Looking for some accountability peeps!

My name is Bobbi Jo and I have been on this journey since 2013. I lost over 180 lbs and have found this healthier, happier version of me. I used to be pretty active here. Over the last 6 years, I got married, lost my mom, have an amazing son and changed jobs. I have had so much success over the last several years running marathons and ultra marathons. But I have also left myself slip a little bit. It was a little each year and the pandemic hit me hard. Over the last 3 years I have gained 30 lbs back and I want to get back to the healthiest version of me. When coming back, most of the friends that I have made here are no longer here. I cleaned up my list and I am looking for people to help motivate me and I will do the same. Thanks!


  • scigirl23
    scigirl23 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm also looking for an accountability group! I'm 7 months postpartum and struggling to lose the last 20 lbs (started at 125/130lbs, up to 160 when giving birth, and now stuck at 145). COVID has definitely made this whole process way more difficult. I'm looking for people to help motivate me (and vice versa) and also have some accountability including weekly check-ins to help reinforce healthy eating and exercise goals!