
  • I agree with cakepiebeer....chobani greek yogurts are good especially blueberry and pineapple however they are high in calories....I like yogurt and I buy Activia Vanilla Light only 70 calories......
  • alcon79
    alcon79 Posts: 193 Member
    I hate fruit on the bottom and the way it looks when you open the container with the nasty liquid on the top....blech.

    And I hate cold yogurt. I take it out of the fridge at least an hour before I want to eat it. No idea why but cold yogurt consistency is so much worse then when it's room temperature.
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    Greek yogurt is thicker but tastes more tangy and sour. :sick: I like fat free flavored yogurt with lots of fruit mixed in it. Blueberries with blueberry yogurt is devine. :heart:
  • lclarkjr
    lclarkjr Posts: 359 Member
    I just loooooooove yogurt!
  • kathleen0211
    kathleen0211 Posts: 11 Member
    When I tried Greek Yogurt it half reminded me of the tang sour cream gives while also still being a bit more like normal yogurt. The flavored ones were fine but the plain greek was rather foul if I remember right. The flavored ones tend to be less good for you though :P
  • javamonster
    javamonster Posts: 272 Member
    If I ever give up dairy, yogurt will be what you'll have to pry out of my hands. Take the milk, take the cheese, take the ice cream....I have yogurt for breakfast pretty much every day. None of that sweetened garbage though. The more of a lactic acid hit, the better. :smile: I was raised on the stuff though....I can understand not liking it if you're just trying to eat it because it's supposed to be good for you. :wink:

    And if you really want to benefit of the probiotics, take some Lactobacillus in a capsule....in most commercial yogurts, there's not much left in the final product because processing kills it, so I wouldn't feel too badly about not liking the stuff. :tongue:

    Some nice light reading on the subject, haha....

  • airycha
    airycha Posts: 135 Member
    I can't stand greek yogurt!! I usually get activia. I just saw they have greek activia but it has more sugar than the regular. Sometimes I get the fiber activia.
  • alantin
    alantin Posts: 621 Member
    I got fed up with it when I was a kid.

    Took about twenty years to get over it, but now I actually like yogurt.

    Not really sure if I have ever tried greek yogurt, though...
  • johnhowson
    johnhowson Posts: 73 Member
    I can't stand the insipid processed stuff but the real yogurt is great - love it.
    Also love soya yogurt - amazing.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I can't eat the typical stuff...the yoplait, the dannon...anything like that makes me gag. I even tried the dannon greek style and it was horrid!

    I love Fage and Chobani...plain! Or with a small drizzle of honey. I will never again try to eat the liquidy, faux flavored, chalky crap again...blech.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I hate fruit on the bottom and the way it looks when you open the container with the nasty liquid on the top....blech.

    And I hate cold yogurt. I take it out of the fridge at least an hour before I want to eat it. No idea why but cold yogurt consistency is so much worse then when it's room temperature.

    FYI: that nasty liquid is whey. You know...the stuff you pay gobs of money for in protein shakes, lol.
  • fitinyoga14
    fitinyoga14 Posts: 448 Member
    I LOVE yogurt, all kinds! However I wish I did not so that I could be closer to going vegan. I mean yogurt provides more nutrients than a lot of foods Americans eat today, however the animal product is questionable. We could all do without it. (I really wish I did not love the taste so much!)
  • mamax5
    mamax5 Posts: 414 Member
    I can't believe so many people hate yogurt....I love it....but I'm with the person who said they didn't like the fruit on the bottom, that's gross.
  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member
    I want to like yogurt so bad. I want to.

    But ... eww. It tastes like sour cream with fruity crap in it. I tried Greek yogurt with honey, and it was better than Yoplait and whatnot, but it was still pretty terrible.
  • Try greek yogurt with honey stirred into it, then put it with fruit for dipping. It's good, trust me. Just rethink it....it's healthy! :)
  • I cant stand the stuff. Taste, texture....YUCK. I have however learned to use Greek yogurt as a replacement for sour cream. Fish tacos tonight with Greek yogurt that had (homemade) taco seasoning mixed in and mango salsa for toppings. Clean eating and SOOOOO tasty :)
  • ASPhantom
    ASPhantom Posts: 637 Member
    I only eat 2.

    I eat Yo-Plus Blackberry Pomegranite
    La Creme Strawberry.

    They are so yummy and almost like dessert.
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    Bleck! I can't stand it! I don't like it at all and it upsets my tummy, despite all those good little bacterias (plus, I can just get acidophollus pills for good bacterias). I have tried it all and I'm with the rest of you- do not like!
  • buckaroos30
    buckaroos30 Posts: 127 Member
    yoplait light yogurt is the best I have ever tasted and the only kind I eat. I hated the greek yogurt is was nasty.
  • Greek yogart is higher in protein so it should be healthier and help keep you fuller longer. Try greek yogart with granola on it. Super good and it will change the consistancy:)