What is going on with my body?

I am really confused about what is going on with my weight lose. I have been doing MFP since end of July. But before starting MFP I was doing WW and lost 85lbs. Then stopped losing weight and could not get it to move for 2 years. Then just got married recently and gained 30lbs. I want that to stop and get the weight back off. I work out at least 5 days a week. I do P90X strength training 3 days a week and do C 25K on those days as well. Then on Tuesdays and Thursdays I do Turbo Jam. I try to eat most of my workout calories but I can't eat that much. I am losing some inches just not the pounds. I want to lose about 60 more pounds. Open to any suggestions.


  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    If you want help you need to open your diary up.

    What's your height and weight?
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    measurements and the mirror are better then scale weight, scale weight is just a number
  • ercarnes
    ercarnes Posts: 43 Member
    I am 5ft 3 and weight is 190. I just opened my diary for everyone to see.
  • idiocracy
    idiocracy Posts: 275 Member
    Stop using the scale is my best suggestion. If you work out, you are building muscle, which weighs more than fat (per volume). Muscle increases metabolism, so you will burn better. Your BEST result is measured by inches and body fat %. You ARE losing!!!! So why don't you just forget about the scale for good? That is just a number, and if you like numbers, focus on inches, on how you look and feel!
  • Bjlopez78
    Bjlopez78 Posts: 2 Member
    if youre losing inches and not pounds, this is losing fat and adding muscle. youre doing what your body should be. youre leaning out. its not always about weight per se. thats why a lot of people will not use a scale. they use their old clothing or take measurments every other week. i think youre on the right track. just keep at it.
  • StaceyL76
    StaceyL76 Posts: 711 Member
    The thoughts that came to mind after reading your post were: Something has changed. Ask yourself what has changed in your eating or exercise habits. The other side of that is maybe you need to change up your exercise... Have you tried Zumba?

    If nothing in your behaviors has changed.. maybe a blood test for your thyroid is in order??

    These are just my thoughts. Congrats on your marriage, the weight you have kept off, and for taking the steps to be healthier and happier. You will figure this out.. this is just another instance in where you are going to learn more about yourself and your body. = )

    Hang in there and keep tweaking here and there..
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    I recommend cutting out ALL grains from your diet for a week and see what happens. cereals and breads are not helping you. I bet you'll find some scale success by cutting out the grains.

    make sure you're drinking at least 100 ounces of water per day. drinking a full gallon (132 ounces) per day is a nice goal.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    If you are entering and measuring everything correctly you might want to have your thyroid checked. I glanced at a few days of your food diary and there aren't many vegetables entered. I've seen other posts where people on WW say they don't log veggies, is that case? If so, I'd log them. Some have more calories than you might think. If it's not the case, you might want to consider eating more vegetables but still have your thyroid checked. If you are eating what it says you're eating and exercising that much you should be losing.
  • jfinnivan
    jfinnivan Posts: 360 Member
    Looking at your exercise log, you reported a 700 calorie burn for a one hour moderate walk. That is way over a reasonable number. I suggest using a heart rate monitor to get a more accurate calorie burn value.
  • shawnscott5
    shawnscott5 Posts: 295 Member
    I just read last night about Leptin. It is something that our body natually produces, but when we "top" out at weight loss it needs a little kick start. Google search Leptin and weight loss, there is a ton of information, and it is all natural. It helps kick start your thyroid again. Good luck sweety.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    First thing I saw on reading your diary was cream!!

    Second thing was the high carb intake - you could try reducing that for a while and see if that shakes things up.

    And as others have said, be cautious when recording high calorie burns from exercise.