A "Prodigal Son" MyfitnessPal Member

As the title suggests, I was part of this community until I reached my goal of 185lbs back in 2013. A lot has changed since then (including my weight, size, and overall health.)

I stopped living the way I should and went right back to my old habits and gained all my weight back and then some. My highest gain was roughly 245lbs! That's 60lbs!!! (Not cool!)

So I decided to get back on the band wagon and get rid of it again...and KEEP IT OFF!

On January 4th I weighed in at 239lbs and 20 days later I'm proud to announce I'm 228.8lbs!

My plan is as simple as they get: I eat one meal a day and fast the rest with water. That's it! Obviously if I get extremely hungry (which could cause headaches,) I'll have a tiny amount of food like nuts or dried fruit to help with the hunger. So far this hasn't happened all that much.

To keep me motivated, I am having a contest with my mother to see who loses the most weight in a month. The person that loses the most wins $10. I'm not very competitive, by nature, but I don't like to lose money! LOL!

Well thanks for reading, and good luck to all of you on your healthy lifestyle adventures!


  • MaltedTea
    MaltedTea Posts: 6,286 Member
    Welcome back and may your wallet get fat monthly with all the $10 bills you'll be collecting 😝
  • richardharpe
    richardharpe Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks! I hope so. :smiley:
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    I hope you’re giving your mom a percentage of weight, not just overall pounds! 😛
  • richardharpe
    richardharpe Posts: 6 Member
    Umm, well, the wager was just lbs lost. Never thought to do percentage. :confused:
  • alexmose2
    alexmose2 Posts: 208 Member
    Unrelated, but yes that is the best show and I googled and saw it has a season 2!!!

    Welcome back, Chief. Perhaps you will find that competing with family members is more competitive than you think ;)
  • richardharpe
    richardharpe Posts: 6 Member
    We're getting closer to the end of the month, we shall see who has prevailed!