I was on escitalopram, gained 50 pounds in 9 months

Lgonz23 Posts: 2 Member
Hi everyone!

I started using MFP about 10 years ago, in highschool, when the app was new. I've been on it ever since but haven't used it everyday.

Body image has always been an issue. In highschool I worked hard to stay thin as I was a bit thicker in junior high. Never an issue but I didn't like what I saw. In my early/mid 20s I gained about 20 pounds due to stress eating but lost it at the same rate I gained it.

Now I'm almost 29 and about two years ago I went on an antianxiety med, escitalopram, which is known to cause weight gain. I gained 50 pounds in 9 months. This is the heaviest I've ever been in my life and I feel so unhealthy. I also decided to return to school and now I'm a nursing student so I'm not as active.

The last time I gained weight I was still very active, my job was active, I went to the gym and the minute I removed myself from a stressful relationship I began to lose weight.

Going back to school and doing nursing school through covid has been stressful but it feels different this time, as stressful as school and adulthood is I'm genuinely happy and love what I'm doing. I can't seem to deal with the weight gain, it's so much different this time and I feel stuck.

I feel so unhealthy and unlike myself. I want to go back to proper routine, healthy habits and physical activity.

I seem to be stuck on a loop of being so down about the fact I gained so much weight in a short period of time that I'm stuck in a stress eating phase and can't bring myself back to where I was right before I started the medication.

I started the med end of March 2019 and by the new year had gained 50 pounds. I tried to get off the med several time but was getting brain zaps which is another problem on its own. I finally managed to fully get off it by March 2020. I've been off it since and stopped gaining weight and started to mentally feel better by July but I've been frustrated because I haven't lost the weight and it's stressing me out. I know losing 50 pounds by now is unrealistic and this is all a state of mind.

I'm curious if anyone here has dealt with medication weight gain and/or specifically this med?


  • bansheemarie
    bansheemarie Posts: 53 Member
    My heart hurts to read this because it sounds so very similar to my journey. I was not on the same medication as you, but experienced the same weight gain and difficulty getting of the medication. I had such a hard time tapering off dealing with extreme anger episodes and brain zaps, loss of memory. I was a full 50 pounds heavier and felt worse than when I started on the medication. All that to say, getting off the medication was the first hurdle to getting back to my normal self, and it sounds like you've already done that! I have managed to lose about 30 pounds so far (over a three year period btw- I am able to lose some and then gain 5-10 lbs back before losing more). What works for me is just starting small and trying to snowball from there. I can't deal with sudden change in diet/activity or I'll quickly burn out and be over stressed. Focus on one small part of your routine- maybe eating at scheduled times or more closely monitoring portions. Once you've got a handle on that, add in more at a natural pace. This is just what has worked for me, being anxiety and stress prone. I wish you the best! <3
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,494 Member
    edited January 2021
    OP, I’m so very sorry someone “disagreed” you on your very first post. We all gained this weight for different reasons. I know nothing about depression meds, but my first weight gain came with steroids trying to reverse joint swelling and pain caused by an illness. It does happen, and no one should judge you for that.

    Having said that, we are all here for the same reason- to shed the weight and get our “selves” back.

    You already have some familiarity with MFP, although I’m sure things improved and changed since then. Let us know if you need any direction to help you along the way.

    There’s many useful threads, threads that speak common sense, and fanciful ones to keep things light. Make sure to use this forum this time around. It’s very motivational.
  • _wild_phoenix_
    _wild_phoenix_ Posts: 31 Member
    I have gained total 50 pounds from meds not escitalopram but from similar meds (thankfully I have lost 20 of it) it's taken FOREVER to lose that and its partly why it's been hard for me to keep motivation since i have NEVER had this much issue losing weight before. It is possible it just seems to take a little more effort.😔
  • shellyburger
    shellyburger Posts: 90 Member
    The similarities between our journeys honestly was a punch to the gut for me.
    I’m also 29 years old and was on escitalopram and gained quite a bit of weight while on it. I’ve not been able to successfully lose everything I gained as of yet, but I’ve made slow progress over the past two years.

    The biggest thing I’m working on that has been helping me is really taking the time and effort to find new methods of self soothing. I’ve been a stress eater for as long as I can remember and whether on medication or not food has always been a source of comfort for me. I find in exploring other ways of easing my anxiety I’m reaching for the snacks less often than I have in the past.

    Don’t know if that’s necessarily helpful but I’m here to chat if you would like.
  • Speakeasy76
    Speakeasy76 Posts: 961 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear that, and know that you're not alone. I'm currently on escitalopram and have been since August, and was on it about 9 years ago as well for post-partum depression. I am currently at the same weight as when I started, but I know my weight fluctuates more and I've had to stop eating my nighttime snack to be able to maintain. I know people like to claim that it's just because SSRI's like Lexapro increase your cravings/appetite so you just end up eating more, but I don't think that's the reason behind everyone's weight gain (and studies have not proven that to be the direct cause--may also lower the metabolism). I also know of others who have had a harder time losing the weight.

    I would maybe focus first on the stress eating--coming up with alternative ways to do deal with the stress. It may be helpful to just begin by writing down what you're eating--not even trying to count calories or nutrients, but just to hold yourself accountable. I would start small and with doable changes, not a big overhaul all at once. I also don't do well with restrictive diets as it increases my anxiety around what I can/can't have, so I set a very slow pace for weight loss for myself.
  • Lgonz23
    Lgonz23 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you so much everyone! I think I've learned a bit and can take away helpful information from your responses
  • capricorn231
    capricorn231 Posts: 3 Member
    I take the same medication but I didn't gain weight from taking it . It could also be depression adding to the weight gain. I was on it a year before I've experienced any weight gain and I only gained 12lbs, but everyone's body is different. I think the most important thing is to get therapy along with taking the medication to help manage the symptoms. When we're feeling stressed or depressed we often overeat (especially sweets), also the stress hormone cortisol is excreted more which contributes to weight gain and belly fat. Hang in there and don't be so hard on yourself up. I hope this helps, good luck.
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    I would just like to point out to any who might read a thread like this and think, "Oh man- I'm never going to take that if it causes weight gain!" that everyone is different and these aren't universal experiences. I put 50 lbs on in a couple of years due to untreated depression. I started escitalopram a few months ago. The first couple of weeks I was ravenously hungry, but mentally I started feeling much better. The hunger subsided (and I knew it was something I was going to need to stay alert to) and because my mood was better, I was able to start taking walks again and just generally became more active around the house. I didn't gain a single pound during this time. Now I'm back on MFP tracking calories after a lengthy absence, and having previously lost a considerable amount of weight and maintaining it for several years. I feel like escitalopram has rescued me. So if you are looking for treatment for depression or anxiety, make an informed decision with your doctor and be prepared for some trial and error, but don't be tempted to dismiss a particular treatment for fear of weight gain. :)