To all the party animals out there...



  • LizC26
    LizC26 Posts: 319 Member
    Options's my two cents.....If you are looking to get drunk on low cals do Sambucca *tastes like licorice* shots... I swear I know nobody (even grown 300lb men) that can do more than 3 shots and not be wasted.---that's 4-6oz at 100 cals per ounce....Do them sorta quick to get the best "drunk"...Then just drink water or diet coke the rest of the night and you'll be good....Also, don't eat any carbs for a few hours before and during drinking to let the alcohol have the most effect on your body.

    I'm being totally serious in my advice....I know it's not healthy, and you'll probably have a hangover the next day.
  • gogonunubean
    gogonunubean Posts: 160 Member
    I log all my wine calories. I manage a winery and drinking is a BIG part of my job.

    However, I have to be a stick in the mud - if you are drinking that kind of calories in one evening, you are technically binging on alcohol - not only will that derail you on those nights (cos after 3 drinks, doesn't pizza sound great!), but you are also doing long term damage to your system.

    Try doing vodka, lime and soda, and then a lime and soda in between so you 'last longer' without getting hammered!
  • coatsie79
    coatsie79 Posts: 187 Member
    I think it depends if you intend to go out in order to get **** faced or to just enjoy a good night out with a few drinks.

    I always alternate my drinks. Bacardi & DCoke > water > Bacardi & DCoke. Saves me money, saves me from a hangover (most of the time) and last on my list it also keeps my calories down.
  • coatsie79
    coatsie79 Posts: 187 Member
    I log all my wine calories. I manage a winery and drinking is a BIG part of my job.

    However, I have to be a stick in the mud - if you are drinking that kind of calories in one evening, you are technically binging on alcohol - not only will that derail you on those nights (cos after 3 drinks, doesn't pizza sound great!), but you are also doing long term damage to your system.

    Try doing vodka, lime and soda, and then a lime and soda in between so you 'last longer' without getting hammered!

    Yeah, Lime & Soda in between is a good idea. Saves the numpties from getting on your case about not having a drink in your hand.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    If you become a raging alchoholic, alchohol calories stop counting for some strange metabolic reason. But if you only like to get trashed once a week, there is nothing to do but work off all those calories dancing. Or, I dunno, maybe you could sniff glue and get a multiplyer effect. Don't do that though.
  • jimmy_jenkins
    I've probably got pissed at lease once a week for the whole time ive been tracking and have managed to lose 48lbs. I do track everything and i do work harder at the gym and eat less on drinking days. I find the main problem is the Kebab i want on the way home and the fry-up i want in the morning. Usually drink a few pints then move onto vodka and diet coke (think its cheaper in the UK than ireland).
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I drink wine just about every evening and I log it. I just eat workout enough to earn the calories. I usually drink more on the weekends, but I log that too. I often go over at least one day on the weekends, but it hasn't stopped me from losing or keeping it off.

    I don't drink a lot of liquor because it's so hard on the liver. Mostly wine and some beer.
  • doughnutwretch
    doughnutwretch Posts: 498 Member
    You can't just say F**k and enjoy a night or two each week if you really want to succeed. Once a month is more likely. When I started my journey back in May, one of the hardest adjustments I made was giving up the partying (or at least the alcohol portion of it). I'll still allow myself to party with friends or go out dancing, but if it isn't a planned night of drinking, I don't drink. As soon as I made that transition, I started losing weight and inches much easier than I had been.

    Also, another benefit of not drinking often is that your body is affected by smaller quantities of alcohol so you end up spending less money and getting fewer calories. I know it seems like a hard transition but it isn't impossible and it's totally worth the extra effort.
  • tracimy9
    As much as it sucks to see the numbers, I log mine, too. It is what got me to stop drinking poinsettas at Sunday Funday brunch, ouch when I saw the cals in the champagne - for some reason thought it'd be lighter in my head.

    I usually stick to as simple of drinks as I can wherever I'm at, like dirty martinis or a flavored vodka with water & lemon squeezed in it. I make sure I have some extra room or at least worked out for extra calories, too.

    For me, it doesn't really end up being the alcohol calories that's the stuff I eat afterward that seems like no big deal at the time. Ugh. That is what I need to work on avoiding.

    But, overall, doing this "lifestyle change" still means I get to have a life, so I try not to stress about it too much either way & get back on track the next day.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I found Barefoot wine-sauvignon blanc is only 400 cals for the entire bottle and its 13.5% alcohal. This works for me hope it helps.

    I don't know if that's true but Barefoot wine taste like crap! Wine calories vary greatly but a good average is probably 110 - 120 calories per 5 oz glass. There are about 5 glasses per bottle (75 ml) so roughly 550 - 600 calories per bottle, or about the same as one Big Mac.

    Alcohol content varies greatly too, but the average is probably somewhere between 13% and 18%.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I agree with the above poster, to get drunk quick on shots and then go out and sweat it out. Seriously. Drink a lot of at home, dance your *kitten* off, and I guarantee when you leave the bar at 2 am, you will be mostly sober.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    Do you log your alcoholic drinks on nights out ? My problems are:

    a) Vodka and diet coke may be the best thing to drink calorie wise but I need at least 10 to be drunk and my bank balance can't accommodate it!

    b) If I included all drinks in my calories, I would literally have to eat nothing on the days I go out.

    c) Will anyone ever invent calorie free wine?

    If anyone has any input, please feel free. I'd love to know whether other people just think '*kitten* it' and enjoy a night or two each week without tracking (and still manage to lose weight at a decent rate).

    Oh, and have a fab Friday night everyone :)
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    Do you log your alcoholic drinks on nights out ? My problems are:

    a) Vodka and diet coke may be the best thing to drink calorie wise but I need at least 10 to be drunk and my bank balance can't accommodate it!

    b) If I included all drinks in my calories, I would literally have to eat nothing on the days I go out.

    c) Will anyone ever invent calorie free wine?

    If anyone has any input, please feel free. I'd love to know whether other people just think '*kitten* it' and enjoy a night or two each week without tracking (and still manage to lose weight at a decent rate).

    Oh, and have a fab Friday night everyone :)

    if you have to drain you bank balance to get drunk to have fun maybe its time to re-evaluate your priorities ... Just saying
  • Forensic
    Forensic Posts: 468 Member
    Stop drinking for about a year. Then magically you'll find you only need a drink or two to get drink. Weird. If you need ten, you're drinking too much, sorry. And drinking to get drunk is rather pointless, honestly, a nice buzz is plenty.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Any good savignon blanc wine is lower in calories than most...doesn't have to be Barefoot.

    4 drinks? I must be a binge drinker then...gosh.

    You can also drink a whole bottle of champagne for under 500 calories...