How often do you weigh yourself?



  • Daily, unless I travel. I tend to get on the scale a couple of times per day, but I would log in only the morning weight. And as soon as I get to the lowest number, I log it in immediately, and do not log anything until I get to the next lowest number :-) Kind of self-deceiving, but it keeps me motivated ;-)
  • The max I will weigh myself is once a week, but I prefer once a month. I don't want it to be an obsession and it's normal to vary in weight day to day. I can gain 5lbs during my period, then poof it's going a week afterwards. I would go crazy if I weighed myself everyday and I recently had a friend who needed to go to counseling for being too obsessed with the scale. She had to throw it away and she actually went through some serious emotional withdrawals. She's getting better and feeling much more secure about her weight. I know my personality.. I tend to get a little obsessed with things so there is no scale in my house. I use the scale at the gym.
  • "You fluctuate through the week anyway, i just take my weight based on the lightest day of course :)"

    lol!! i do this too! weigh everyday after breakfast & toilet but before dressing. if i don't like the look of it i won't log ;0)

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  • I weigh once a week i try to do the same day and same weight of clothes.
    I find daily weighing varies to much with water intact and toilet habits.
  • I used to be really OCD about weighing myself and had to force myself to stop as it's not helpful if you've had a 'good' day and haven't shifted an ounce. Now i weigh once a week on a Monday, first thing before i do anything or eat anything
  • LemonSocks
    LemonSocks Posts: 238 Member
    I have an official weigh day once a week, but I also weigh myself the day before too. Weighing myself the day before lets me judge if I'm carrying a lot of water weight that I could shift before my weigh in or if I've just been piling on the pounds. I don't weigh more often than that as I don't have proper scales. I use the Wii balance board and it's far too much hassle to set up daily.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Once a month - 5 weeks.
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    Usually every day, but Friday is my "official" weigh in day.

    There is no right or wrong...some people do better weighing more often and others less.
  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    Well it all depends on my mood.

    Sometimes when I've hit a plateau with the weight loss, I obsessively weigh myself every day. Other time, it's twice a week or when I feel I've had a loss, just to confirm.

    I'm way too impatient to have weekly weigh ins.
  • I weigh weekly.

    I actually had to throw out our scales when I was a teenager as I was getting too hung up on the figures. I've never bought one with my own family so I don't pass the issues onto my daughter. Now I weigh every Saturday on a scale in the pharmacy that I have to pay for.
  • barwwd
    barwwd Posts: 63 Member
    I weigh every day - in the morning before I eat or drink and after I've used the facilities. This works for me - I know that if I'm going to face the scale in the morning, I'm not going to want to get too off track today. If I lose, I log it. If I gain, I give myself a few days to bring it back down before I log it. This MOTIVATES me a lot.

    ditto! even just .2 pounds can get you excited!
  • ajtxo
    ajtxo Posts: 13
    I weigh every morning... I've been told once a week is good. But I have to everyday to see where I'm at
  • I step on the scale between 5-10 times a day. It is extremely unhealthy but I don't get upset or worked up about the numbers. Just curiosity is all....
  • adross3
    adross3 Posts: 606 Member
    I weigh myself every day, but I only record once a week.
  • jennor8or
    jennor8or Posts: 204 Member
    I measure every other Monday and weight myself once a month "officially" but I also always sneak a peek when i do my measurements :) I've found it's really boosted me to see my size progress without seeing the scale and when you only weight once every 2 weeks you are bound to see SOME loss... last time I was super excited to see about 3 lbs! :D woo hoo
  • BrewerGeorge
    BrewerGeorge Posts: 397 Member
    every day in the morning. It's a great motivator, or a great reminder on what you need to do. Also, it's nice waking up to a positive in the morning.. hopefully.
    Just about every day in the morning like others have said. The ones I pay attention to are the Friday measurements, though.

    If you're weighing yourself through the day, realize that a pint of water weighs a pound. Weighs as much inside you as it does outside. :D
  • once a week, same day of the week, same time of the day
  • I only record once a week (on sat or sunday). But I weigh every morning. Just to see cause I cant ignore the scale, lol
  • nrvo
    nrvo Posts: 473 Member
    I strip down and weigh myself every morning. I only log whole lbs, and only if I've been at that weight for a couple of days so that I'm sure it's not a fluke.

    (Edited to correct my crappy typing)