Anyone in the same boat? (Mental Illness and weight loss)

Wondering if there is anyone else who struggles with bipolar (or any mental disorder)?

I'm bipolar 2 which I mostly manage well, but as with anything there's still days that just gets away from me, throwing me off track weightloss wise and then struggle to get back on.

Not to mention the largest chunk of weight I want to lose is from meds which seems reluctant to want to go.

Then let's add on this pandemic and with everything closed (or super limited capacity) can't get out to do anything (love swimming, I have exercise equipment in our basement). Nownwe are in winter so being outside is hit or miss here in Colorado.

Anyone else know the struggle?? Haha.

Also feel free to add me, I will gladly cheer you on and show you support!


  • edamamewebber
    edamamewebber Posts: 23 Member
    Girl YES! BiP1 here. The meds, COVID "baby", full-time hospital work, part-time non-profit co-founder... I'm mid 40s with about 30'ish pounds to reckon with. I'm trying to go slow and steady to help manage my expectations, as well as keeping my mental health stabilized. I'm glad I found you. Let's keep this conversation going.
  • chocolate1902
    chocolate1902 Posts: 48 Member
    I struggle with anxiety but thru therapy and meditation I am doing much better. Do not concern yourself with weight as much as simply feeling better. Keep micro goals. Small accomplishments stack up. By spring, it’s gonna look really good
  • _wild_phoenix_
    _wild_phoenix_ Posts: 31 Member
    I struggle with anxiety but thru therapy and meditation I am doing much better. Do not concern yourself with weight as much as simply feeling better. Keep micro goals. Small accomplishments stack up. By spring, it’s gonna look really good

    Thanks! Honestly weight is last thing on my mind, it's more of my "size" than the numbers on a scale. I'm only starting small and working up, using baby steps since I know my end goals.
  • Whatsthemotive
    Whatsthemotive Posts: 145 Member
    I struggle with anxiety and depression. I just started trying to lose weight again. For a while I didn’t care about much of anything. It’s hard to take care of yourself when you feel that way. I don’t have any great advice except maybe to give yourself credit for what you do. I think it’s too easy to get into a slump where you feel unproductive and without value. When you really note and appreciate what you accomplish and who you are, it’s easier to invest in yourself.
  • brendog79
    brendog79 Posts: 60 Member
    I'm struggling with schizo affective and depression. I got up to 382 lbs and was living miserably. I got scared when I saw that number as I had gained 12 lbs in three weeks. I decided im not going to be a victim to the circumstances that made me gain all of this weight. I was getting disrespected and looked upon as being lazy. I decided i was going to be all in on losing weight and taught myself about nutrition and diet. I looked up on YouTube if I could make a radical transformation in 1 year and saw peoples stories. In three days it will be 8 months and I've lost 121 lbs. Some of those same people that disrespected me have put on a lot of weight themselves as I continue to lose weight every week. I set an impossible goal to lose 157 lbs in 1 year and it is within reach as I have 4 months and only 36 lbs to lose. My confidence is climbing and I'm being treated so much better its like night and day.
  • tony56pr
    tony56pr Posts: 141 Member
    Hi, feel free to add me. I deal with depression and anxiety and find motivation hit or miss (constantly thinking whats the point of doing this etc.) I do however, enjoy encouraging others and helps with my own struggles
  • lover_of_all_things_food
    I struggle with anxiety but thru therapy and meditation I am doing much better. Do not concern yourself with weight as much as simply feeling better. Keep micro goals. Small accomplishments stack up. By spring, it’s gonna look really good

    Definitely agree here with the microgoals. Too many times have I wanted to lose too much weight in too little time and it stresses me the heck out and I normally comfort eat and give up within 2 months. I have anxiety and panic disorder and even having more than 1lb of weight loss a week is too much and so I'm taking things super slow. I'd rather lose a stone in a year and keep going than 4lbs and month and give up. Also celebrate the little goals too, even better if your celebration doesn't involve calories.
  • IceQueen2023
    IceQueen2023 Posts: 52 Member
    Me!! Have lots of physical health issues, still emotionally destroyed from my divorce (even though we're friendly), and my mom constantly telling me if I wasn't so "monstrous" I could've kept my husband and saved my kids the pain of divorce. I get panic attacks, and have been using food/sodas to cope. To the point that dieting makes me snap at everyone and crying on and off. I've had to slow down how much I diet because I don't want to go back on hard meds. It feels like I need to pick food and just be fat to be calmer but my health says I need to lose weight. I cant exercise the stress away though today I lifted & biked for the 1st time in ages. I had a stroke, foot surgery & heart surgery for a defect all last I work in Healthcare so had to deal with the fear of catching covid.

    Feel free to add me as a friend....sometimes it feels like we're all battling extra demons if you have depression or are bipolar, etc. 💐
  • jamie_playftl
    jamie_playftl Posts: 16 Member
    Hi there! My name is Jamie. I have struggled with anxiety and depression, which lead to a lot of comfort/distraction eating. This past year has been a lot of negative things for my mental health, which has only made me grab for more comforting delicious foods. I’ve recently decided (in an anxious fit about never wanting to leave the house again looking the way that I do/feel) that this year would be different. I’m trying to replace a lot of my anxious comfort eating with healthier snacks and habits (like exercising/playing games). I have two little girls and desperately want to overcome my mind to set a good example (and live long enough to see them grow). Feel free to add me! I’d love to help encourage and support you (:
  • lilangel827112019
    I struggle with depression and anxiety. I'm in therapy to help as well as meds and essienal oils. I struggle with weight and just don't have the motivation to exercise. I'm very unhappy with myself