What is the first step ?

Just started back and don't want to be a failure. What keep you guys focusing and proceeding?


  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member
    Changing your habits take time. Try not to be so hard on yourself. I tried the 14 day trial on Noom to get me started. Then, I switched to here.
    For me, it took about a year of steadily increasing my weight. It wouldn’t be realistic for me to think the weight is coming off in a few weeks.
    Now that I’m eating better, I’m working out. I find if you make working out as part of routine it sticks (Noom taught me to attach a healthy change with something that I do on a daily basis). For instance, coffee and then a workout. It’s habit now, coffee and then workout.
    I also log everything I’m eating to help me learn to make better choices.
    You got this! Coming here was a good first step.
  • Beautyofdreams
    Beautyofdreams Posts: 1,009 Member
    I make losing weight a game, logging and movement are the rules and a non food item is the reward. So often people get trapped in their own little weight loss bubble where they eat the exact same thing or exercise in the exact same way each day. Then , when life happens and they can't stick to the same routine they lose it, call themselves a failure and get off the diet. For me, the fun of my game is coming up with solutions for eating out or not being able to go to the gym. I reward myself with phone calls to friends, music downloads, going somewhere that I haven't been to before or just relaxing. Weight loss is not the only goal but building healthy habits and a full life are important too. It may sound weird but it works for me.
  • christophercoronado
    It's wonderful to hear each individual and methods on it because I know I'm not alone. Yes definitely going to be a long time member. My goal is to practice the eating habits and drink nothing but water. Next month is when I'm actually going to sign back up at the gym to have access to weights.
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    Welcome!...I use my calories like money and try to spend them wisely!
  • MidlifeCrisisFitness
    MidlifeCrisisFitness Posts: 1,106 Member
    decide not to stop
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Understand that some days will be good and some won't. And don't let the bad ones stop you from trying again. Failure is just a part of learning. Note it learn from it and go forward.
  • 7rainbow
    7rainbow Posts: 161 Member
    I've just started again and have been on track for a bit! Here's what I find helps!
    a) Have a goal. Whether it's to lift a certain amount, get to a certain weight, or to fit into a pair of pants, having a goal and a date you want to complete it is a good start.
    b) Be easy on yourself. I used to want to give up after I messed up one day. Keep your chin up and keep working at it, not matter how many times you don't meet your goal. It took me about a week to figure out how to meet the reccomeded amount of calories.
    c) Have support. Whether it's having your partner on board with not buying as many sweets, or having MFP friends who can support you along the way, it helps a ton. I was really struggling until I got my family on board with eating healthy, now we can all help each other be accountable.
    Good luck with your health journey! Feel free to add me if you want as well. We've got this!