60 to go

I joined myfitnesspal this week in hopes of getting that last "push" towards my goal. Monday I hit my 100 pound goal, but I've still got another 60 to go. It took me 18 months to lose that first 100 and I really don't want to take another 18 months. I'm really hoping that by keeping track online, (and maybe being held accountable) I won't have as many plataeus or set backs as I did with this first half of my journey.

A little about me...I'm 36 (I really hate typing that). Prior service, married to an active duty soldier. I have 3 kids, 2 of which are preteens, one is our "wow, we're starting all over???" baby and is going to be 3 in just a few weeks. We're currently stationed in Tx (and yes, it is as hot and as miserable as it seems on the news). I have a bad knee, from my army days, and am currently in physical therapy while the army tries to decide whether to do surgery or not. That's another worry, what kind of setback would that cause?? As far as exercise, I try to walk daily, and then I do body combat 3 times a week, body pump 3 times a week, and try to fit in the elliptical and treadmill when I can.

So that's me in a nutshell. I've got the usual interests (reading, crafts, not cleaning up after my 3 year old), but I'll save all that. So hi!!


  • MABedard1
    Welcome! Congrats on your 100lb lose! That is a huge accomplishment.
  • vaja4
    vaja4 Posts: 8 Member
    Welcome. Wow 100...that's outstanding. Keep it up, it won't be long:happy:
  • ycc1964
    ycc1964 Posts: 699 Member
    Congrats on joining and your 100lb weight loss.
  • trilikeagirl
    100 lbs????? YOU ARE A ROCK STAR!!!!! Nicely done, and thank you both for your service. I am a 41 yo mom of 2 and my husband and I are prior service too. I've got 38 to go yet by Christmas. I'm here for you! Come on, let's get this party started!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Zebraone
    Welcome and congrats on your amazing weight loss. You give me encouragement. My goal is to loss 65 lbs by August 2012 and so far I have lost 3 lbs I have a long road ahead of me.
  • vibral
    I actually managed to get to the gym this morning for both my weight and combat class. Now I need water and sleep....