Bring your lunch to work week - no frozen foods

This my challenge for next week for myself. I have gotten lazy and have been bringing frozen weight watchers/lean cuisine/healthy choice meals most of the summer. Not completely bad but not the best. So, I'm headed to the store and stocking up on better choices and pre-making as much as I can this weekend.

Join me?


  • Great idea! But i am a SAHW so i make all my lunches anyways :)
  • scott1024
    scott1024 Posts: 279 Member
    I live on those things, so I'm gonna watch this thread too.
  • leeka77
    leeka77 Posts: 31 Member
    I will most definitely join you...This is a brilliant challenge both on the body and on the wallet....:smile:
  • mageepilot
    mageepilot Posts: 289 Member
    Tuna salad, salad, leftovers, taco soup, ham, turkey, cheese, grapes, crackers, tortilla wraps. Great idea! I think taking my lunches has really helped my weight loss and I'm sure it's healthier - and cheaper! :drinker:
  • gianna42
    gianna42 Posts: 5,991 Member
    I'll join you! Last weekend I made a big batch of soup and took it to work a couple of days. This weekend I will do the same and plan on having soup with fruit,crackers, cheese - whatever. Maybe a salad some days?
    Great challenge - I always feel better when I pack my own food.
  • shake n bake chicken = leftover goodness :) and its pretty healthy.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    I do that every week anyway. Good luck and enjoy!
  • thefreemans28
    thefreemans28 Posts: 267 Member
    I pack every day. You can look at my food diary for what I eat during the week. This week has been pretty boring... but what I like to do is make extra dinner and bring it as leftovers for lunch. Some of my favorite easy lunchs are 1/2 a can of tuna with 1 tablespoon light miracle whip, 1 teaspoon of mustard and relish and a dash of garlic. put it all in a pita pocket with baby spinach and tomatoes. have it with a little side salad. quick, easy, yummy.
  • MadeToCraveHIM
    MadeToCraveHIM Posts: 213 Member
    Try making your own lunchables....for example, pre-cut lean & low sodium meat, cheese and get some low fat wheat crackers and pre-package them yourself. Then, you can grab them on the go w/ some veggies or fruit. You'll be surprised how filling they are when you make them yourself w/ leaner ingredients.
  • gatorflyer
    gatorflyer Posts: 536 Member
    1. Make a salad with some kind of protein (chicken, turkey, fish) on top
    2. Low calorie sandwich with sara lee wheat bread (90 cals/2 slices), healthy heart deli meats and condiments of your choice. Fresh fruit
    3. Leftovers from a previous healthy meal (you said no frozen foods, not no microwaveable ones )
    4. Grilled/broiled vegetables and some form of protein (meat, cheese, etc)
    5. Cottage cheese, fruit, vegetables, skinny cow cheese

    P.S. Don't forget to bring in healthy snacks as well.
  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
    Great idea! I'm getting bored by lunch.

    Lunch today was a green salad, yogurt, a pear and 6 almonds. Total calories: 239
  • WPoppysmith
    WPoppysmith Posts: 33 Member
    I have been doing that for the past week, plus friend brought tons of home grown tomato's in which was fab, why does home grown stuff taste so sweeeeet!!. Today was the only hiccup and I just didn't have time to make a packed lunch (I confess I slept in a little) so it was grab a dried noodle pack out of the cupboard (just add hot water) and it was the most gross meal I have had all week!
    I take grapefruit to work with me for breakfast, then graze on fruit salad during the morning and then usually have some form of salad for lunch.
    Looking for other ideas so will keep an eye on this thread!
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Make food ahead of time, as much as possible - make extra servings at dinner, then pack leftovers for another meal. I've made my own frozen dinners before, out of leftovers - just be sure to label what you freeze so you know later what it is! :laugh:

    You can cook up chicken breasts (any protein, really) ahead to make fajitas, or top a salad, or sandwich, burrito, taco, stir-fry, etc. Make a big batch of chili or other soup/stew, take leftovers for work or freeze for later. Or any casserole works too.

    Edit: I have taken my lunch to work every day except 1 for the past 5 months (since I started a new job). I always pack my lunch & snacks the night before, so all I have to do is grab it in the morning - quick & easy!
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    Great idea! I'll join you! I've been good this week (you can check my diary for ideas) but all too often I slack and end up buying a greasy sandwich!
  • I always pack up my food the night before and I include yogurt, fruit and other snack items for the day. My biggest lazy option though is my main lunch entree. These frozen meals are simple but not really the best for balanced nutrients. I was better until this summer. Normally I would only bring the frozen meals 1 or 2 times a week. So that is why I'm challenging myself. To break the habit and get back to healthier options, moving the pre-packaged frozen meals for last resorts/emergency/where did my day go situations.

    Love the suggestions. Keep em comming!
  • Frozen foods are definitely my downfall. I try to cook on Sunday and bring leftovers during the week like vegetable soup or whole wheat pasta and broccoli.
  • I make all my own lunches for work, stick in fridge in work and then microwave in the canteen.

    I make big batches of things and freeze:

    - chiccken curry
    - spicy lentl stew
    - sausage casserole
    - chilli con carne
    - turkey spagbol

    I always have tins of tuna/sweetcorn in the press. Bought baby spinach leaves during the week with rocket, had this twice with olives, cooked salmon fillets and other salad items. Very filling.

    My food diary is open if you want to look at it.
  • AveryWays
    AveryWays Posts: 150 Member
    The only frozen food I bring into work are all the Steamable veggies: california blends, cut green beans, broccoli, cauliflowers, etc. I usually grab a few of these items and normally are on sale any where between $1.49-$1.99. I love spinach so I buy a big huge bag ($3.99) and put about 2 cups of spinach in a designated plastic container toss a handful of cranberries, mandarin oranges, or grape tomatoes. For Protein: I bring a box of a dozen pre-boiled eggs on Mondays. If I had time to grill some chicken breast during the weekend, I normally would bring those for lunch. Other option I got are those Perdue Short Cuts: Chicken breast. I bring a bag of those or those albacore tuna steaks in a pouch. Toss in some fresh peaches, kiwis, bananas or grapefruit and those are the staple I have available for me at work. My carbs is either a medium sweet potato or small red potatoes which I baked in the microwave for 3-5 mins. I have those Minute Ready to Serve Brown rice cups kicking around as back up. I eat 3 meals while I'm at work: mid-morning, lunch and mid-afternoon. Plus I normally work out during my lunch hour for a good 30 mins or more. It's important that I have everything planned out ahead of time :happy:
  • reyna99
    reyna99 Posts: 489 Member
    Good Luck to y'all!!!
    I usually cook my chicken breast on sunday night, or have hubs grill me turkey burgers or some tilapia. I'll do veggies with it or as a wrap or a burger with veggies....salad or just by itself
    after seeing how much sodium is in one frozen meal, I stay away from the those :)
  • Vivalebeaver
    Vivalebeaver Posts: 13 Member
    I mostly take salads into work. Big tub of mixed leaves with some balsamic vinegar on it, then some ham and a couple of boiled eggs. Or sometimes brie and grapes instead of eggs and ham.

    Now it's getting colder I plan to make more vegi soup such as carrot and lentil and take it into work hot in a thermos.