand how you feel and I have been there! I'll support you as much as I can- let's figure out how to get that fire back! There is no doubt that you are worth it! Friendship request on it's way...
  • Dohrnl
    Dohrnl Posts: 43 Member
    This might sound super lame, but I wrote myself a letter that I read when I feel like you do. I just put the reasons I started down in the first place. Also I mention why I am doing this, how I feel when I see the scale go down, etc. I haven't pulled it out yet, but I know I will need to. Keep believing. You didn't gain all that weight overnight, so don't think it will come off overnight. That's my thought process. Slow and steady will win the race!
  • NancyAnne1960
    NancyAnne1960 Posts: 500 Member
    Hang in there!! Losing weight is no fast act, when you do it so it stays away. Lower your goals to 10 - 20 lbs. and then go for another. Think of it as a lifestyle change, and you are just changing the food you eat, the amounts and types for life. Eat fiber and protein to help fill you up, lots of water, and 4-6 small meals daily. Almost like snacking all day (with healthy foods) and you'll feel like that's all you do is eat. Just cutting your cals by 500 per day will make a huge difference, and adding a little exercise - more activity than you are used to - taking stairs when possible, parking further away from a door entrance, swing your arms more - even above your head while walking around the house.... go with the baby steps to get you going again. Just don't think you need to starve yourself. And, don't beat up on yourself. We all have moments of giving up. It really does get easier, just take baby steps. Good Luck to you!! You can do it!! Just don't give up!! :flowerforyou:
  • BBCTiffyB
    BBCTiffyB Posts: 114 Member
    Friend request on the way from me as well! Let's get you back where you need to be!!
  • Sumijain
    Sumijain Posts: 309 Member
    I've got a long way to go as well. We can both do it. Sending you a friend request. :)
  • Nikkie_too
    Nikkie_too Posts: 495 Member
    Hang in there! I feel ya... I've got a long way to go too.

    What's hard for you now? Food? Exercise? Purpose/goals?
  • whisperingdragon
    This might sound super lame, but I wrote myself a letter that I read when I feel like you do. I just put the reasons I started down in the first place. Also I mention why I am doing this, how I feel when I see the scale go down, etc. I haven't pulled it out yet, but I know I will need to. Keep believing. You didn't gain all that weight overnight, so don't think it will come off overnight. That's my thought process. Slow and steady will win the race!

    That's a great idea!
  • Nikkie_too
    Nikkie_too Posts: 495 Member
    This might sound super lame, but I wrote myself a letter that I read when I feel like you do. I just put the reasons I started down in the first place. Also I mention why I am doing this, how I feel when I see the scale go down, etc. I haven't pulled it out yet, but I know I will need to. Keep believing. You didn't gain all that weight overnight, so don't think it will come off overnight. That's my thought process. Slow and steady will win the race!

    Not lame... brilliant! :)
  • Choclat_Pearl
    Choclat_Pearl Posts: 166 Member
    OK to Friend so WE can Win!!
  • ocnldy
    ocnldy Posts: 123 Member
    Set mini goals, reward yourself when you hit them. I just hit my first mini goal and it feels great!! You can do this. Chocolate tastes good for a minute but fat pictures haunt you forever!
  • BProudOfU
    BProudOfU Posts: 83 Member
    I understand the feeling. Sending a friend request so can help each other. I have only been here about 3 months. My weight loss is going slow, but I only wanted to lose about 1 lb a weeks anyway. That is supposed to be better for you and a better chance of keeping it off. Hang in there!
  • jenfotovat
    I think what started this "depression" is that I started out really good, lost 13 lbs pretty quickly and started going to the gym 4 days a week, and then for 2 weeks straight I didn't lose anything!! Then on Sunday we went to a bbq, and I went way over my calories..monday..I went over again and didn't go to the gym..same for I am under..but I really wanted to go into the kitchen and make an ice cream cone(which I haven't)! I keep telling myself I'll go back to the gym tomorrow..but I haven't been...I have 147lbs to go still..I don't expect to lose a 1lb a day or anything..but nothing for 2 weeks! grrrrrrr :( I started feeling sorry for myself tonight..and really upset that I started slippin back..CAUSE I WANT TO DO THIS SOOOO BAD!! I had knee surgery last year, which makes it difficult for me at the gym, but that didn't stop me from pushing myself to go..until the last few days at least..Thank you all for your support... of all days I feel like I really needed it and Im ready to start this again tomorrow!! Im here to be a supporter as well...(dont like the spotlight too much) :) Im looking forward to the days ahead again! :)
  • smartipants
    I was feeling the same away a few days ago, so I decided to revamp my profile, my goals and my friends list. :) It did give me a little boost that I needed, so I am here for you as well! Friend request on the way! You got this girl!
  • jenfotovat
    Set mini goals, reward yourself when you hit them. I just hit my first mini goal and it feels great!! You can do this. Chocolate tastes good for a minute but fat pictures haunt you forever!

    ohh i love that thought :)
  • jenfotovat
    This might sound super lame, but I wrote myself a letter that I read when I feel like you do. I just put the reasons I started down in the first place. Also I mention why I am doing this, how I feel when I see the scale go down, etc. I haven't pulled it out yet, but I know I will need to. Keep believing. You didn't gain all that weight overnight, so don't think it will come off overnight. That's my thought process. Slow and steady will win the race!
    I think I might try that.. :):)
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Some times we just have an off day or a few off days. Working out is great but if you are struggling right now to do both, try telling yourself you will just count your calories for now -- and on days you feel like it go for a walk or do jumping jacks or something that doesn't require as much effort as the gym. I think with the gym you have to get your workout clothes on, get your shoes, find a towel, water bottle, etc and it gives you a LOT of time to talk yourself out of it. Where as if you say "get up and do 30 jumping jacks right now!" you just get up and do it. No planning.

    Although jumping jacks might be bad for your knee. March in place?
  • Smurftastic
    Smurftastic Posts: 36 Member
    Have sent a friend request :smile:
  • jminette
    I feel like it's too slow sometimes.. But look back at how far you've come! You don't want to have done that for nothing!
    And think about how much healthier you are, even right this minute, from doing what you're doing.
    Results will come, and you'll be that much more proud of yourself knowing you didn't starve or use pills or unconventional methods. You are strong, doing it the right way.
    And time will fly. :)
  • mcleo47
    Sorry you are feeling that way. I would love to supprt your goals. Friend me, iif you wish.
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    Ugh...definitely feeling that! I was doing okay then I hit a week or two where I was lazy with working out (still working out, but not as much) and I ate like crap and gained five pounds and now I'm feeling like crap. Five pounds may not sound like much but on me it looks like 20 and is just as hard to get rid of. I was at the same weight for MONTHS and then gained five pounds so now I just want to curl up and cry....

    Anyway, I understand. :) Friend request is being sent. :)