Accountability buddy



  • doubleplay_643
    doubleplay_643 Posts: 152 Member
    Just scrolling through the community and found this group. I would love to be a part of it if you will accept me.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    @renaegry Thanks! Enjoy your holiday!
    I definitely didn't reach the goal I set for myself at the beginning of the month due to "holiday snacks" that I "deserved". XD
  • niamhdean97
    niamhdean97 Posts: 108 Member
    Add me too! I am trying to lose just over a stone 🙂
  • niamhdean97
    niamhdean97 Posts: 108 Member
    I would also love to be part of a group! We got to support each other 💪
  • kmccrom
    kmccrom Posts: 74 Member
    Good morning everyone and welcome to the new people .. the more the merrier!

    Checking in this morning to keep my head focused on my goals. Still doing ok with logging but have been hungry at night. I need to make sure my meals are more satiating.

    Bought some Christmas treats and stashed them under the tree so that I wouldn’t eat them in advance. It’s worked so far. Anyone read the Frog and Toad story about the cookies? Kind of like that.

    Yesterday I did a yoga session that was too hard and it kind of made me grumpy all day. There’s a lesson in that.

    I posted a thread about holiday fitness and eating strategies that was really helpful. I’m going to read all the ideas a few times to make them stick. That’s something that helps me about this stream as well.

    Best holiday wishes to everyone!
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,339 Member
    @niamhdean97, @Steph_135, @ckjohnstone2995, and @doubleplay_643: It’s wonderful to have you here! Many of the community threads have the same name so you might want to select the star ⭐️ at the top of the page to make it easy to find. You’ll also see when new messages have been posted to this ‘Accountability buddy’ group. It feels so motivating to see regular updates so thanks for adding to the positive energy! I’m not suggesting that every day feels successful because we all have our ‘ups and downs’ but the positive energy comes from consistent progress over time. We are all working toward different goals but we support one another on this shared journey.

    I started my MFP account around this time last year and I’ve lost 33 pounds, and I’ve got about 10 pounds left to lose. I think it’s going to take one more year to shed the last 10 pounds and add some strength ... more toned muscles would be a nice bonus, too! Finding the right balance of nutrition and exercise to maintain the progress I’ve already made feels important to me. I don’t want my weight and fitness level to yo-yo so I’m taking it slowly and trying to build life-long habits that work for me.

    One thing that has really struck me is that my daily calorie deficit between maintenance and weight loss is only about 200-300 calories. So, I’ve got to make a commitment to daily exercise that burns that many calories, cut out some calories that are part of my current daily intake, or find a solution that combines the two approaches. It sounds so simple but it’s going to require a bit of trial and error. I’ll probably try to break my daily coffee habit and replace it with herbal tea. The half and half I add to my coffee adds up over the year and the high fat content sometimes throws off my macro nutrient balance. I’ll also add more movement and hope to build in a daily walk and yoga a couple times per week. Daily yoga probably would be better but we’ll see ... In the coming year, my plan is to test out out some combinations of stretching, strength training and yoga to see what I enjoy most ... which translates into what I’m most likely to keep up daily. Walking with a friend has been nice but it takes some coordination and we haven’t been as consistent as I’d like. I’ll keep trying when we pick up again in January.
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,339 Member
    As a followup to my long welcome message above, I’m adding this week’s progress report and setting my goals for next week here:

    Progress report: I was over my daily calorie goal by an average of 50 calories per day (plus 350 for the week) but I was under my maintenance level by about 150 calories per day so I had a deficit of a little over 1,000 calories overall. I completed my two sessions of physical therapy (PT) and two workout sessions with my family and the personal trainer (only 30 minutes) as planned but I only walked one day because my friend canceled ... and I’m weak about doing it for myself without being accountable to meeting someone else!! So, in short, this week was not a big success but still relatively on track. I’ll count that as a small victory.

    For the next two weeks, my goals are:
    -Abdominal workout with my son today & cleaning
    -PT tomorrow for my shoulder, and ...
    -Personal trainer workout with whole family
    -Walk with family on Christmas Day
    -Tennis and abdominal workouts with my younger son at least three times per week through 1/8
    -Walk or hike with my older son (or whole family) at least three times per week through 1/8
    -PT twice a week via Telehealth through 1/8
    -Eat below maintenance level at a minimum but try to meet calorie goal each day. My goal is 5 of 7 days achieving the 200-calorie daily deficit.

    I’ll be meeting some friends and family members outside (per covid guidelines) over the next two weeks and plan to build in as much activity as possible but some of them have physical limitations so it will be challenging. One of them is retired in a location that has a golf course so maybe our family can use the course or some kind of golf ‘driving range’ and then meet outside for a drink while visiting them ... but, it’s been at least 25 years since my very limited exposure to golf so I don’t want to frustrate any of the other residents!

