Team Conquer-Biggest Loser Challenge (Closed Group)

Good Afternoon,

This is the meassage board for our team. Please use it to support each other. We are here for each other (good :happy: or bad:cry: ). If you need to get ahold of me please feel free to pm. :smile: I am here as your support, assist or to help. Good luck.



  • I live on the East Coast where Huricane Irene hit. We did get a lot of flooding and had to do a lot of clean up. All in all very lucky though. I am on here saying this because ever since Huricane Irene hit, I got off track and have struggled to get it back on track. I am going to work hard at getting back on track.
  • Amberlin
    Amberlin Posts: 118 Member
    Wow Elizbeth! I can only imagine how difficult that was on you, and those in your area. Keep at it! One day at a time!
  • Thanks for setting this group up Tina!

    I also live in the East Coast in Eastern NY. I know many people who have lost homes and it's just so devastating. I'm glad that it seems you made out ok. We did too.

    Since this is a new group, I'll give some basic info on myself-I am 28, have always been heavy but on the muscular end of heavy. I have not had much success with losing weight in the past-I am not a person who fluctuates, I just have a VERY hard time getting it to come off. I lost about 15 pounds from January-March doing WW online (my first time with that program) and the scale hasn't budged since.

    I will need some encouragement as the weeks continue and I do not see a number change. I almost threw in the towel 2 weeks ago, but I found a workout plan that I hope in time will work for me. It's 7 days a week and is cardio every other day and weight training the days in between. The 7th day is also cardio. I am feeling more energized and perhaps I am imagining it, but I feel as though I am looking more toned. I stay relatively close to my calories-as I posted for this week I went over twice-once was by 18 calories and the other I'm not sure about-I was away and didn't have cell service all the time to track it.

    Anyway, I know that we can all do this and if we've gotten off track it's okay-we can get right back into it!
  • I don't live by theeast coast, buttttttt I did fall off track this week :( it's happens to the best of us. I'm so excited to go grocery shopping today since my biggest downfall was just eating what's around the house and fast foods since I've been so busy studying
  • Hello everyone!

    My name is Georgette (GG) better known as the “Life of the Party”, I am an Education Program Consultant for the LA State Dept of Education. I work with failing/low performing schools across my state. My starting weight was 237 and I am currently 212.
    I am trying to achieve my goal of getting down to 165 perhaps 160.

    I am elated to apart of “Team Conquer”.

    Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.
    ~Thomas A. Edison~
  • Hi my name is Kathy. I am also rethinking my diet and exercise. I have been on a plateau since mid July. I joined a gym this week but I know I won't get there 3 times a week in the winter. I currently weight 250, down from 272 in April. I would love to get down to 140 but anything under 170. I would like to shop in a normal store.
  • :smile: Thought of the Day: YOUR TUMMY ISN'T A TRASH CAN!!!!!

    I will post a blurb about myself real soon. I'm working on gathering up all the check ins.

    Good lucks my peeps.
  • Amberlin
    Amberlin Posts: 118 Member
    Hey guys, I'm Amberlin young momma from way up north here in Canada. Barrie, Ontario to be exact. I have always been one to fluctuate in weight. My lowest adult weight was around 135 lbs and highest after having my son is 206lbs. I am aiming to hit 150 and than reevaluate my goals from there

    I am recovering from gall bladder surgery just two weeks ago. I managed my first run today since before i was admitted to the hospital.

    I have been training for the Toronto waterfront half marathon, October 16, and still plan to run maybe just a tad slower.

    I am so excited to get back in the game and hit my short term goal of 150 by Christmas!!

    We can so this team!! Gotta step it up this week!!
  • Ha! I should probably tell you my name! I'm Stephanie and I am a middle school music teacher. :happy:
  • Alright guys I just completed our results for the challenges and as your team captain. I'm going to be frank about it. Here it goes & I will apologize ahead of time. Because I'm going to be alittle rough. Team Triumph sweep the floor with us this week.

    They had 9 that completed their individual challenges and received the extra point. We had 6.:cry: Everyone on their team checked in. We had 2 that didn't. :sad: We lost 2 team mates.:cry: I don't want to lose anyone else.

    They took this week with their exercise minutes. Their lowest team mate exercise minutes was 125 & highest was 1024 mins. (literally wow) The outstanding accomplishment was that majority of their team had 300 minutes. (check out the message board) They took the show with their exercise. I applaud this dedication.

    Can their dedication rub onto us this week?:smile: I know we can do this.

    I know that it is hard to get the time to exercise each day because of our daily lives but I know that we can do it together. I know that is why we all are here. If you need support we are all here for each other. I will check the board everyday to provide support and encouragement.

    I want everyone exercise minutes up this week and I want everyone to complete the challenges so we can get the team points. Let's do this.

    Please post if you need an extra push to get your exercise in for the day or to push that brownie (my weakness) away. I ate 2 yesterday and they weren't the Fiber One's either.:cry:
  • Amberlin
    Amberlin Posts: 118 Member
    I think we can for sure do it. I dont think I am ready for the mini challenges but all I can do is try!!
  • I think we can for sure do it. I dont think I am ready for the mini challenges but all I can do is try!!

