Wow! Where were you all my life!



  • CaptainMFP
    CaptainMFP Posts: 440 Member
    If you want a good exercise program (not sure if this is what you meant by challenge but I'm sharin' anyway!) for strength training that does not require a gym or equipment, take a look at 100 push-ups (and related programs for sit-ups and other calisthenics) at:

    These programs can be modified to accommodate your fitness level (for example with wall or knee push-ups). The ultimate goal is to try to do 100 push-ups in one set, but I can tell you that these programs produce RESULTS. I've in my 7th week of 100's a 6 week program, but I needed to do the first two weeks 3 times each before I felt I could progress. The thing is I saw a gradual improvement in my strength each week...I can now do 1 set of 25 weeks ago I could only do 11 in one go! A nice personal challenge you can take on at home; basically a 3-day a week commitment for about 30 minutes a day.

    Welcome to MFP, hope this helps, and hope you have great success here! :smile:
  • BmiChallenged
    BmiChallenged Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, Scschenk! Your "challenge" sounds perfect for me...something I can actually do 3 mornings a week. And I like that I don't need anything to do it except motivation. (Don't worry...I'm motivated enough.) I'll give you a shout after 6 weeks and tell you how it went. Thanks for your help. Your awesome!
  • alicebud
    alicebud Posts: 72 Member
    scschenk -thanks for passing along that website. I am going to start it Monday.

    Bmichallenged - I have never tried the exercise ball instead of chair. Next time I'm at target or academy I'll price them. If they are not too expensive maybe I'll give it a try!