    I don’t think the weather will be warm enough for swimming but that might be a possibility, and one uncle likes to get around on a cheap bike with a basket for groceries, etc. - and he keeps a couple extras on hand (or borrows from a neighbor) - so you get the idea ... We’ll try to build in some fun activities with our college-age sons before they return to school while visiting relatives as safely as possible during a pandemic! I prefer experiences in place of gifts and my parents were always so great about showing us ways to enjoy the simple pleasures of the holiday ... like stringing garland out of popcorn and red berries, and cutting snowflakes out of paper or putting cloves into oranges to make ornaments, to decorate the tree.

    We always had fun playing outside and pausing to appreciate the beauty in our surroundings (like the frozen lake @beshamama described, the smell of a fragrant flower, or trees changing color). So, I’m tapping into those carefree days of childhood during the final days of 2020, feeling thankful for good health and memorable time with family. We’re not exchanging actual gifts but I feel very fortunate to have the option of renting a house for a family getaway and change of scenery during such challenging times. I hope everyone can find some moments of joy, relaxation and wellness this week! Give yourself the gift of health and feeling of accomplishment that comes with meeting your personal goals for this week ... and, most of all, be kind to yourself. Every decision you make is an opportunity to make a good decision to become the person you want to be. Every morning you wake up with a clean slate. Go get those goals!
  • bumpbreakcar
    bumpbreakcar Posts: 191 Member
    How’s it going for everyone!?
  • beshamama
    beshamama Posts: 240 Member
    Hello to all the new people!

    I have a serious motivation problem...keep starting and stopping my health goals. But I think that I’m going to give myself permission to be a lazy bum till Jan 1st then I’m going to really try my best to stick with things.

    So I’ll “see” you all next year 🤪
  • bumpbreakcar
    bumpbreakcar Posts: 191 Member
    Finally found some dumbbells higher than 5lbs 🤗🤗

    No excuses!!

    Feeling a little bloated, I’m thinking it’s from salt intake but I plan on meal prepping my lunches for the week tomorrow... I’ll break my fasts with a smoothie of some sort
  • kmccrom
    kmccrom Posts: 74 Member
    Hi everyone and happy holidays... it is nice to be here supporting each other.

    I took two days off for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day as planned. It was indulgent and fun. Today I ate strangely because I took a road trip within New Mexico and because I still have candy left over from the holiday, but I still logged.

    I am in a mountainous area so I will do some snowshoeing. That burns a lot of calories. I am going to eat simply and pay attention as I transition back to my weight loss goal daily calorie intake. I will still try to meet my goal and keep logging all week while I’m up here. Yoga daily. I want to spend some time journaling so that I take a look at my goals for the year overall and how meeting my weight loss goal fits into those.

    How about you all? I always love hearing about @PatriceFitnessPal’s detailed goals and fun and varied life. @beshamama I get what you’re saying about motivation. That happens to me too. Maybe if the goals are smaller? Sometimes that works for me.

    Wishing you a happy last few days of 2020. Man this year was strange.
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,339 Member
    edited December 2020
    @bumpbreakcar - Good idea to prepare your lunches ahead of time. That’s one great benefit from working home these days. Eating lunch with my colleagues always led to bigger portions and more treats for me so I appreciate the cost-saving and calorie-cutting opportunity of virtual work. I love smoothies but find myself drinking them in addition to eating, instead of as a meal on their own. Sometimes I treat myself to a Island Green detox smoothie with only 180 calories from Tropical Smoothie after rowing though ... It’s so delicious and refreshing! What kind do you make?

    @beshamama - I hope you are able to relax and clear your mind through the end of the year. Feel free to check in with no pressure to log calories or exercise. When you get back, it will be interesting to hear if you felt unmotivated to eat healthy or you didn’t have the energy to workout. I can imagine both at the same time, too, feeling an overall lack of energy to think about anything extra with so much on our minds during the holidays. Dissecting your feelings might help bring back some motivation. I hope you are able to connect with your mother and sister somehow ... and at least there’s a light at the end of the tunnel now.

    @kmccrom - Snowshoeing sounds wonderful. Is the snow nice and dry there? We have terrible snow in the east but I still enjoy all winter sports. I even like shoveling 🙃. Enjoy your mountain time! Your plan sounds perfect. I’m also setting some goals for the coming year and reassessing my health and fitness plans as part of my overall thinking 🤔. I have to work on downsizing all the unnecessary ‘stuff’ I don’t need in my life but struggle to unload. I also need to spend some time to concentrate on career goals and business development. The priority is clearing out the old me to make space for new opportunities!

