Day 2



  • ckjohnstone2995
    ckjohnstone2995 Posts: 28 Member
    Day 13 - I’m starting to notice more flexibility from my morning stretches. I’m actually doing PT exercises so I can enjoy longer walks. For some reason calling it “stretching” sounds like more relaxing than “PT exercises” LOL.

    Healthy eating is on track today as well.
  • ckjohnstone2995
    ckjohnstone2995 Posts: 28 Member
    Day 14. Two weeks already! That’s the best news today.
    I wasn’t feeling well and it was tough to do anything. Later in the day I did my meditation and stretching and made a healthy dinner. This is a good reminder that there will be ups and downs. I’m glad I was able to stick with a few of my daily goals. I hope I wake up feeling better tomorrow physically and feel more positive about this process.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,408 Member
    Sorry you’re not feeling well. Out of curiosity, how many calories are you aiming for? You’re not cutting too low, I hope?
  • ckjohnstone2995
    ckjohnstone2995 Posts: 28 Member
    Day 15, Monday, January 4.
    The beginning of my third week. I’m sticking with my stretching and meditation. My knee is feeling a little better. Ate pretty healthy most of the day. I’m happy I started two weeks ago. At the time it seemed a little crazy but the new year feels less daunting now that I’ve got some of my routine established.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,408 Member
    You are doing well! Stick with it!

    A lot of people here say weight loss is created in the kitchen, but I think putting movement with it makes it stick.
  • ckjohnstone2995
    ckjohnstone2995 Posts: 28 Member
    Day 16 - January 5
    Thanks for the support! Continuing with my meditation and stretching. I’m not quite ready for long walks yet but my knee is feeling stronger every day :-) Healthy eating went well today. I also bought some great options for healthy dinners all week.
  • ckjohnstone2995
    ckjohnstone2995 Posts: 28 Member
    Day 17 - Oops
    I thought that the first day I skipped checking in would be a conscious choice and running out of time or something like that. Not true. I got so distracted and then exhausted that I totally forgot to check in last night. I really wanted to check in because I thought it would be important to acknowledge that I had high hopes of dealing with my stress by doing additional meditating or something healthy. Not the case. My semi-dry January flew out the window. I ended up having two cocktails. Oh well. Today is a new day. The mixed drinks save me from staring at an open bottle being tempted to finish it over the next few nights before it "goes bad." LOL
  • ckjohnstone2995
    ckjohnstone2995 Posts: 28 Member
    Day 18 Jan. 7. Forgetting to check in last night has prompted me to try and post a message earlier in the day. I did get on the scale and things are a bit stalled. Not entirely surprising given the extra calories I drank last night. It was a success to get on the scale when I feared "bad news." I try to remember it's just data. I decide what it means or doesn't mean. Anyway, I am eating healthy today. I had an early workday and with my lack of sleep I was worried I would blow off my morning routine of stretching and meditation but I stuck with it. I set the alarm and actually followed through with my plan when it went off. Knowing I could share my success here helped me not press "snooze."
  • ckjohnstone2995
    ckjohnstone2995 Posts: 28 Member
    Day 19 Jan 8
    Starting to feel a little silly about the checking in. Just trying to keep the commitment to myself of doing it so here I am. Not much good news to report. For the first day in my 2 1/2 weeks I did not do any stretching or meditating. Had a decent lunch but an unhealthy dinner. At least I made my goal of making a post today.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,408 Member
    The key question is, are you “checking in” on your food diary every day? Weighing and logging?

    There’s no harm checking in here either, or you could “get some friends” and check in daily that way, if you’d like a more limited circle.
  • ckjohnstone2995
    ckjohnstone2995 Posts: 28 Member
    Day 20 - January 10.
    So my first threshold for “checking in “is to literally open the app and say something :-) I
    I have even missed a few of those goals but for the most part I’ve been successful. Beyond that I hope to be able to acknowledge my success with my morning routine. My check-In g goal after that is to be able to acknowledge healthy eating throughout the day. Right now I’m not in a place where I am up for daily check-in‘s on my weight but hope to be more confident and able to do that soon
    Thanks for the suggestions of those who might be still reading.
    So, in terms of today’s check-in, I did have a pretty nice walk today. Eating wise, I am kind of off the rails. First step back on track is to have the courage to say something about it. Hopefully tomorrow, as I start to a new week, I will do a better job with all my meals. As well as tracking them.
    Thanks for anyone who is reading :-) I’m hoping I can do a better job of staying on track during this phase of the pandemic than I did in 2020.
  • MaltedTea
    MaltedTea Posts: 6,286 Member
    Seeing as we gotta eat every day, each day is a chance to make better choices than the day before. It all falls into line eventually if you stick with a way eating healthily (which does not necessarily need to be a diet or the way someone else eats).

    You got this!
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,408 Member
    ^ what she says!
  • ckjohnstone2995
    ckjohnstone2995 Posts: 28 Member
    Day 21 Jan 11
    2 out of 3 healthy meals today. Thanks for the support!
  • ckjohnstone2995
    ckjohnstone2995 Posts: 28 Member
    Day 22 starting my third week January 12. Definitely been rocky the last few days but I’m getting back into the swing of things. I’m eating healthy meals again. The next step is to actually track them in the app LOL I am need to be much more consistent with that.
  • MaltedTea
    MaltedTea Posts: 6,286 Member
    I'm gonna be 100% honest with you: TRACKING SUCKS least at first 😉

    It took me about six weeks of daily tracking to get it. Unless it's water, I track it.

    The trend data was helpful in me making better choices for myself moving forward. It has been over a year of daily MFP logging for me at this point.

    It may not take you as long or it may take a smidgen longer 🤷🏿‍♀️ Either way, try to stick with it: knowledge is power and all that.
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,257 Member
    You said at the beginning that you were going to take baby steps, and you are. Opening the app and checking in are a great baby step. It sounds like you're ready to add in tracking. It can take a bit of time to make it a habit (I literally FORGOT the first three days that I had mentally committed to tracking...), but once you get going, it becomes faster and easier.

    I have 25 pages of "healthy recipes" because my problem with healthy is the portion size. When I track, I weigh. When I weigh my food, I eat an appropriate amount (and stop). I have come to the conclusion that I will be tracking in maintenance if I want to succeed, so I'm making it as easy as possible on myself--kind of like your baby steps!

    Keep your momentum going. You're doing great!!
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,408 Member
    Well, look at you, CK!

    Over three weeks! You’re this close to building a habit!
  • ckjohnstone2995
    ckjohnstone2995 Posts: 28 Member
    Wow! You all are really inspiring! I’ve been feeling so bad about my slip ups. I didn’t really take it in that it’s been 3 weeks. Thank you for honestly sharing your experiences and offering your support. I am back on track with my morning routine and had a healthy breakfast and lunch today. Not so great With dinner but still progress. I start work early tomorrow morning. I commit to my PT exercises, meditation and a healthy breakfast and lunch. With that momentum, I am hopeful I can follow through with a healthy dinner. I will check in again tomorrow. Thanks to all who are here, reading and/or sharing.
  • ckjohnstone2995
    ckjohnstone2995 Posts: 28 Member
    Day 24 -January 14
    On the plus side I had healthy meals today and actually started tracking in the app. Unfortunately I overslept and did not have time for PT exercises or meditation. In the past I’ve been able to weave that stuff back into my day later. No luck with that today. Tomorrow’s gonna be a bit easier workday so maybe I can hit the trifecta: stretching, meditation and checking my meals :-)