500 Calorie Diet

Anybody on a 500 calorie diet? What vitamins do you take? Any drawbacks? How's things working out if you went back to nomal dieting?

Sn: I have been on a 500 cal diet since first week in august..... So far great results.


  • agleckle
    agleckle Posts: 235 Member
    ...you won't find much support for a 500 calorie/day diet on this site...
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    Horrible idea sweetie. You need to feed your body.

    That is simply nowhere NEAR enough food.
  • paperpromisesx3
    I don't recommend it. I know that people who are getting HCG injections are on a 500 calorie a day diet. Dr. Oz was talking about it on the radio yesterday. I wouldn't recommend doing this unless you consult a Doctor or do it with the HCG injections (which is under Doctor supervision anyways)
  • jumperchick
    that will put your body in starvation mode !
  • lilsunshinecc
    lilsunshinecc Posts: 32 Member
    It's similar to the hcg diet thingy and there's plenty of people on here on it..... I just don't take them drops.....however I don't knock it either. So we shall see but thanks for being optimistic ;) lol
  • second_1
    second_1 Posts: 45 Member
    Put some body armor on and be prepared to be slammed. Most will be very unsupportive of a 500 calorie a day diet. There is a thread on here for those on the HCG diet that is combined with a very low calorie intake. Maybe try there? :)
  • lilsunshinecc
    lilsunshinecc Posts: 32 Member
    I'm under dr supervision, I go every week, also I saw dr oz saw and heard radio taping ;)
  • lilsunshinecc
    lilsunshinecc Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks I saw those postings.... And I know people will knock it but there's same amount of people on it too so ..... I don't mind lol
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    I haven't tried this, but I'm pretty sure that one of the major drawbacks is that you eat only 500 calories.
  • lkblazek
    Not to be a downer, but 500 calories is dangerous. First, It only works for a short time, then your body figures out it isn't getting enough. Basically, you put yourself in starvation mode. What is being lost is most likely muscle and not fat. If you continue long enough you can do damage to your kidneys and other organs. As soon as you start eating "normal" you will probably gain back what you've lost, possibly more. If you want to be on a very low calorie diet, I would suggest you don't go below 1,000 calorie. That is still a little low, but much less damaging. Good Luck.
  • O2Bslimagain
    O2Bslimagain Posts: 120 Member
    I have to agree with lkblazek- I have had a few friends on the 500 calorie diet and yes they lost the weight and looked great- but they had no muscle definition instead of shredding bad fat they shred muscle plus they had many health issues after that. Not to knock doctors, but alot of them no nothing of nutrition, so I would be very cautious about seeing a doctor regarding nutrition unless that is what he specialized in. Is he himself on the same diet? Nutrition is about 90% of what your body needs to survive and exercise about 10%, so nutrition is the key and I cannot see how your body will survive on a 500 calorie diet- you need to feed the muscle and lose the fat. I know we all have opinions, but feeding the muscle actually works. Eating 6 small meals a day does wonder for your metabolism and exercising is icing on the cake. I hope to hear good things from you. Enjoy life!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    That sounds incredibly tough, I can only wish you luck.

    (from someone who has lost weight eating 1450 - 1600 cals a day and can't understand how you can be healthy on such a low calorie allowance!)
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I guess my question is this:

    Do you think you can go the rest of your life only consuming 500 calories? Probably not. At some point, your body is going to freak out and stop losing weight. Once it realizes it isn't being given enough food to complete basic functions (like growing hair, digesting food, and insuring organs are functioning properly) weight loss will slow down or even stop.

    Also, I don't see how only eating 500 calories can be long term sustainable. I really don't. Unfortunately, once you begin eating a normal amount of calories again - you will likely see a weight gain. Most people will see ALL the weight they lost come back and some people will see that AND even more.

    Be careful with such a restrictive diet. There are many downfalls to consuming such a small amount of food in a day.

    I wish you the best.
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    On top of all the disadvantages the other posters have mentioned, why would anyone be on a 500 cals diet when you can lose on 1200?
  • loristroud
    loristroud Posts: 138 Member
    Agreed, you're not going to find much support here for that! Feel free to add me, I'm very supportive and take in low calories on a regular basis. It's kinda crappy the way if you're not losing weight the way everyone else is they slam you for it, or put in their 2 cents worth when they've never even tried it and don't know. If you are under dr supervision, and slowly increase your intake over time, and stick to eating healthy you WON'T gain the weight back. Keep exercising and follow what your dr says and you will be fine sweetie. :)
  • DownSheGoes
    Im on 600 cals. Open dairy. Check it if you want. Haters hate. It works for me.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Im on 600 cals. Open dairy. Check it if you want. Haters hate. It works for me.

    No one in this particular thread has been rude. No "hating". What I've seen is genuine concern over such a low caloric intake. Unfortunately, when you post things like that on a forum - you'll get all kinds of responses. She's been very fortunate -- this thread has remained calm, kind and informative vs the way I've seen a lot of these threads turn out.

    I think many people can not understand the desire to consume such a small amount of calories in a day. My body freaks out and gains weight when I go under 2000 for too many days in a row. It would be TICKED OFF if I tried to give it 500 for even one day! I'm happily maintaining my weight consuming 2200-2500 net calories a day.
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I wouldnt do that because i love food and want to be healthy. Just make sure you find the proper vitamins and take care of yourself that way. get enough calcium you dont want your body to start eating up anything else but fat. Do you exercise too?
  • glamournanna
    just my two cents. i am recovering from anorexia nervosa, restricting type. having spent a very long time restricting my intake to 500 calories (and much lower), i can vouch for the serious damage it does to your body. my heart was a few beats per minute above cardiac arrest, i had severe electrolyte imbalances, my bloods were dismal, my bones are fragile, my period is still screwed up, my brain didn't function properly. it took a fortnight in hospital with daily ECGs, forced tube-feeding and supplements to get my heartrate into the normal range. so no, i really don't advise this.
  • glamournanna
    moreover, restriction leads to bingeing. every time. over the past decade or so i have read more diet journals than i care to remember, and every single one regularly mentions that they've binged or overreaten.