Looking for someone(s) to lose 30 pounds with...any takers?

kb119 Posts: 18 Member
edited 3:56AM in Introduce Yourself
Hey everyone! I'm 29 and I want to get to my goal weight before I'm 30 in January 19. And it just so happens that I have 30 pounds to lose. I would definitely be happy with losing it before January 19, but if it takes that long, so be it. Anyway, I've been having a really hard time staying motivated and keep away from yummy food, especially living with my boyfriend who eats whatever he wants and as much as he wants and stays thin. Ugh, it's super hard.

Anyone have around 30 to lose that would maybe want to be accountability partners? I'm also working my way back up to half marathon shape (after a knee injure from last year), and hope to do a half marathon sometime around the holidays this year. Maybe a turkey trot or christmas run.

Give me a shout if you want to team up! Thanks!!


  • Reisse62
    Reisse62 Posts: 71 Member
    I would like to join you. I have over 30 and I am training for a 1/2 marathon in November.
  • rosadona
    rosadona Posts: 36 Member
    yes please! i have 20-30 pounds to lose - i'm about 162 and would love to be anywhere from 135-145, depending on how much muscle i gain and how it feels when i'm there.
  • I'm in :) I would like to lose about 80lbs more
  • tammywho327
    tammywho327 Posts: 54 Member
    I am in- want to lose at least 30-40!!
  • tayteetots
    tayteetots Posts: 114 Member
    I have about 30 left I'd like to lose and the boyfriend who sits beside me eating double what I eat.
  • bluecutipy
    bluecutipy Posts: 35 Member
    I'm game. So when do we get started lol. I have about 70 something lbs. 30 would be a big help
  • MollyYao
    MollyYao Posts: 12
    I am in. I have about 30 to go and am training for a half marathon in Oct. ( my first). I also would love to be able to run a marathon before I am 30 in April.
  • joyfulmommaof2
    joyfulmommaof2 Posts: 95 Member
    I would love to join you! I am 29 years old and I have 30 pounds I want to lose! Friend me! :wink:
  • mandykhara
    mandykhara Posts: 3 Member
    Hey ladies,

    I just came across your posts! I would love to join you all! I am hoping to lose 30 pounds by early December before a trip to Mexico. I'm 28 and in the 155-160 range right now and am hoping to get down to about 125-130. I also trained for a half-marathon in May and it was great but in the summer have managed to put on the 10-15 pounds I had lost earlier this year. I plan on being really motivated and diligent and could really use the help of you ladies :)

  • MsInsanity
    MsInsanity Posts: 31 Member
    Hey all we can do it try to get as much weight down as possible! I am in!!!
  • I'm in too! I'm also on here to lose weight before I turn 30! My main goal is over 100 pounds, but I'm going to take baby steps! I'll send you a friend request and we'll get this thing started!!
  • I am 29...turning 30 in October...and have about 20-30 more pounds to go as well... friend me if you would like..we can help to motivate each other!!
  • I'm turning 30 this year too, in December. I'd be happy to join you! Although I'm looking to lose about 70lbs, 30 would get me almost halfway there!
  • Hey gals!
    Count me in! I have 25lbs left to go, but im sure that we could all use the motivation from others!
    I am having my wedding ceremony Dec. 30th in Puerto Rico and would LOVE to look Fabuous on that day!

    Befriend me if you or anyone else would like!
  • immz35
    immz35 Posts: 59 Member
    good luck to all the guys
    we can do this with a little motivation.....

    friend me up and lets get this started
  • ingot81
    ingot81 Posts: 600 Member
    I have 37-42lbs to lose (depending in how I look). I would be happy to motivate/be motivated!
  • LorianBrianna
    LorianBrianna Posts: 8 Member
    Hey! I'm in. I have more to lose, but 30 pounds will be a great start.
  • Cruz2Fit
    Cruz2Fit Posts: 159 Member
    I'm looking to lose 30 lbs. Count me in!
  • chollingshed74
    chollingshed74 Posts: 57 Member
    you can count me in too.....i have exactly 33lbs to lose....whew!
  • I'm def. in ;)
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