Which treadmill do I get for home workouts? Nordictrack or ??

Looking to get a treadmill for home workouts. Im trying to get my health and fitness back on track again this next year. I first started on this platform back in March of 2011 weighing in at 214 lbs. I got to a weight of 128 lbs, but hovered steady around 135 lbs for a couple years. Fast forward to 2016-2019 where I did two twin pregnancy surrogacies back to back. I have now hovered around 180-185 since the last delivery in 2019. I had lost a lot of my weight previously by lots of walking(some cardio/weights at home) and sticking strictly to a gluten/dairy free 1200 calorie menu. Anywho if you got through all that lol....I NEED to get my health back! And with the world shut down ha ha I need to figure out a way to do that from home. So yeah treadmill is the plan :P Advice and help appreciated <3


  • festerw
    festerw Posts: 233 Member
    I've been more than happy with my Sole F63 right around $1k. I think I'm at 125 hours on it since March with no issues.
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,660 Member
    Almost 6 years on my Sole F80. I have trained for 3 marathons on it. It makes a lot of noise, now, but it's still running well. I have also abused this poor machine by placing an aerobics step under the back end to create a negative incline (to run downhill) which may have contributed to whatever is making all the clunking noises. My next treadmill will come with a built-in decline feature.
  • Inspirationalwaterjug
    I like my norditrac, paid for the instillation and it was worth it. That thing is heavy and unruley. Got the crazy one with the super incline and decline don't use much of the ifit features with it but I can upload the race course maps into it and I really enjoy that. If you're just getting started it has an awesome library of workouts to choose from. Buy a lasko floor fan to stay cool when it starts to warm up next year as the onboard fans are pretty worthless
  • Dogmom1978
    Dogmom1978 Posts: 1,580 Member
    If space is not a concern, I would check out the used market and get a used commercial treadmill. Tons of gyms are going under all over the country and they need to unload the space, so you can get some crazy deals on a used one.

    The cons to commercial:

    They don’t fold
    You need a trailer to move one (or a large suv and some know how about disassembling the top from the base)
    They are unbelievably HEAVY
    Insanely priced new (hence my recommendation to look for a used one

    The pros to commercial:

    In a home setting, it will last FOREVER. They are designed to be used continuously throughout the day, so if only a couple of people use it at home, regular cleaning and preventative maintenance and it should never die
    Used commercial much better bargain than new residential (sorry, they just aren’t anywhere near the same)

    If you are a must buy new person, then I would look into one of the higher end Nordic track models or a Sole. If you go with a residential model, go with one of the higher end models as those tend to be built better even though you will also be paying for the frills that you may or may not want.

    I’ve had my commercial Life Fitness T95 treadmill for a few years and consider it my second best gym purchase (strictly speaking about cardio equipment) after my cybex arc trainer.
  • Happymom83
    Happymom83 Posts: 405 Member
    Thank you everyone for all the info and insight👍🏻😊
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited December 2020
    Something to consider. Sole and others (I assume NordicTrack) aren't delivering treadmills inside right now with Covid. I'm looking at buying one but it's 310 lbs and I have a large flight of stairs to where I want it. If I want to buy it, I have to figure out how to move 310 lbs up a steep flight of stairs. No thanks. I'll wait until April or May when the Covid restrictions are lifted.

    I could likely find a moving company that would put it near where I want it, but assembling it and then moving it, even within a room, would be entirely up to me. I have a bad back, so that's not in the works for me. Even with a bad back, I'm the only one in my household that could budge something this heavy.

    Just looked it up. NordicTrack is doing what Sole is for now -- they only drop it off in your garage or inside your doorway and leave. The rest is up to you.

  • NationalCapital
    NationalCapital Posts: 108 Member
    I picked up the NordicTrack 1000 just after Christmas. It was available at Canadian Tire and it came with a free IFit subscription for a year. I'm loving IFit so far.