Hello MFP community! =)

Hi, my name is Lisa, and I’m 37. After 2 children (I have a 1.5 year old and a 3 year old), I haven’t been able to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I’m carrying extra pounds around my middle and my confidence has taken a hit. I used a different app in January 2020 and lost 8 pounds but then gained it right back after the world shutdown. With limited child care while my husband and I work full-time, it’s been an exhausting, stressful, no time for myself kind of year. It’s been so hard to stay motivated since I don’t really see anyone anymore or leave home much. My eating habits are worse than ever because it feels like lately food is my only available indulgence. I’m also drinking more alcohol than pre-covid (a glass or 2 of wine 2 to 3 nights a week). All bad habits. It doesn’t help that my husband can eat or drink a billion calories and still manage to lose weight effortlessly. He snacks all day and watching him pick up an Oreo cookie or three doesn’t help my willpower. So many times I’ll just cave and say, “Give me one too.”

My goal is to lose 12 pounds. I’m giving myself 1600 calories per day (1200 was suggested which is what I did last time but I was always starving). I’m also hoping to get back into some kind of an exercise routine. I do have to be careful with my back though since I have problems with my sacroiliac joint, and I also have an umbilical hernia that I need to be mindful of when it comes to ab work or weights. I usually walk on the treadmill or do aerobics (thought it’s been a few months since I’ve exercised at all). I hope this time is different and that I can stay motivated.

Looking through the forums here I see lots of people talk about accountability partners and that sounds like a great idea. If there is someone who is on a similar journey and wants to connect, please do reach out to me. I’m not sure how all this work since I’m pretty new to MFP, but I’m sure I’ll figure it out as I go.

For anyone still reading this, thank you for sticking it out. I know it was a long post and I do appreciate the time you’ve taken to hear my story.


  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,137 MFP Staff
    Hello Lisa and welcome to the MyFitnessPal Community! Its good to have you here.

    Hugs! 2020 was a tough year for so many people, you aren't alone in having gained weight during the pandemic or in seeing an uptick in your drinking.
    My goal is to lose 12 pounds. I’m giving myself 1600 calories per day (1200 was suggested which is what I did last time but I was always starving).

    I think you will find folks in our community will be really supportive of that approach, being too restrictive isn't sustainable.

    You might want to check out our Challenge section to see if there is a challenge that would help you find accountability partners (although guessing just by posting here you will find one too).

    Do you already have some exercises that will work with you sacroiliac joint and the umbilical hernia?
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,628 Member
    Hi Lisa-wine is my downfall too and I hear you, since covid my alcohol intake has increased significantly. And when no one else in your house is trying to lose weight it does make it doubly hard to see them with the "good stuff". As a mother of 3, I feel you there!!!

    There are a ton of great groups out there that can help you find some support, here's one for people that are in that 10-15 pound range, which are sometimes the most stubborn to lose!!


  • Lisa211418
    Lisa211418 Posts: 2 Member
    @Alex Thank you for the warm welcome! I do have some exercises from when I was in physical therapy, but haven't really kept up with them. They are mostly focused on back strengthening. Other than that, I pretty much know what I shouldn't do, but am not always sure what exercises I should do. So for now, I follow some YouTube channels that have routines I like and also walk on the treadmill. I ordered a fitness tracker today that will sync with MFP so I'm hoping that will help as well.

    @cgrout78 Thank you for your post and for directing me to the group! I already joined and look forward to being a part of the community there. =)
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,628 Member
    Fantastic!! Always reach out if you need a little extra support or encouragement. That's what we are all here for :)
  • Machdude
    Machdude Posts: 136 Member
    Lisa, Welcome to MFP. Great group of people here. I would like to offer to support you. I log daily, have tried failed and reconquered. I can completely relate yo your wine issue. I too was doing well until the 2020 fiasco hit, then I started drinking a little more (red wine is the beverage of choice). Been working form home so it's much easier to grab and extra snack here and there, Needless to say I gained back about 20 pounds hitting a high of 238, at which point I decided I'm not buying new clothes! Down to about 218-219 now, so I got those 20 pounds back, but I still would like to get in the 200-ish area. If you need a little extra encouragement, please feel free to reach out, that's why we're all here!