Excruciating pain during exercise during ovulation.



  • sarahcartwright6044
    sarahcartwright6044 Posts: 4 Member
    edited September 2020
    Hi Guys

    Just stumbled across this post, amazing that some people are experiencing the exact same symptoms. I have the exact same issue and have been suffering from it for about 15 years now (around the time of ovulation).

    Recently I’ve decided to finally try and do something about it and have been to see two different gynaecologist’s - neither of which could explain why or give me a straight answer. It doesn’t seem to be very common and sounds as though very little research has been done to date.

    They did find multiple cysts on my ovaries during a vaginal ultrasound (approx 40 on each side, far more than normal) although both gynaecologists didn’t think this could be linked to the excruciating pain. They also don’t think I have endometriosis but cannot be sure based on a scan. I get very painful periods but nothing compares to those pains!!

    For now I am managing the pain with low intensity or no exercise during ovulation.

    Has anyone had any luck in finding out the cause?? Would love to know!

    Just an update for you! I got recommended a gyno on the Gold Coast who specialises in endo. He booked me in for a laparoscopy and found endo!!!
    And took it out. I’ve had many pelvic ultra sounds, and also have more cysts then usual. Endo can not be seen on a ultra sound and so many doctors will turn you away from this disease but it’s real. Get checked.
    I am so glad I know what’s going on with my body now. He is a private specialist and it’s costed me $3grand without private health. All I can say is it’s so worth it if you haven’t had kids yet.
    He also put the Marina in as well which is meant to help.

    Sounds like you need to see a gyno who specialises In Endometriosis.
    I found more info on a Facebook page called “Australia women with endometriosis support group” they will help with what specialist in your area and you can relate to these women.

    After 16years I’ve finally got answer!!! Hope you do as well ❤️
  • jogurl82
    jogurl82 Posts: 1 Member
    I literally registered for this site so that I could comment. I am having the exact same issues...so much so that it's almost scary. I am new to running, and have noticed that when I ovulate, about 20 minutes into my run, I'm having the intense pain, pressure, nausea, you name it. It last for about 20 minutes, and then goes away as if nothing has ever happened. Not that I'm glad that anyone else is experiencing this, but it's nice to know that I'm not just crazy, and that I'm not alone.
    The first time it happened, I thought I had a cyst burst (have had ovarian cysts since I was 18). They're not something that I deal with a lot, they burst once or twice a year, and though the pain is intense, it's infrequent enough that I just deal with it. This, though, had me thinking I was going to die, whilst running down the boardwalk.
    I just had my annual gyno visit. She suggested an ultrasound, which returned nothing. The first option was to put me on the pill, but that causes heart issues and makes me crazy hormonal. I had my tubes tied three years ago to avoid having to go on hormonal birth control. They said that they could do a laparoscopic examination, but I've opted out. I'll continue to monitor, and be careful of the days I choose to run.
    Thanks for your invisible support.....it really does help. Good luck in all your struggles to figure out what's going on. <3
  • stephie_nyc
    stephie_nyc Posts: 96 Member
    Oh crap. I get bad ovulation pain too. It feels like a cyst is going to pop. I have had to lie down on the SIDEWALK in NYC because I couldn't walk any farther. I just laid there until someone finally asked if I was okay and walked me to a doctors office a couple blocks away.

    But I have never had exercise bring it on. Have you tried dosing Aleve or something throughout the day starting on day 14 of your cycle?

