hello needs some help

Hello, everyone I'm 36 yrs old have been over weight almost all of my life... I join a gym and been watching what I been eating have lost almost 20#. But I need some help on what to eat in the morning, don't have time to cook, so been hitting McDonalds (very Bad). Want to know if any one can help me. also Love to be friends with anyone who needs help and needs to talk.


  • beki18
    Breakfast is so important, if you dont have to cook breakfast buy a low fat cereal, set it out before you go to bed, then just add milk in the morning and eat, if you are rushing out to work, put it in a container and take it with you, either eat it on your way or when you get to work by adding milk then. If you have to have Mcdonalds choose some fruit toast NO butter add jam, or one of the yoghurt options but this still should not be everyday. good luck:smile:
  • MrsH06
    MrsH06 Posts: 159
    I like smoothies in the morning if I am running late. I use 1c skim milk, 1 scoop of strawberry protein powder, ice, yogurt, and some banana. Also, protein bars are good for on the go.

    The Yoplait smoothies are good too :)
  • daringgreatly21
    Yeah I would have to agree Micky dees not best choice! I usually have Isogenix shakes which are very filling and 240 calories per serving. But to mix it up because this can be repetitive and expensive, I will have one hard boiled egg, a piece of wheat toast and a peach, or 1 tbs of peanut butter with 1/2 tbs jelly on wheat toast. I would recommend eating about 300 calories for breakfast, that way you don't over eat, but you don't get hungry quickly! But if your on the run, try starbucks or dunkin donuts instead and get an egg white on flat bread and a coffee. These are both delicious and are about 320 calories.

    Keep it up and I hope this was helpful!!
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    I always toast and marmite - the salt in marmite helps keeps the acid in the legs down (I cycle a lot) and keeps me going to a mid morning snack
  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 765 Member
    Hiya, well done on your efforts here - you're doing great! If I'm going to end up starving I eat porridge, it keeps me full for ages. You can buy some tubs now where you just add hot water, I've got one for work next week so I can eat breakfast after my weigh in ;-) Feel free to add if you'd like some extra support!
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    Gotta disagree with you ... if you have time to drive through McDonald's, you have time to make a breakfast. My typical breakfast is 1/2 cup dry oatmeal, 3/4 FF milk, and some kind of fruit in it (apple, peach, blueberries, etc.) It takes less than 2 minutes to make. 2 minutes. It averages 285 calories.

    Not to be snarky, but you're only kidding yourself when you say you don't have time to make breakfast at home.
  • spennato
    spennato Posts: 360 Member
    I usually eat Emerald breakfast on the go Nuts and Berries and a banana. That usually holds me over till about 11 am. :smile:
  • klkopa
    klkopa Posts: 35 Member
    -boil up some eggs in advance and go ahead and peel and remove yolks put in individual bags grab and go. add a piece of fruit.
    -whole wheat mini bagel with low fat cream cheese is quick, pop in the toaster spread and go.
    -some mornings i do shakeology, mixes quick and drink in the car on my commute.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    I keep a box of shredded wheat frosted mini bites at work and munch on a handful or two in the morning - no milk. I count them out to make sure I never go over a serving. You could probably throw a serving in a baggie and take it with you. I know, doesn't necessarily sound appetizing. But, the frosting on the wheat actually makes it feel like candy - a little decadent for the am.

    If you have any time on the weekends, I've got a recipe in the MFP database called something like simple granola bars. You just throw a bunch of ingredients in a bowl, mix in the liquid, and bake. You could have one of these for breakfast, and keep another with you for a snack in the am. My 16 year old daughter loves them. We're going to experiment because the recipe calls for mini chocolate chips, and she'd like to substitute with dried apples or cherries.
  • ambekat
    Mcdonalds egg mcmuffins (the one with ham egg and cheese) are ok, and also if ya want to eat lighter than that you might go with a smoothie or a fruit and yogurt parfait. Otherwise, 2 poached eggs on one dry toast, or oatmeal, with a fruit, and a glass of skim milk, or low sugar high fiber cereal with skim milk is all fine too. if you are in a real hurry, you could also go for a yogurt and a granola bar. I hope this helps.
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    sounds like getting organized before bed may be the name of the game for you.... Apple or banana with some nuts in a zip lock....grab coffee and go!!

