Anyone ever tried DDP Yoga program.

I've mostly got the eating part down.

Now onto exercise.

Been reading and watching videos about DDP YOGA.

Anyone a member, tried it, etc -- I would like to hear more about it and your opinions.


  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,902 Member
    @lgfrie - you mentioned this in the OP's other thread. Perhaps you could expand on it here.

    I might check out the 7 day free trial of the streaming service:
  • 142jmh
    142jmh Posts: 82 Member
    Haven't done it myself, but my Dad does the DVD daily. He's turning 70 this year, he moves better than most people that are 20-30 years younger than he is. Not kidding. Before covid we had a family get together and some of the grandkids lost the ball they were playing with to the neighbours yard. Even though he was the oldest person there, my Dad just pulled himself up and over the 6 ft high fence and got it for them like it was no big deal.
  • lgfrie
    lgfrie Posts: 1,449 Member
    tnx for the ping, @kshama2001

    Yes, my wife and I got really into DDP Yoga. We were at a point in our lives where we were each 140-150 pounds oveweight, huffing and puffing to get up the one flight of stairs to our bedroom, and wanting to turn things around, but genuinely stumped and frustrated as to how to go about doing that. We stumbled onto DDA's video of Arthur, a disabled fat guy who totally turned his life around with DDP. The video is well worth googling.

    DDP Yoga was for us everything it was cracked up to be, no hype, no BS, the real deal. It was difficult and challenging but doable, and the changes were very substantial. We gained levels of flexibility, strength, and agility we probably hadn't had in 20+ years. There was some weight loss too, but I need to be really clear about this aspect:

    DDP Yoga is NOT a weight loss program.

    DDP himself is very clear about that. If you eat right and do DDP Yoga, you WILL lose weight, but for the same reason you would lose weight if you eat right and do any kind of exercise. DDP Yoga is not a magic weight loss program, so just forget all about that. It's a moderate intensity exercise and you will lose comparable calories to doing an hour of any other moderate calorie exercise.

    The serious and big-time gains come in agility, flexibility, and strength. In these areas, it really, really shines like nothing else I've done before or since.

    The Intro level is plenty challenging, and there are many levels beyond that, but honestly I think someone could just do the Intro level and maybe 1 or 2 of the intermediate levels and be pretty much set. The advanced levels will kick your butt. Even the intro level will make you work for it, like, a lot.

    I think DDP Yoga is an incredible resource for people who have gotten badly out of shape and maybe have been in that state for a long time, and don't know where else to turn or what to do. DDP Yoga is very transformative as far as agility, strength and flexibility. I have a lot of respect not only for DDP Yoga but DDP himself.

    Once again I want to point out that it is not a weight loss methodology and DDP himself has said not to think of his program in that way.