  • Kircuit
    Kircuit Posts: 1 Member
    Not sure who might benefit from this, but thought I'd share my experience because it sounds similar to some of you who've posted here. I started experiencing excruciating abdominal pain once a month that lasted anywhere from 1-3 days. It came in waves and I literally couldn't move once the pain started. It would begin in the center of my stomach and then move down into my entire abdomen. I tried sooo many things to make it better and had a ton of tests done, but nothing ever showed up because we didn't catch it while the pain was happening. It lasted about 3 years before it got bad enough that my husband took me to the hospital during one of these episodes and I finally got a CT that showed what was going on. I had something called subacute appendicitis. Nobody ever expected it to be appendicitis because the pain wasn't concentrated to the right side and it would go away after a little while. After my appendix was removed I never experienced the pain again!
  • jaxnjosh
    jaxnjosh Posts: 50 Member
    I get pains in my lower stomach, any type of jumping makes it painful, but not as bad as the OP's. I try to eat light on those days so it puts less pressure on my stomach. I hope this helps. Good luck, I hope you find relief
  • Beverly2Hansen
    Beverly2Hansen Posts: 378 Member
    both ovarian cysts and Endometriosis can cause this. The simplest test for a cyst is an ultrasound and then if it's inconclusive or medical intervention is needed a laparoscopy can further *kitten* the ovary and the rest of your pelvic area. A laperoscopy wouldn't be by any means the first step but I hope this helps :)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,525 Member
    Check for dysmenorrhea. An OB and verify.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • Beverly2Hansen
    Beverly2Hansen Posts: 378 Member
    dysmenorrhea is typically the term for painful periods and ovulation prior to finding the underlying cause because in many cases the minimally invasive surgery is needed to identify the under lying cause of the symptoms. That diagnosis is usually step 1 before further investigation and a plan of action. I was labeled as having Dysmenorrhea until my laparoscopy diagnosed endometriosis and a endometriotic cyst on my left ovary pardon my incorrect spelling.
  • kerrsamanthajane4803
    Hi @sarahcartwright6044, I hope that you've been able to find some answers and manage the pain since you posted, but in case not, or if there are others in a similar position - here is my experience.

    I've had very similar symptoms for a number of years... excruciating pain, waves of cramps brought on by intense cardio (mostly running). They start about 20 minutes into my run and I'm literally doubled over in pain on the pavement.

    I saw a specialist gynaecologist who suspected endometriosis. I had an ultrasound done and they noticed a chocolate cyst. I went on the pill and it helped the pain somewhat, but I had to go off the pill as I wanted to try for kids. The pain returned when I went off the pill- I underwent a laparoscopy as I felt my situation was preventing me from running and being active.

    They diagnosed endometriosis, removed the cyst and found one of my ovaries was stuck to my pelvic wall (!) Since the operation (9 months ago) I've been pain free. That said, I noticed minor pain this week when out on a run. That led me to Google ... and I found this post. Indeed, there isn't a cure for endo and it can return even after its removed. For now I'm keeping an eye on it and I may need to return to the specialist if the pain persists.
  • amandaleap
    amandaleap Posts: 3 Member
    edited October 2021
    Has anyone figured this out :(? Is it endometriosis? I have zero other symptoms outside of this insane pain that comes on in the middle of exercising with a semi-high intensity. I have to stop what I’m doing, sit on the toilet because it feels like I’m going to need one, and wait for 20-30 minutes. Ruins my workout and it is really discouraging. Also, over the last 2 years, I’ve started to bleed slightly after.

    I have had it happening for probably 10 years after higher intensity exercise (now 30, never had kids). I had it happen when I was in good shape in college, when I gained a lot of weight, and over the last 2 years I have gotten in the best shape of my life, lost 100 pounds, eat clean, exercise 5-6 times a week and it still happens.

    Doctors have never have heard of it, and I’ve gone to a few for the issue. I’ve had a scan and they didn’t find anything. I had one doctor suggest it was because my ab muscles were weak when I was heavier, but it’s clearly tied to my menstrual cycle and I’m in good shape now and it still happens. Some ovulation cycles are worse than others, and sometimes it doesn’t happen at all. This cycle it’s severe and has been for about 7 days of exercise. Also good to know I’m not alone, I just wish I had faith that we could figure it out.
  • Speakeasy76
    Speakeasy76 Posts: 961 Member
    How long does the pain last? I get pretty intense pain when ovulation that can last for a few hours. I often need to lie down, take Aleve and use a heating pad, it's that bad. It's called mittleschmirtz, I think. I don't think exercise brings it on any more so than doing nothing does, though. I'd maybe look into seeing a specialist, because I don't think it should last for more than a day. Also, I've read that it's actually not all that normal to have excruciating ovulation pain, but I haven't been found to have cysts, either.
  • onequirkygirl
    onequirkygirl Posts: 303 Member
    edited March 2022
    Chieflrg wrote: »
    Disclaimer: Unless you are the owner of a vagina, the following information will benefit you in no way.
    As a person who trains owners of vags, I find great benefit in learning not only anatomy but how the body functions and reacts to every aspect of life.