    Yeah Mc D's just not an option for healthy folks.......its a lifetime of learning and you can do this!

    Self respect and integrity will become all yours!
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    I have protein bars stashed all over the place.
  • TrishaRN_74
    TrishaRN_74 Posts: 102 Member
    My five minute breakfast this morning:
    2 fried egg whites (with cooking spray, not butter)
    1 slice honey ham
    1 slice provolone cheese
    1 slice honey wheat toast with I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Spray

    very fast, filling, and grand total of 204 calories!
  • Tiggermummy
    Tiggermummy Posts: 312 Member
    I have used McDonalds for breakfast on occasions - certainly here in the UK their porridge is not too bad if you dont add syrup or jam to it.

    its 195 calories with nothing added - I have this and add a fruit bag and a bottle of water which = 237 calories

    It has got easier in uk mcdonalds as they have signed up to display all the calorie counts for all menu options.

    I have also made my own porridge - microwave it whilst I am getting dressed - then put it into a thermos pot to take with me.

    its not always the best option but its better than grabbing crossiants or such like.
  • sneezles
    sneezles Posts: 165 Member
    -boil up some eggs in advance and go ahead and peel and remove yolks put in individual bags grab and go. add a piece of fruit.
    -whole wheat mini bagel with low fat cream cheese is quick, pop in the toaster spread and go.
    -some mornings i do shakeology, mixes quick and drink in the car on my commute.

    No need to ditch the yolks, they provide good essential nutrients. Hard cooked eggs are great for on the go though.

    You can also make a pot of oatmeal/porridge on the weekend and divide it up for individual servings. When reheating I like to put in a couple of egg white for protein (the only time I ditch the yolks ;-) ).
  • laura2501
    laura2501 Posts: 107 Member
    im a porridge person myself keeps me going until lunch i have it in the bowl ready the night before add the milk and eat it while the kids are brushing there teeth
  • MaudeBeige
    Weetabix and skimmed milk is my regular! I use a measuring cup for the milk but the weetabix come in pre-measured 'bars'!!!
  • cfred40
    cfred40 Posts: 151 Member
    You say you don't have time: Reminds me of


    Seriously though

    It helps to plan ahead. Take one day a week and prep for the rest of the week. As mentioned, boil some eggs. Make your own "healthy version" of some breakfast wraps or sandwiches and freeze them. I do a low cal/low carb egg/cheese/turkey sausage wrap and just nuke it while i'm getting ready. And honestly it probably takes less time to scramble an egg than sitting in the drive thru waiting your turn.

    Also, think outside of the box. It doesn't have to be traditional breakfast foods either. Takes about two minutes for me to throw together a low carb tuna/spinach/carrot wrap, and out the door I go with it.

    As the old saying goes failure to plan is planning for failure.

    Best wishes on obtaining your goals.
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    if you're pressed for time, why can't you just have a banana? that's way quicker than the drive through.

    the name of this particular game is to be organised. i do a small shop before i go to work, so i always have stuff there. i keep fruit, cornflakes, youhurts, potatoes and baked beans at work. then i always have something on hand that's healthy, nutritious and will at least fill a gap and stop me binging on crap.

    you sound like you just need to be more organised.
  • vibral
    I'm horrible about breakfast too. I just skip it most days or drink coffee and go. I know I should eat, but the thought of cooking something...sigh. Anyhow, I've been told to try protein shakes. I might give that a shot this week. I don't know why breakfast is such a struggle for a lot of us! We're in such a hurry in the mornings!