    Due to your health restrictions please modify anything that you need to be modified. I know everyone understands that you just had surgery. From someone that has had surgery and have been totally restricted take the time you need and only do what you are comfortable with. Also, youtube is a great resource for video exercise which has nice modified versions. This is where I found a modified Burpee that I can do. I just can't do the regular Burpee. I FALL OVER- it is like a tree (timber). LOL I still get the cardio that I would from the regular burpee.
  • Okay, guys I'm back & I'm off of my soap box. I was just alittle worked up because I know that we could have done so much better. I know that each on of you have it in you. I've seen your amazing results and determination. You guys are amazing. I just wanted you guys to know how amazing you are and I'm afraid that this week you guys forgot how great you ae. I am here to let you guys know how great you are. :smile:
  • I have been married 18 years to my loving husband. We have a 15 year old son and a 10 year old daughter. We have lived in Virginia the past 9 years. About 3 years ago I was walking a fitness trail with my daughter and rupture my acl, rupture manicious lateral and tore my mcl. I had knee reconstruction surgery and I was on crutches for 3 months with absolutely no weight on the knee. After the 3 month I started therapy and since the injury I have babied my knee. I know that at times it is in my head but because of this I have gained over 50 lbs.

    I am only 5' 3" and these 50 lbs are extremely dangersous for me. Janurary of this year I decided that I have to overcome this mental block wall and push through my fear. So, everyday I'm determined to push further through this fear and to work my butt off (literally). I have loss 26.4 pounds since January. I want the total 50 lbs gone. I want to workout/exercise without the fear that I'm going to be laying on the ground in enormous amount of pain.

    I want my children to see me as a healthy, strong and confident lady. I want them to know that it is alright to have fears but they need to identify them and take them down. I am working on taking my down. Twice a week Candas & I go to the gym. She goes to her karate class and I work my butt off some more.

    So, I have seen above you guys have told alittle about yourself but lets dig deep and tell everyone what is really driving you through this journey or what should be driving you!
  • Saturday Challenges:

    Complete-under target calories
    Complete-64 oz. of water
    Complete-1 minute bear walk

    Extra workout:

    2 sets of 15 wood chops
    2 sets of 15 swimmers press
    2 sets of 15 lawnmower pulls
    1.5 miles on bike

  • Oh, I almost forgot it was such a pretty day in Virginia today. That the kids and I went shopping. I picked up a dress and a skirt outfit for work and yes I got to buy a size smaller. I didn't need the new clothes but it felt so good to buy a size smaller. My fat clothes are no longer skin tight & I can fit comfortably in a size smaller. YA, this was a great reward to buy a size smaller.
  • Here's my little info about me :)

    I'm Ashley, I'm 23 years young and am currently in the nursing program for my BSN. I am married to my wonderful husband we have been dating since I was 17. We have two kiddie together Abigail (17 months) and Lincoln (3months) I love to talk about my kids lol :). I have been on track with MFP from the beginning (June) til sept 4th - I hit my first goal and had a wedding and had unfortunate financial, stress, and family health issues to where my own healthy eating and working out has taken a back seat for a week! Grrrr! I'm so determined to get back on track starting with my zoo trip tomorrow with the family .. Wish I had a hrm. Any who feel free to add me if your not already my friend on here . We can all do this.

    For today I completed all challenges (yay go me) but I ate like poo ( boooo to me)
  • I'm watching the 9/11 rememberance. We are so blessed. We are going to a dedication memorial @ 2 today. Our volunteer fire department went & got a piece of the steel from the north tower for a memorial. Just thinking about it makes my heart sink.:sad:
  • Went to the 9/11 ceremony. Our little town was one of a couple localities in Virginia to receive a piece of steel from the twin towers. The ceremony was really nice and I'm so glad that I was there to experience the moment. When the piece of steel was unveiled it was literally breath taking. I took several pics. and will try to get them posted in a couple days.

    Sunday Challenge:

    Complete: 64 oz. of water
    Complete: stayed under target calories
    Completed: add 30 minutes to Oreo's and my walk (she was so exhausted)-walked 130 minutes (over 5 miles)
  • Charlotte012
    Charlotte012 Posts: 139 Member
    Hello all!

    Sorry it took me so long to introduce myself but here's my little blurb!

    I've been living in Virginia for a month now, but I'm originally from Montreal, Canada. I'm doing here a Ph.D. in French lit. I live with my boyfriend who's very supportive with my weight and fitness goals.

    I started MFP in March at 210 and my ultimate goal is to be around 145 lbs. I've never been in the healthy range of the BMI in my life (well, maybe from 0 to 3 years old) and although I'm critic toward the BMI, I'm really looking forward to know how skinny feels!! During my journey on MFP, I started jogging and I want to do a triathlon somewher next year. I swim, bike and run twice a week (each sport), I do the Jilian Michael's 30DS on weekdays and try to do yoga at least once a year (for stress matter). I'll try to do the challenges and extra workouts but my schedule is already full with my current workouts, work and school. I'll do my best for the team!

    Feel free to add me if we're not already friends!