Fish and chips?



  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    look if you ever want to acheive your goal and maintain it, CHANGE YOUR LIFESTYLE. get rid of those discusting foods and live a fantastic healthy life.

    changing your lifestyle is good but not having anything you like is set up to fail in the long run everything in moderation is best! But kuddos to you if you cut everything out most people cant lol
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    look if you ever want to acheive your goal and maintain it, CHANGE YOUR LIFESTYLE. get rid of those discusting foods and live a fantastic healthy life.

    This is very harsh and judgemental. I dont see no problem in enjoying a treat once in a while providing it is a rare splurge and you get a good workout in that day (and the day after) you can burn the cals off from those fish n chips no probs.

    You're more likely to live a 'fantastic and healthy life' if you allow yourself your own special treats. Beleive me, I've deprived myself of my favourite foods and in the end was miserable- and ended up binging.

    well said!!!
  • katherinesnell
    Wow I'm really horrified by what babyblake said!

    This is a supportive community of people losing weight sensibly with baby steps leading on to a healthy lifestyle in the long run. No one should be spoken to like that. We all have treats, and it's really not the end of the world! It would be a very long and boring life if we denied ourselves food we like all the time. A rare treat will not stop you from losing weight.
  • tanialilly
    tanialilly Posts: 3 Member
    i had them last night, just a small portion, one scoop of chip and one piece of fish, gained 100 grams!! but also went for a very long up hill walk before hand, but it was worth it, not had them in ages