getting played

sooo i recently started talking to this guy for about 6months now, when i first started talking to him he was AMAZING EVERYTHING A GIRL CAN DREAM OF.......we have been talking off and on lately.... i will text him and nothing??? and than he will text me back and tell me ooooh i was sleeping or i didnt hear my phone. i mean he never makes an effort to call me and see how my day is or text me.... WTF i mean i know i should just leave him alone but he is like toxic.....he talks to probably every girl that shows him interest....its hard i fell for this guy hard core...Lately ive been thinking he has a GF and doesnt wanna tell me the truth?? do you have any advice on what i should do??? i feel super played....i hate when guys tell you are soooo beautiful i just wanna be with you so much....and booom they play you like a record ahhhh help?


  • Trust your gut. Read Marianne Williamsons "A Woman's Worth" and also (author?) "The Rules." We teach people how to treat us. I just said it to someone else, but ...

    Never make someone a priority when they make you an option.

  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    You will get to where you know what to do, you can only be continually played if you let it continue. You have choices, so do I :) the very best of luck to you.
  • breskittle
    breskittle Posts: 75 Member
    DITCH HIM. If he's not making an effort then he's probably not into you anymore. Sorry girl, but time to move on!
  • currently in the same situation....LOL! so nope no sound advice from me!
  • ajk828
    ajk828 Posts: 335
    no effort from him = not interested.

    you deserve better so don't hang around and keep getting treated like *kitten*
  • Osie0129
    Osie0129 Posts: 11 Member
    DROP HIM!!! like trilikeagirl said we teach people how to treat us and couldnt agree more.

    not only that but it also has alot to do with RESPECT if you think he's being shady he probably is and even if he's not he should have enough respect to be real about his intentions, and you should love and respect yourself enough to know that your worth someones time love n attention n all that other good stuff and to not put up with BS little boy games...i say your better off...ON TO THE NEXT. lol :happy:
  • no effort from him = not interested.

    you deserve better so don't hang around and keep getting treated like *kitten*

    yeah i think he keeps me around cause he knows i will always let him back in tell me what i wanna hear and than go about his business *kitten*
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    I give people 3 goes (guys and friends). If I initiate contact 3 times and they don't reciprocate I ditch them.

    Also, Rollins band song "Liar" comes to mind, great song! :-D
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    Bail. If you keep lying in front of the door, you will keep being used as a doormat.
  • I give people 3 goes (guys and friends). If I initiate contact 3 times and they don't reciprocate I ditch them.

    Also, Rollins band song "Liar" comes to mind, great song! :-D

    hahhaah i love that song wow made me think
  • kmshred
    kmshred Posts: 393 Member
    quit it. drop drop drop his butt.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Obviously, you know you need to end this with him so I won't state the obvious again.

    I will say this: Don't let him come back in. It's difficult, but remember that people generally don't change because of *your* actions towards them. So just because he seems "better" later on when he starts trying to get at you again, keep that in mind. He's the same person he was using a tactic to get you back that has worked in the past. You're not a victim. Just close the door and walk away.

    Most of the people you'll date don't know much about themselves, nor do they know why they "need" the things they think they need. They act impulsively to satisfy the first feeling they have. This is kind of the answer to where you said:
    i hate when guys tell you are soooo beautiful i just wanna be with you so much....and booom they play you like a record

    To an immature guy, your beauty causes him to mostly want to have sex with you, though he's not opposed to the idea that your personality might be good too. You end up with a guy who will say and do whatever it takes to make this happen. Mature men will still want to mostly have sex with you, but they've learned that you're also a human being and that they're willing to defer the gratification of having sex with you until they get a general sense of who you are.

    But YOU need to know who you are first. Take a look at your past boyfriends and your experiences with men and figure out why you make the choices you make with them. It's usually not the other gender that is the problem. The common denominator is always you. So take some time to figure yourself out. Good luck!
  • springtrio
    springtrio Posts: 429 Member
    Live by this quote. I learned the hard way. I'm living by this now.

    "Act like a lady, but think like a man so you don't get played like a *****". Never again will I allow myself to get ****ed over.
  • Liquid741
    Liquid741 Posts: 292 Member
    what Ice T say?

    all guys are like dogs, they want to smell it, hit it, and walk away....

    now there varies the degree of honestly in that statement...we all love attention, sex, and the feeling of being attractive to the opposite sex. its those who act on their feelings that i find are weak and not in control...pretty much a dumpster fire of self love.
  • watch "Hes just not that into you".
    It wont change so move on.
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    yyyyeah..pretty much..drop him. people only treat you the way you allow them to treat you. he's probably so used to using his words and antics to get what he wants from who he wants that it would be a rude awakening to him if you don't even entertain him anymore. not to sound cruel but he might be doing this to see just HOW whipped he has you. *let me not call her for 10 days instead of 3..and let's see how quickly i can get her to forgive me*..people suck in general. you have to have a good judge of character and once you've given them the benefit of the doubt and they're still being a douche..let it go.
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
  • mightymom2
    mightymom2 Posts: 312 Member
    currently in the same situation....LOL! so nope no sound advice from me!

    same here
  • 42hockeymom
    42hockeymom Posts: 521 Member
    I like all the advice that's been given! So here's my $0.02 worth... I have a 21 year old daughter and a 14 year old daughter, I have gone through this, and am going through this and will go through this for a while (and I've gone through it personally a very long time ago, you know, when God was a boy and dirt was clean)

    No boy or girl is worth your tears, and the one that is, would NEVER make you cry.

    Delete that boys phone number from your phone, delete any and all other contact info you have for him, and detox him from you life! Do not do this as a ploy to get him back or interested in you. He had his chance, he FAILED miserably. Time to find the one that's worth your time.

    Oh and the other thing I tell my daughters, their friends, my female friends, other females..... YOU ARE WORHTY.