Video Games to help lose weight!

I am curious people.
Do some of you use video games to help you lose weight?
I am a Dance Dance Revolution freak and I am using that to currently lose weight.
I want to know if other people just put a wii board or the 360 kinect or the PS move to help you lose the extra pounds.
Please let me know.


  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    I use the wii boxing.
  • SailorMoon007
    SailorMoon007 Posts: 93 Member
    I'm a huge fan of Kinect, and I use Biggest Loser, Your Shape, and Dance Central. I actually work out with one of my friends at 430 in the morning on Biggest Loser, and we support each other the whole way though. It's amazing!
  • sykin
    sykin Posts: 1,676 Member
    I use the Kinect and Wii - I also love DDR - I've got the Mario Mix for the gamecube that I hit up every once in a while :) It's awesome!
  • bltmgray
    bltmgray Posts: 163 Member
    I've lost 65lbs using the wii to lose weight! There are so many great fitness games out there and they work!
  • idiocracy
    idiocracy Posts: 275 Member
    Last year I used to walk 3 miles a few times per week. In the days that I didn't walk, I did EA Sports Active for the Wii (the original version). I lost a few pounds (I don't have much to lose anyway), but I was much more toned and lost inches (all my clothes were loose). That game made me break a sweat. Now I do something else, which is more intense (also cannot use the Wii anymore).
  • I use the Wii for biggest loser, zumbi and both wii fit. I love doing all of them.
  • DDR is pretty much my main form of exercise. It burns quite a few calories and it really has helped my weight loss efforts as it's really fun and I pretty much despise "working out". My mom and sister have done 30 day shred, and are now doing insanity, and invited me to try them out with them, and even though they seem like great workouts I can't bring myself to do them. I've never seen a point in working out... I need to be doing something, like playing a game, which is also why I'm thinking of joining the Y or something to go play basketball every now and then. DRR, sports, etc just don't seem like workouts to me, but they help me lose weight and that's all that matters.

    I've been playing DDR off and on for about 9 years now... every time I've lost weight, it's because of that game... unfortunately things have come up that caused me to put it back on, but I'll be trying my best to dance my way down to my goal weight and keep it off. I got a dance platform from Cobalt Flux shortly after they first started making them, was an awesome investment, and I use that dance mat almost everyday.

    It's really helping me get into shape now and I'm starting to feel it. Before I used to struggle to do 18-20 songs, now I'm easily knocking out 30+ a session, increasing the difficulty of the songs I'm playing, and burning a ton of calories. It takes everything I've got to do the 3 weight lifting sessions I put in a week... but when it comes to DDR, I'm up for it anytime of day on a moments notice, even when I don't feel 100% like doing anything on a particular day, I start to play and in no time I'm completely sucked in.
  • Twasney
    Twasney Posts: 186 Member
    they say its just about getting out and move in a way thats fun to you!

    I can't sustain gruelling circuit workouts, but when I go to a dance class or an aquafit I feel like I am having fun. I am doing the work when I am running all over the backyard and picking up my nephews and such, so why be miserable running in a circle and lifting weights??
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I gotta get a Wii !

    Walk it Out - it's not the toughest workout - but it's just so addictive. You just keep going and going.
  • degobah
    degobah Posts: 55 Member
    Xbox Kinect Sports - Boxing. Much better than Wii boxing because you don't have to hold anything. Just punch, duck, upper cut, jab!

    1.5 minute rounds fighting the computer with 30 second breaks between rounds. Perfect interval training. My heart rate reaches the same BPM as when I sprint as fast as possible. Just swing those arms as if you are in a kick boxing class (minus the kicks). The 30 sec break is perfect to breath your heart rate back down before pounding your opponent again. The sensor reads your punches precisely without wearing any gadgets or holding anything in your hands.

    Like any cardio, your body will get used to it and its harder to get a max heart rate. But boxing includes 4 levels of opponents and trust me, they aren't easy. If you do it right... sweat will pour off of you. I try to do a lot of ducking while punching to work my quads at the same time. After 3 months, I just finally defeated the hardest level, so now I hold 5 pound weights while starting at the low level again. Not only am I burning fat, but my shoulders look lean and ripped.

    I'm really loving how technology is helping my cause to be fit! Thank you IPhone, thank you Kinect, and a big thank you to myFitnessPal.