    Here are some updates on this week’s progress:
    -Abdominal workout with my son ✅
    -PT for my shoulder ✅
    -Personal trainer workout with whole family ✅
    -Walk with family on Christmas Day ❌
    -Tennis ✅ abdominal workouts ✅✅✅ with my younger son at least three times per week through 1/8
    -Walk or hike with my older son (or whole family) at least three times per week through 1/8 ❌
    -PT twice a week via Telehealth (12/30 & 1/1)
    -Eat below maintenance level at a minimum but try to meet calorie goal each day. ❌❎❌❌✅My goal is 5 of 7 days achieving the 200-calorie daily deficit but I’m off by 299 calories (so far) with a net average deficit of 140 calories (1,000-299=701 and 701/5=140) 😐
  • Pokadot89
    Pokadot89 Posts: 5 Member
    I need a accountability buddy! I always have people in real-life who say they will hold themselves accountable and then fall off. It makes me feel alone and depressed so maybe having friends I can turn to on here will help. Definitely open to friend request! Add me
  • bumpbreakcar
    bumpbreakcar Posts: 191 Member
    My smoothies are simple really

    Frozen fruit- banana and whatever blend of frozen fruit (usually berries)

    Sometimes I throw in spinach, ginger or some protein powder
  • BronTonRollyBeau
    BronTonRollyBeau Posts: 24 Member
    Hi Everyone ,I'll join too. I'm Bronwyn 56 from Australia .I want to lose 22lbs.
  • hollyfit05
    hollyfit05 Posts: 4 Member
    Im new🤗.
    Would love some supportive friends.
    I have about 30 pounds to lose.
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,339 Member
    @Pokadot89, @BronTonRollyBeau and @hollyfit05 - Welcome! It’s good to have new group members. I’ll look forward to learning from your experience and reading about your progress. Usually, we post our short-term locals and then check in regularly to report our progress and encourage others.

    Do you have one or two specific goals for the week that feel manageable to achieve?

    Let us know how you’re doing and feel free to post any questions you might have. @Pokadot89, I’m sorry the people closest to you have not been able to support you in the way you were hoping they would. Is there something specific that you would find helpful from the group to keep you on track?

    @bumpbreakcar - Thanks for sharing some smoothie ingredients to try. I love ginger and just realized I rarely add it to my smoothies. I usually have ginger on hand at home and also have a jar of crystallized ginger I’d like to use so thanks for the idea! I’m going to experiment with some new flavors when I return from my trip.

    I’m on ‘vacation’ with my family, still working a few hours each day, and enjoying the warmer beach climate for a change in scenery before my two sons return to college. The sunshine motivates me to spend time outdoors so I’ve been able to play tennis and workout more often this week.

    We are eating most meals at ‘home’ in our rental but occasionally order takeout food, which tends to get me off track. My nutrition has been fluctuating a bit but I’ve managed to balance out over a seven-day period so I’m satisfied with that outcome while away from my regular routine. My weight has stayed the same at 135 and my goal weight is about 125. My plan is to maintain my goal weight within a range of about 125-130 so I’m almost there but I’m expecting the last 10-pound loss to take some time.
  • hollyfit05
    hollyfit05 Posts: 4 Member
    I have 1 goal and thats to make sure to walk daily. Feel like im doing well with clean eating.
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,339 Member
    edited December 2020
    My weigh in day is Wednesday so I’m starting a new week today. Here’s my progress report on last week’s goals:

    -Abdominal workout with my son at least three times per week through 1/8. ✅✅✅
    -Physical therapy (PT) for my shoulder twice per week via Telehealth 12/29 and 12/31 ✅✅
    -Personal trainer workout with whole family ✅
    -Walk with family on Christmas Day ❌
    -Tennis ✅✅✅
    -Walk or hike with my older son (or whole family) at least three times per week through 1/8 ❌✅✅
    -Eat below maintenance level at a minimum but try to meet calorie goal each day. ❌❌✅✅✅✅❌✅ - My goal is 5 of 7 days achieving the 200-calorie daily deficit.

    I didn’t meet my calorie deficit targets early in the week 😐 but got back on track with more exercise 🎉, ending the week with an average of 1,195 calories per day. That’s minus 1,435 below maintenance for the week, and translates to just under half a pound. The scale almost dipped to the high end of 134 for the first time ... but settled at exactly 135 for my weigh in this week. My goals are the same for this week, except our family is not meeting with the personal trainer this week. I need to do my PT exercises on my own every day in addition to the two Telehealth appointments so I’m adding 15-30 minutes of stretches and strength training (w/ low weights) daily.

    How is everyone doing? Best wishes for the rest of the week. I hope you all finish strong! Go get those goals!!
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,339 Member
    Happy New Year, Accountability buddies! ... I hope 2021 is your best year ever!