    Please forgive me for reading the thread and out of respect to you posting the thread I will refrain from spouting the data I've learned that you feel won't benefit you or others. Hope you get helpful answers :).

    **revisiting this thread 10 years later** I think my teenager brain was trying to write "TMI" but it's like reading a cringey Facebook memory now. Please forgive my dismissiveness. :D

    Thank you all for the responses and sharing your experiences!
    As for me, I have no updates but am going to look possible endo. I haven't had an "episode" in a long, long time, but I may be more in tune with my body now and stop before I reach that point. For some reason it's just when I run, so I just don't run.
  • annelisemackenzie
    annelisemackenzie Posts: 1 Member
    edited March 2022
    Thank you so much for creating this thread! I've really struggled to find any thing on the internet were women have detailed the exact same symptoms. As with most of you, if I go for a run during ovulation (I also started tracking this) I get to about a few km when I'm suddenly hit by this horrible sick and crampy feeling. I get the feeling of pressure on my bowels where it really feels like I need to go to the loo. Previously, I've tried to run through the pain but it got to the point where I could actually feel a pulsating in my reproductive area. It's so horrible and I genuinely had started to feel like it was in my head. I've now learnt the initial warning signs that it's about to come on and I just stop running and walk until the pain subsides and then I'm fine.

    I have no other symptoms relating to any kind of disorder or issue and it just boggles my mind a bit. I am going to speak to my doctor but I just wanted to post on this thread to say, I also experience this (33 yr old, healthy and active if that helps) and that you're not alone. I'll try to remember to post again once I've seen the doctor :)

    Incidentally, in the few days after I start bleeding I am usually at my strongest (testosterone!) and have really relished the ability to be in tune with my cycle and to know what is normal for me at each point of the month, so I ensure that's when I plan in longer/ faster runs. When I'm ovulating I am most tired so dial it back a bit and try to be kind to myself with more gentle exercise.

