Mental Health and Checking the Scales



  • DupreeTheTRex
    DupreeTheTRex Posts: 105 Member
    Excellent topic, glad you brought it up. I think I am still in the "slave to the scale" phase of my weight loss and fitness journey. I get mad and sad when I gain weight. I check myself every morning after going to the bathroom. I've learned that I am higher naturally around my period and also if I am constipated, which is a chronic issue of mine since being a toddler. So....I keep trying to check only once a week but that scale is RIGHT THERE staring at me in the bathroom and so easy to hop on. Maybe one day I'll not need to check daily. It would be better for me mentally. However when I see a weight loss, even a tiny bit, I feel accomplished and even more motivated to be healthy. It's frustrating and good at the same time to weigh everyday for me. I'm really happy to see you have the self-reflection to understand it is better for you to ignore the scale for awhile. I wish I was as disciplined as you!

    I’d hardly consider myself disciplined, I easily cave under pressure. But for me my old methods weren’t working so I opted to try something new. As an update I still haven’t checked the scale but I went from fitting into 36 inch waist to 32s so I’m sure I’ve made progress. I personally can’t wait for my next weigh in because I want to see how much progress I’ve made :)