This weekend aged me

nossmf Posts: 9,081 Member
I generally do what it takes to feel younger than my age... eating right, exercising, getting enough sleep, not smoking, etc. But every now and then something comes along which makes me feel every one of my 43 years. This weekend was one of them.

First thing Saturday I administered a fitness test for a Boy Scout merit badge, watching this young buck fly around the track like I used to do decades ago, and I had to admit that I rarely run anymore because of my knees. Fine, I still lift and hike, I'm ok.

Later that same day I helped my oldest son move out of my basement into his own apartment, starting his life adventure living on his own. Look at the bright side, I get my basement man cave back.

Now today we are celebrating my youngest daughter turning 13, officially a teenager (though she has been acting like one for a couple years now).

One child left the one will follow in just over a year from now...fourth child now a teenager and wanting to experience life to its fullest...realizing I'd rather get a full night's sleep than a night drinking and celebrating...

I ain't ready for my grave yet, but I don't need another weekend like this for a long time!


  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    Awwww Nothing shoves the passage of time in our face more than our children. :(
    Forty-three isn't anything. Wait'll you hit my age. Uh ummm........ 44. Yeh that's it, 44. :/
    I've got 3 kids, 39, 30 and 28. Time flew faster than the speed of light. Funny how my parents always told me to enjoy the present because it goes by too fast but I wasn't listening. Because.....parents right?

    Just be proud of the job you're doing with those kids(yours and other people's!), the role model you're being and all that you're accomplishing.
    Now rest up, next weekend'll be here before you know it. :) And happy birthday to the newly 13 yo!!
  • chuckle_bunny
    chuckle_bunny Posts: 496 Member
    That Green Bay secondary aged me this weekend, and I'm not even a fan of the team.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    Be grateful you can still make it up and dinn those basement stairs to the reclaimed mancave . . . at least for a few more years :-)
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,492 Member
    That Green Bay secondary aged me this weekend, and I'm not even a fan of the team.
