Why do you care if people read your food diary?



  • xodreamariexo
    xodreamariexo Posts: 63 Member
    Just a PSA I never judge when I look at diaries I just look for ideas of what to eat!
  • Maacydon
    Maacydon Posts: 4 Member
    I have been away from MFP for a long while, I would like to clear my history and start over, rather than slog through page after page of old meals. I know 2 years ago MFP said they were working this, has it happened?
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,314 Member
    I think I've only ever looked at someone else's diary when someone else commented about how good a meal looked in the discussion under the completed diary for the day. And I think I've only ever looked back through mine when I was convinced that I had a food allergy and I wanted to investigate.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Maacydon wrote: »
    I have been away from MFP for a long while, I would like to clear my history and start over, rather than slog through page after page of old meals. I know 2 years ago MFP said they were working this, has it happened?

    Wouldnt it be easier just to re join under a different name?

    THIS is exactly what I thought. Saves a lot of hassel.
  • Snugbug6
    Snugbug6 Posts: 30 Member
    Why do you feel entitled to know what anyone else is eating? If they don't see the benefit of changing to public, that's their decision and they don't need to justify it to anyone.

  • getting_stronger1483
    This seems like such a strange question. Why do you care if people read your emails or listen in to your phone conversations or dig through your trash or see all of the pictures on your phone? If I am asking for help and having people look at my diary helps then I'll make it public. Otherwise why would I want to open myself up to strangers being able to dig around in my personal data for no reason? No one needs to know what my diary looks like but me, if that changes I'll change my settings.

    In other words, it doesn't mean people are hiding anything it just means that it's none of your business.

    As others said it's easier to keep it private than to make it public.

    Eating is something that is frequently done in public and socially though. I think it seems a bit strange that you would liken a food log to something as private as your personal emails when food consumption is almost always never solitary or private. Never mind, each to their own.

    Personally I don't keep food logs so there's nothing to see in mine anyway.
  • getting_stronger1483
    Oh ok paperpudding I see the difference. Also I love your icon! That Christmas pudding looks very appealing
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,068 Member
    thank you.

    I do love Xmas pudding - and before I stared losing weight I think I was about the round shape of that one :D:D
  • getting_stronger1483
    Oh well such is life. You've made the decision to lose weight now and you can't change the past but you can change the future.
  • sakurablossoms82
    sakurablossoms82 Posts: 62 Member
    I have nothing to hide but on the other hand I don't want to be judged when I have an unhealthy day or people getting the wrong idea. I'm lazy at times and my logging is not always 100% accurate. Sometimes when my mother prepared a meal I obviously do not know how many grams of each ingredient she used so then I log a store bought meal that I think is similar. And then people might think I lie about being vegetarian as sometimes I log things that do contain meat. To prevent all that I have it private and it gives less stress. I mean if I knew people could see I would be stressed to do well and not make any mistakes.
  • airmidthehealer
    airmidthehealer Posts: 18 Member
    nooshi713 wrote: »
    I am just a private person. It is not true that those with private diaries have something to hide. I am very accurate and measure in grams.

    This. ^^ I am more curious as to why the OP cares what my privacy setting is.
  • airmidthehealer
    airmidthehealer Posts: 18 Member
    Oh ok cool I understand your points of view. Especially if private is the default setting anyway.
    To me though, I may idly have a look at someone's food diary, but I'm not going to scrutinize it intensely...I don't think anyone would.
    Plus it's not like it's my deepest darkest secrets, just what i have eaten and drunk that day.

    So, again the question: Why do you care? If you want to look at the public diaries, do so. For those of us who wish to keep our diaries private - allow us our privacy. I still do not understand why some of us wishing to maintain our privacy is so confusing to you.