    Much love to you all <3
  • amandaleap
    amandaleap Posts: 3 Member
    Revisiting and seeing updates gives me hope! I’m curious, has anyone with this has successful pregnancies? I’ve only seen a few of these posts that say people are trying.
  • amandaleap
    amandaleap Posts: 3 Member
    Update! I had a scan done 4 years ago due to the pain for this. Apparently they found nothing (as far as fibroids) because they never called - I switched providers shortly after. I just switched back to this provider and had an annual and they told me the scan showed I have a heart shaped uterus, which is a type of abnormality in how the uterus developed (they normally only catch this during a pregnancy). There is no evidence that it is related (they also didn’t know what the pain is, they just said this is normal ovulation pain which I don’t believe is totally true). The heart shaped uterus prognosis has its own set of issues but they say it can cause more painful periods. Just wanted to provide an update!
  • KimIng123
    KimIng123 Posts: 1 Member
    About 2.5 years ago, I stopped taking birth control and pretty soon after, started getting intense cramps during high intensity exercise (cramps, bowel pressure, dry heaving from the pain sometimes for 20 minutes or so). Every time I would go se my primary care doc or ob/gyn, they'd tell me it couldn't be related to stopping birth control. I've spent so long trying to figure out what was going on. I spent $$$ on a nutritionist, thinking something was wrong with my gut. An ultra sound showed a few small fibroids but my ob/gyn was not concerned and didn't think they could be the cause of the pain. It was only just a few months ago that I noticed the correlation between the cramping and my cycle. It seems like the cramps only happen during the 5-6 days surrounding ovulation. I don't have a cure but it sure is nice to be able to predict when I'm likely to experience pain so I can take it easy that week and hit my runs harder when I'm in the clear. I felt a huge sense of relief when I found this thread because I've felt so alone. It's awful that so many of us are suffering and unable to get help from the medical professionals we count on.
  • sarahcartwright6044
    sarahcartwright6044 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi ladies,
    It’s been a while and I’ve noticed a few more have also been going through the same thing. Just an update from me. I had a laparoscopy in September 2020 and the gynogologist (endometriosis specialised) found stage 1 endo in my “pouch of douglas” which is just under the uterus and you can’t see it on scans unless you have surgury. He also noticed that my uterus had tissue in there that would have caused miscarriage when pregnant that he removed. I 100% recommend getting a laparoscopy and talking to a doctor/ gynocologist that specialises in endometriosis. Don’t take no for an answer!! The amount of times I go told to go on the pill or it’s just ovulation pain take Panadol is insane!! Advocate for yourself.
    I then go pregnant 2 years later and they found I had a biocornate urerous (heart shaped) which I’m not sure if that had a thing to do with the excercise pain but I’ve been lucky and the baby has since stretched it out but could of also been due to my gyno fixing my uterus when he
    did. I’m 39 weeks pregnant with a baby boy on the way!!
    Big love to everyone going through this!!
  • myrealnamesfatpatricia
    Sooooo happy to find what appears to be the only thread on the internet discussing this - I’ve been looking for months! I too get 20 mins of excruciating pain when exercising on ovulation day (has been easy to track because it’s every 4th boxercise class like clockwork!). Thought I was going mad because all of the stuff about mittelsmerz says a “dull” pain than can last all day, whereas mine is severe and intense and the subsides really quickly. Hope everyone’s getting some answers, I think I’m just gonna avoid exercise for a few days every 4 weeks
  • klaraaudren
    klaraaudren Posts: 1 Member
    So relieved to have found this post. I have the exact same symptoms whenever I go running a week around ovulation. It will start as niggling sensation in my upper legs and travel to my pelvic area which will end up with me doubling on the floor in pain and wanting to be sick. This is honestly the worse pain I have ever experience. The first time my husband saw it he wanted to take me to the hospital. I have just come back from a visit to the gynecologist who said it was probably just ovulation pain but could also be endometriosis however the only way to find out was to have surgery. Which as it doesnt happen during my period is not worth it.

    She then recommended the pill and try to push it even when I told her I had too many side effects. I have also had cystitis for most of my adult life which I dont know if it is linked where I also got told that basically the blood test werent returning anything so it was nothing.

    I am so fed up of made to feel like this is me overeacting and feeling like its all in my head. Anyway next step is an MRI scan.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,898 Member
    So relieved to have found this post. I have the exact same symptoms whenever I go running a week around ovulation. It will start as niggling sensation in my upper legs and travel to my pelvic area which will end up with me doubling on the floor in pain and wanting to be sick. This is honestly the worse pain I have ever experience. The first time my husband saw it he wanted to take me to the hospital. I have just come back from a visit to the gynecologist who said it was probably just ovulation pain but could also be endometriosis however the only way to find out was to have surgery. Which as it doesnt happen during my period is not worth it.

    She then recommended the pill and try to push it even when I told her I had too many side effects. I have also had cystitis for most of my adult life which I dont know if it is linked where I also got told that basically the blood test werent returning anything so it was nothing.

    I am so fed up of made to feel like this is me overeacting and feeling like its all in my head. Anyway next step is an MRI scan.

    We can be treated poorly by medical professionals. I don't remember the exact context, but did like having my partner with me last year to validate what I was saying.

    If it's not operable, what about doing what the PP does and just not run during ovulation? I've been frustrated with not being able to do the amount of certain types of exercise that I want to be able to do, but it is what it is, and I just accommodate myself.